放射科也還算是一個蠻涼的科,有時早上八點半 meeting 完,還可以回宿舍休息片刻再過來,大部分也都可以在員工餐廳的人潮前,吃完午飯,下午通常是兩點鐘開始,會由不同的老師來上課,其中比較特別的是凌老師有系統的 brain CT,刁老師每人發一個 case 看完後報告,最後一個是邱老師(?)很嚴肅的PTCD,各有好壞啦!有系統的教學可以學到東西,被電過的印象也很深刻,總之片子要自己多看才行。
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
I finally got my leg's x-ray taken 4 years ago. At that time, my leg hurt after a soccer game, and I went to the Ortho OPD of VGHTPE and took these films. The left one is lateral view, while the other is PA view.
I couldn't find my medical file number even though I had the right to login the system of VGHTPE. But this week, when the technician introduced PACS to us, I got a chance and found it.
Yesterday, when I was finding a case for my case report homework, I searched with my medical file number and found these two films. It was a strange feeling when I saw them. I wasn't the guy of 4 years ago. I knew much more medical knowledge than that time. The x-ray films were not so unfamiliar for me. And at that time, I was reading my films. Strange, isn't it?
This week I was in Department of Pathology. We had to do venipuncture and blood sampling on real patients. This is my first time to do this.
I was a little nervous when I stood behind the technician watching, but I felt relaxed after a successful puncture. "It's not as hard as I thought." I murmured. But luckiness was not always with me. I failed on the 4th patient. Thanks to the technician. She took over the needle and didn't make the patient angry about my fault. I didn't feel much depressed. I knew before I become skilled, I must experience a lot of failure.
On Tuesday, I totally punctured about 15 to 20 patients. Tomorrow I will have another chance. Hope I could do better. This is a good news for both the patient and I. :p
Today we had a class about venipuncture and drawing blood. Sowhat was my partner, and we practiced on each other. Because we had practiced drawing on brachial vein in our third year, we decided to start on the vein of the back of the hand.
I tried first. I put on the gloves, tied the rubber tube, and sterilized the skin with the alcohol pad. All went well. But when I pushed the IV catheter into the skin, I couldn't find blood back through the catheter. I tried to change the direction of the needle, but it didn't work. Totally I tried two times and both were failed. I was so depressed. This technique is not as easy as I think. Sowhat tried two times on me and he failed either.
The next time, maybe I have to practice on the real patient. How can I not be nervous ?!
From now on, I formally become a clerk in VGHTPE. I have the staff card and the restaurant card, which means I can go to the staff restaurant for lunch and have 10% off in the Eslite Square.
In these days, in the classroom, I always fell asleep. Maybe it's because I had not got accustomed to the 8-hour-per-day classes. They made me so tired that yesterday I went to bed on 8 p.m. and got up on 6 a.m. this morning. I cannot image the future days. Will I get tired like a dog and lose my temper just like what I thought Kilo was two years ago?
Sigh… Some things need to be experienced before being realized.
07/09 UPDATE: I finally took the picture of my BB call. It is a little out-of-date to use a BB call in the hospital, because PHS may be a more convenient way to communicate. Well, according to this reason, it is worthier of taking a record of it, isn't it?
It haven't been so long since we had the last lecture. Tomorrow, we'll have the last day of university life. Although we haven't started the clerk and intern training, haven't get our diplomas, tomorrow still is a significant day, a milestone for us and our medical education.
On the last day, the Robe-hooding Team will hold a activity of bizarre dress. I can not decide what to wear or bring to the classroom, but I don't want to miss it. Hmm… It seems I don't have enough creativity.
In tomorrow night, we will have a night-touring of the campus. Maybe I can bring some beers and enjoy the stroll with my dear classmates.
Wow… The last day, what a special, worth remembering day.
Today, we had the final exam of ob/gyn. It was very difficult. Many questions were out of the range. After that, many of my classmates complained about the bad teaching and the unreasonable range of the exam. It seems that they hate the Ob/gyn department very much. Maybe some blamed me for not getting the correct info of the exam. Dunno.
But I heard some people don't show their understanding to the CR, saying he must take the most responsibility because he didn't give us the key points before the exam. I think maybe we are spoiled by the previous exams. If the CRs are nice and willing to spend their time in reading through our co-notes and marking the key points on them, we should thank them very much. But if they didn't do that, how can we blame them for not doing which is not their duties?
But all will go by. What we have to do is to prepare the next exam more hardly.