Working House Gadgets

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Today is very cold. I think it is the coldest time since this winter begins. (It’s now 13 degrees centigrade outside, by the Forecastfox. o_O|||) When I went out for dinner, I felt my fingers numb with cold while riding my motorcycle. At that time, I decided to buy a pair of gloves at Working House.

The price tag shows $250, a little expensive for me. But when I went to the counter to pay, I saw a notice says, “If you buy more than $500, you can get a lifelong VIP card.” It attracted me a lot, and then I tried to find more things to reach a total of $500.

After searching for about 45 minutes, (I’m so hesitant in buying things… ^^a), I bought a pair of bookshelves, two memo pickers, a fork, a cards collector, and the original thing I need, a pair of gloves. And the VIP card. But it seems not the card I thought. Hmm… There is a feeling of being cheated… >_<



大概挑了45分鐘左右吧!(我買東西實在很龜毛… ^^a),結果我買了手套,兩個夾便條的,一支叉子,卡片夾,還有原本要買的手套。結果我也拿到VIP會員卡了,不過跟我原先想的好像不太一樣?!嗯… 怎麼有種被騙的感覺… >_<



其實今天剛好是縣市長三合一選舉,雖然上個禮拜已經回家過了,不過還是有在考慮是不是要再回去一趟,順便投個票,不過後來昀毅說他也會去出遊,所以我還是決定去了。可惜葆如最近處於瘋狂 apply 和值班,就沒辦法跟大家一起出遊了。 Keep Reading

實驗外科 – 小豬營養補充 & 傷口清創縫合

前幾天看到同學們紛紛在討論自己組上的小豬傷口繃開, 讓我也為自己的小豬擔心了一下, 不過礙於時間的緣故, 沒有辦法來檢查, 不過只記得每天來打抗生素和餵食的時候倒是沒有明顯發現傷口的問題, 這裡倒是扯到另一個令我們擔心的問題, 自從禮拜二開完脾臟後, 小豬就開始不吃飼料, 只喝水, 第一天還喝到猛吐胃酸, 第二天, 到今天是第三天似乎都是這樣, 瘦到只剩下皮包骨, 不過詭異的是它倒還蠻有活力的, 尤其很喜歡把裝水或是裝飼料的盒子打翻, 不知道在爽什麼?! Keep Reading

實驗外科 – 小豬脾臟切除

跟上次一樣, 早上八點大家都準時到了實驗外科集合, 由於這次是主刀, 所以也就不急著刷手換衣服, 先看看老潘那裡東西領的怎樣, 再去看看豬抓的如何, 這時董欣當然是努力的在準備著麻醉用的儀器, 不過豬似乎沒有想像中的好抓, 到動物室時, 色仔, 周樹榮和手裡拿著彎掉的針頭的玟秀三個人正目不轉睛的盯著小豬看, 只要一接近小豬他就會開始掙扎, 不過我還是決定像老師一樣, 把牠的後腳抓起來, 然後猛力的一插, 把 ketamine 打進去, 不過今天小豬跟上個禮拜真是判若兩人啊! 被抓住了還能這麼猛力掙扎, 幾乎沒有下針的空閒, 不過幸好在我雙手正快無力時, 也把針打完了, 而我去洗手的時候也順便把手給刷了. Keep Reading

My MP3 Player Is Broken?

I got this as a gift from Taipei City Hall. It’s fine and has many wonderful functions, such as mp3 playing, radio, recording, etc. I also used it to record my podcasts. But I found that it seems broken when I tried to listen to some music just now. After some tries, I found if I turned on the EQ mode, the music will become noise. It’s so strange. It worked well when I listened to it this morning. I don’t know why. Maybe I should do nothing to it and it’ll get fine several days later. That sometimes will happen to some electronic products.


Podcast – Bach: Six Suites For Cello, Suite I – Prelude

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Yesterday, I had the neurology exam. In the evening, I went to the Underground Clubs Offices and crazily practiced the Erhu and the cello for about 3 hours. I also recorded my play of Bach‘s Cello Suite I -Prelude, the first song in the suite and the most popular. Because my performance doesn’t reach the level, it took me a lot of time to have a acceptable version. When I was recording, I found I was so easy to be interfered by the surroundings, the noise of motorcycles, the others playing their instruments, etc. And I easily lost my patience. I also found many places I performed badly every time, but I couldn’t do anything to change it. Maybe I have to practice more before I record a unhandleable song in the future.

昨天剛考完神經,晚上我就跑到地下社辦去瘋狂練二胡和大提琴三小時,我也趁機錄了巴哈大提琴無伴奏第一號的前奏曲,這是整個組曲的第一首,也是最有名的一首。不過因為自己的技巧還不到家,花了好久的時間才錄了幾段比較能聽的。 不過我發現我錄音的時候很容易受到外界的干擾,例如一堆機車的噪音還有其他人在練樂器的聲音,沒兩下我就沒什麼耐心了。 而且有幾段我一直拉不好,不過那也是沒辦法的事,我的程度就只能做到這樣了。或許以後我再錄音之前應該要再練久一點吧!


Bach: Six Suites For Cello, Suite I – Prelude


考試的當天感冒了, 到今天正好是症狀最嚴重的時候, 不過還是得起床整理東西, 準備下午把圓夢的機器搬到系辦去. 把機器關了, 機殼打開, 果然如我預料完全都是灰塵, 不過這次我可不敢把所有東西都拆下來刷, 第一個是怕太費功夫, 不過最重要的是我怕又像上次一樣, 把 CPU 都給弄爛了, 我可不想在這關鍵時刻又把機器搞爛啊! 原本預定下午弄完就要回家的呢! Keep Reading

實驗外科 – 小豬盲腸切除手術

今天雖然不是第一次穿上無菌衣, 但卻是第一次上 table, 儘管我只是個刷手護士.

早上八點左右, 幾乎所有人都到了實驗外科的教室, 理論上我應該要趕緊刷手好幫別人穿無菌衣, 不過全部亂成一團, 我得先去領東西, 不過領東西的時候, 我們的主刀和助手們早就刷好手在一旁等了, (所以說下次主刀跟助手應該不用搶著去刷手的.) 我只好趕緊弄一弄. Keep Reading

A Crisis Or A Turning Point

Tonight, the problem of the anonymous boards disturbed my original plan. I have to deal properly with it before I can go to bed, although I’d like to write a diary about tonight’s concert originally. But the problem is really important for me, or even for Fancy.

It took me a lot of time to explain, to talk to the others, but I got an idea while I was taking a shower. It now seems a crisis for me, and therefore I have to spend a lot of time making definitely rules, looking for some supports in law, etc. But it could be a turning point for me, isn’t it? Maybe after I read something about the law, I’ll be interested in it. Maybe I’ll be an expert in law. Maybe I’ll get a degree of law. Haha… it’s good, isn’t it?! XD

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這場音樂會似乎從很早之前就開始計畫了, 不過其實因為自己最近很忙, 葆如也忙, 其實要去的時候還蠻心不甘情不願的. 大家約好在石牌捷運站一起過去, 加上自行前往的, 大概去了十個人左右吧!

近了國家音樂廳, 照慣例的還是先去買本節目單回來收藏, 不過這次的節目單居然要 $100, 好貴啊啊啊~~~ 不過看起來比較大本, 還算有質感吧! 只好把錢掏出來了. Keep Reading