A Patch For WordPress

After I posted last article, I found it’s not validated and the HTML Validator showed me where the error is. I traced the source code of WordPress, made a little modification, and then solved the problem. That’s not the point. The point is, I decided to report the bug to the development team. I went on the official web site, simply searched the forum and the tickets system to make sure that no one had reported this, registered an account (although it’s not necessary… XD), filled the ticket form, and then submitted it.

I don’t know if this patch will be received or not, and the problem is not critical, but for me, it’s worthy to write it down. I’ve used WordPress for such a long time, and this is the first time I do something for it. ^^a

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Kilo & I Look Alike


Last Chinese Valentine’s Day, I designed a cover based on the picture above and ordered two EasyCards for Kilo and me as the Valentine’s gifts. I also used the picture as my laptop’s background image since then. Today, when I was using my laptop, my mom walked behind me and saw that image. She said that Kilo and I look very alike. My brother was nearby and he agreed with her.

Haha… does it mean that we are so-called “husband-and-wife faces” ?

2006.02.11 UPDATE: The pictures below are my background and the card cover.

ChiValentine ChiValentine-Card

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Chinese New Year’s Eve

Spring Festival Couplets
Spring Festival Couplets; From: 飛翔的美夢: blog玩春聯..

Tonight is Chinese New Year‘s Eve, one of the most important holidays for Chinese. Families get reunion from where they work or study, enjoy the New Year Eve’s Feast (reunion dinner), and the elders will give the juniors red packet as a Spring Festival gift. Theoretically, everybody loves the happy ambiance.

But I don’t like this very much. Maybe it’s a waekness in my personality. I don’t like to get in touch with my relatives. I don’t know exactly what the reason is, but I do know the condition since I was a child. But it’s an important tradition, I still have to follow it. Maybe I need to change my mind a little, face this with a more positive attitude, and then I can accept this in a happier mood.

Hope everyone have a good chinese new year, get healthier than before, and every thing can be all right.


年初一 – 鐵馬行

今天是大年初一,似乎沒什麼新奇的,長大後對過年的感覺越來越淡了,一樣睡到九點多快十點才起床,一點也沒有新年新氣象的感覺。不過下午實在悶的很,已經在家裡呆了好幾天都沒踏出家門半步,心裡實在受不了,便決定下午也不看書了,去外頭騎騎腳踏車先。 Keep Reading

Respect For Other’s Opinion

I had a elementary school classmates meeting tonight. A girl (she doesn’t like her name to be shown on the internet.) seriously asked me about an article about the previous meeting that I posted on my blog, and wanted me to correct some wrong information about her and remove her name. I was scared by her unexpected action at that time.

But after going back home, I did what she asked at once. I have to respect for other’s opinion. Maybe some things are little for me but serious for them. Although her attitude was not very polite, I couldn’t get angry. It’s my fault of not asking her first, wasn’t it?


Free Calls With VoipStunt

Several weeks ago, I read an article introducing VoipStunt, which can make phone calls without charge, but just the regular landlines. It’s lucky that Taiwan is in their list. So I registered an ID and tried to phone home. That’s really free, and the connection quality was acceptable. So, since then, when I needed to call any regular landline, I always used it.

But there’s a little weakness. I can feel a little delay, about 0.5-1 second. If the call is short and not very important, this can be ignored. On the contrary, I’ll choose Skype as the first priority.

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我和 rspe (現在都不敢寫名字了,好恐怖啊!) 一到那,只見 Mr. 陳在那,似乎也沒看到其他人,我們正納悶是不是時間搞錯時,又來了幾位同學,後來 Mr.周到了之後,我們便先進去小兄弟坐著等。 Keep Reading

Tsi-Ai Stroke Information Web

Today, on my way home, I saw a large advertisement about the Tsi-Ai Stroke Information Web. The reason it attracted me was its url, stroke.tw, which is very concise. There may be a man of foresight in the information department or the management department that he knows to register the domain name before others. Maybe firstly, there’s few people knowing about that, but as the times progress, there’ll be more and more people finding information on the web. It also makes me to think why one person needs to always catch up with the latest technology, in not only medicine but computer.

BTW, the official web site’s url (http://tagh.org/) is very concise, too.

Hope Tsi-Ai Hospital will succeed in the field in the future.

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Portable Firefox

I’ve heard Portable Firefox for a while, but it’s not necessary for me to use it, because I have a laptop. But this time I went back home without my laptop (I purposely didn’t take it home, because I thought I should spend more time reading books rather than the internet, and there’s a computer at home for me to do some simple things.), I found that I was restricted without Firefox. I couldn’t get accustomed to the suck IE. So, I downloaded Portable Firefox and set it up with all the extensions I use on my desktop. It worked well except it always tried to download a strange file which I didn’t know what it’s for. And the forum seemed not to mention the problem. Anyway, although I don’t install it on my USB drive, it’s still very useful for me. ^_^

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Back To Taipei For Fancy

The day before yesterday, I tried to upgrade the OS on Fancy remotely, and ordered to reboot at 4:00 A.M.. I thought it’ll be ok because I’d done that several times before. But when Kilo told me that she couldn’t connect to Fancy, I found what I scared most happened.

I wondered what the problem was and asked Cyanine to check for me on the next day. The problem was still existed even after trying to solve the problem on the phone, Cyanine told me the messages on the console and I ordered him to execute some commands. After all, I decided to go back to the school as quickly as I could, so I took the bus this afternoon.

When I arrived at the office, the power of the machine was on. I don’t know why. I remembered that I asked Cyanine to turn it off on the phone. Anyway, I tried some commands to check the internet connection. Mysteriously, the connection was well. Why would I need to come back for it?! What’s the problem? I even didn’t do anything, and why it’s broken in the morning?

But if I didn’t want to upgrade it remotely, there would be no problem at all. One way or another, I still have things to do here, and maybe I can get my laptop back from Kilo and take it home this time.

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