
剛開學其實心裡還蠻緊張的,雖然上課的方式跟上學期差不多,也是帶了個電腦去鬼混,也是在同樣的那些教室,同學們更沒有什麼大改變,可是為什麼還是緊張呢?因為這學期擔任了學藝股長,上大學來第一次擔任的班級幹部。感覺學藝上課時,似乎皮就要繃緊一些,要是老師上課時出了什麼狀況,要趕緊上去看看發生了什麼事,就是因為這樣,所以比平時緊張吧! Keep Reading

Offense Against Tai-suei (犯太歲)



This year is Chinese ‘Dog’ Year. I’m of dog, which means I was born 24 years ago. (There are 12 years in a cycle.) We have a custom that who was born in the year which he’s belong to is called he violates Tai-suei, and he or his parent has to go to the temple and prey for safety and health.

My mom did it for me and brought something back to me. That’s a card of preying safety. I hadn’t seen this before and was amazed by the modernization of the temple. In the past, the temple offered people a small bag containing some ash which will bless you. So, with this card, I don’t want to complain or criticize them, but I can see the evolution a religion has.

P.S. Here is the official site of the temple.

My New Mountain-climbing Equipments

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I saw many mountain-climbers boiling some soups or drinks when they successfully climbed onto the mountaintop. I was very envy of them, especially at that time I had only a bottle of water and a pack of cookie. So, last evening, I bought a small stove, a jar of gas, and a wind-preventing plate. Haha… I can boil a cup of drink next time I go up to the mountaintop and let others be envy of me. :p

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Those Who Respect Others Will Be Respected

Modified From: Dinastoria@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc

Yesterday, I read a post on PostShow. It’s about a picture of a man standing in front of the sign of R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy in Vatican with fucking gesture. I felt angry to see that, but today, PostShow changed the content of the article and criticized the man for showing no respects to others. The comments of the article almost all criticized the man. I think this must be the reason that PostShow changed their attitude. But I traced back to the man’s blog and found the comments there almost all supported his behavior. It’s a strange thing, isn’t it?

Sometimes we express our emotions by extremely violent ways and forget that others must be respected. As an ancient Chinese proverb says, ‘Those who respect others will be respected.’ (敬人者,人恆敬之) After this event, I think I have to think more before I do.


國樂營第五天 – 報應

早上先去吃了份悠閒的早餐,再到捷運站和林峰正會合。我們才剛出新埔站沒多久,就看到遠方開來一輛掛著金光明寺的接駁車,沒想到我們才一上車,後面來了兩個中年婦女,一直說他們有多趕,還有多少人要搭,還說我們表演又不趕之類的,我覺得我們好像有插隊的嫌疑,不過看林峰正不理他我也只好坐著不動。 Keep Reading

國樂營第四天 – 週期

昨天師父邀請我們早上一起去參加他們的早課,我心想既然沒去過便決定參加看看,原本昀毅也打算過去的,不過可能前一晚太晚睡了,起不來,而我,莫名奇妙的在早上六點就聽到寺方敲木板的聲音而醒過來了,可能這就是所謂的緣分吧!原本要自己一個人過去還有點怕怕的,幸好朱也打算過去,便兩個人一同來到大雄寶殿門口。 Keep Reading

國樂營第三天 – 嬉遊

早上怕又會遲到,特地早起了幾分鐘,不過廁所被魏子鈞用去了,我只好跑到另一頭的公廁去,沒想到還遇到一堆人,看來大家早上起來都有沒廁所用的問題啊! Keep Reading

國樂營第二天 – 歷史


從第二天開始我就加緊練習巴哈無伴奏,一整年下來都沒什麼進度實在很糟,希望自己可以督促自己完成一首曲子,最後一天的成果展可以表演。 Keep Reading

國樂營第一天 – 悠閒

原本想要到山下悠閒的吃完早餐後再過去集合,不過早餐營隊有準備了,那當然是多睡個半小時啦!到扇型廣場時,樂器都已經搬得差不多了,學弟妹們還真有效率。 Keep Reading