Forgot My Pants

Oh… I came back to my dormitory forgetting to bring my pants yesterday. I told my mom that I should have forgotten something while we were hurrying to the bus station. And it really happened! >_<


熱爆了的 MRI

隔了一年多,又回去當受試者賺微薄的零用錢了。過年期間接到了郭老師的電話,問我要不要回來做 MRI,看了看時間不衝突,就答應下來了,不過為了這個,我還是得提早兩天上來台北。 Keep Reading

Untold Scandal (스캔들)

The Scandal Poster 1 The Scandal Poster 2

I saw the movie (the official site is here.) this morning. One sentence to describe it is, a PORNOGRAPHY FILM. But it doesn’t mean that it’s nonsense. There still are many things about love for us to think. I was just stunned by the Korean’s open culture. Keep Reading

Harry Potter 4: Novel vs. Movie

I eventually had read through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (ISBN: 0747550999) a few days ago, (Hu… it took me about half of the winter vacation…), and on the same day, I also saw the movie. I remembered the story so clearly when I was seeing the movie. Although it may be a bit boring if I saw the movie just after reading through the novel, I can obviously find the deficiency in the movie. Keep Reading

Going Mad With Voip Phone

Since I found VoipStunt, which can make free regular landline calls, I always used it. But just now, I was going mad with it. I called the Payroll Section of NCKU for checking the record of my brother‘s tuition. Firstly, I cautiously used Skype to avoid the delay problem, but it always told me it couldn’t switch to the extension. After several tries, I gave it up and used the VoipStunt. That’s when nightmare began.

It switched to the extension correctly, but the other side seemed unable to hear my voice. I tried to shout more loudly, and then she found the delay problem and was very confused. Finally, we finished the conversation with impatience.

How can these voip softwares suck like that!? Skype can’t make a switch, and VoipStunt has delays. Hu… they almostly spoilt my good mood even when today just began. =.=凸

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What a wonderful service it supplies!

This morning, I read the China Times and found out a book Taiwan, During Japan Colonization (日本統治下的台灣; ISBN: 9867375548). I’m interested in it and decided to buy one in the upcoming book exhibition. In fact, going to visit the exhibition to buy one will take me more time and more money, so I search it online first. What amazed me was that there’s a large gap of the price between each bookstores. The price gap between the cheapest and the most expensive is 60 NTD. Wow!!

If I buy one online, I may spend the transportation charges. So, I went on the web site of the cheapest for details. I found I have not to pay the transportation charges if I choose a convenience-store transportation. How wonderful it is. So I bought one at once.

Another book I’d like to buy is Brokeback Mountain (ISBD: 1857029402), but there’s no stock of the older version, which is cheaper than the latest one. So I gave up. Maybe I’ll accidentally find one in one of the Eslite Bookstore someday.

Haha … It’s so happy to buy something cheaper. :p

年初五 – 橫越南橫

不知道是不是昨天晚上喝了那杯點子奶茶還是有點擔心隔天要開南橫的緣故,居然從十二點半一直躺到兩點半還睡不著,後來朦朦朧朧睡著時應該已經超過三點了吧!不過隔天早上五點半要起床時,雖然有點痛苦不過還是不敢賴床。 Keep Reading

年初四 – 卑南文化公園水舞


下午陸陸續續有一些親戚鄰居跑來向外婆拜年,大部分我應該都是小時候見過,可是長大後就沒再見到,所以幾乎都沒什麼印象,不過一個叔公的孫女過來時,倒是讓我驚艷了一下。她比我小三歲,只有小時候有見過,有沒有一起玩耍已經沒什麼印象了,不過現在長得亭亭玉立,果然女大十八變,嘖嘖… Keep Reading

年初三 – 意外台東行

早上六點多,小舅舅一家人還有外婆就到家裡了,不過每天都睡到日上三竿的我哪有可能這麼早就起床,而且今天還變本加厲睡到了十一點多才下樓跟他們打招呼,實在是糟糕啊!用完午餐後,小舅舅一行人也準備上路到高雄去找阿姨,而我和媽媽也計畫下午送弟弟回去成大,他從不知道初幾就一直在喊著要回宿舍去了,不過這時我忽然異想天開的問說,要不要去台東,結果媽媽和弟弟都同意了,我們就這樣子踏上前往台東的路程。 Keep Reading