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Medical Education

The Last Co-note In The Student Period

I just finished my last co-note in my student period. In order to advance this day, I recommended myself for one of the Academic Affair Chiefs of the next semester. (Academic Affair Chiefs don’t have to edit the co-notes, in principle. :p)

But I nearly got carzy with the last one. In fact, I didn’t like the teacher and his teaching style. He spoke in a low pitch which couldn’t attract us, and he spent a lot of time in explaining some very very basic concepts. I thought he assumed we know nothing. The most important is that he didn’t care the students’ feelings. One of my classmates went to the platform and asked him a question in the break time, but he said that Chinese students are too shy to ask questions in class and this is a bad habit, and then asked my classmate to ask the question when the next class started. I don’t think it’s a good behavior a teacher shoud have. A compromise may be: he could answer the question at the moment and when the next class started, he could tell the class about the question and the answer. Because of this event, I submitted the evaluation form with the worst judgements.

Huuu… Although I don’t like the teacher and what he taught, I still finished my part of the co-note. When everybody reads that, hope they won’t be angry of the unorganized contents.

Rancy’s Robe-hooding Ceremony

Last Friday was Rancy’s Robe-hooding ceremony, which is an important ceremony for the 6th grade medical students who are going to leave the campus and enter the hospital. I had a diary in Chinese here, but I’m too lazy to translate it. :p

Hana asked me to send her Rancy’s photos after reading my diary. I tried to collect some from the MedDep’s and mine. Those taken by Bonehead haven’t been collected. Maybe after he sends me, I’ll add them to the album.

Originally I’d like to send Hana via email, but it seemed something wrong with the email system. So I chose the BubbleShare service to share these photos. (BTW, try to embed the album into my blog. :p)


可能是下午睡太多, 再加上晚餐喝了一杯咖啡, 現在一點睡意也沒, 就來打個日記好了.

下午睡醒了之後, 也差不多是要去參加加袍典禮的時間了, 走到上面的全家買個麵包, 便直接走下去活動中心, 坐在一旁把麵包解決, 慢慢的找到崩黑和藍彣烜,最後等大一學弟先到他另外一個家族去回來後, 我們才進入會場, 因為之前的公告是如果要參加抽獎, 要先全員到櫃檯報到, 我們也去報到了, 抱著一點點小希望可以吃到一頓大餐… ^^a Keep Reading

Intern Training in Kaohsiung VGH

Tonight, we had a instruction meeting about the difference of intern training between three veteran general hospitals. When I was younger, I preferred VGHTPE than the others, but after seeing Kilo‘s intern training in VGHTPE this year, I may changed my mind.

VGHTPE is a good teaching hospital, having good teachers and the environment is more familiar for us. But the biggest problem is, you may be abused, doing something trifling, and then you’ll have no time to attend any teaching course.

After the meeting, I like VGHKS most. I don’t dislike VGHTC, but I think it’s too near to my home. :p And compare Taichung with Kaohsiung, Taichung is more familiar for me and I like to experience a more different life, especially after living in Taipei for more than 5 years.

But the chief consideration for me is where Kilo will work. She won’t apply any hospital in Kaohsiung. The farthest place from Taipei she can accept is Changhua, the Changhua Christian Hospital. If I choose VGHKS. It almostly can be said that we’ll be separated for more than one year. I don’t know what will happen if I do so.

There are still several months that I can think about this. I don’t know which is my final decision. (Maybe I’ll be unlucky that I have no choice!!!) But as time goes by, the problem will be bigger and bigger in my mind.

The Piggy Died

I felt tired and slept all the evening. At about 12:00 pm, horawan called me and told me about the bad news, “Our piggy had died.” I didn’t realize what’s happened immediately. Maybe because I was not fully awake at that time. But suddenly, I was startled from sleep, and put on my clothes, setting off to the laboratory.

As I arrived, horawan, wing, and hearter was there. Horawan and wing moved the piggy to another cage when they’d like to inject the antibiotics earlier. I saw there were 2 pigs lied on it. Its eyes opened half and there was no respiration. It took us a lot of work to move the other 2 pigs away from it, and then we picked it up and put in a big plastic bag. Finally, we signed the date and the team number, and then put it in the icehouse.

While doing this, the 1812 Overture sounded in my mind. The piggy was too weak after the second operation. Its weight fell down from 15kg to 11kg, and during this days, it nearly didn’t eat any feed, and just drank a little water. Three days before, we were afraid of its weakness and injected about 700ml glucose water into it. Maybe the procedure precipitated its death?

I felt sad. Maybe because I’m the main operator of the second operation, and in these days, I took care of it with my heart. Hope it’ll rest in peace in the heaven.

The Advantage Of Marginalization

Today, I heard that PCMan complained about his unluckiness that he had no chance to be the main operator in the experimental surgery course. He said his partners all are very zealous in being the main operator, and finally they decided by drawing lots. That’s why he said he’s unlucky.

In my group, we have no such problem. The others declined politely with each other. It took us much time to decide everyone’s job. Because I don’t exclude the possibility to be a surgeon, I voluntarily want to do the spleenectomy operation. The rest two times, I’ll be the scrubbing nurse and the assistant. That means I’ll need to scrub through all the experimental surgery courses. I’m LUCKIER than PCMan, ain’t I?

Every time we need to separate into groups, I feel embarrassed. There’s no one who actively invite me to his group. To some degree, I think I’m marginalized from the class. Or it can be said that I purposely make myself out from them. But because of them, I get the chance to practice in the experimental surgery. Does it mean that I profit from a misfortune?

My roommate did the cecectomy operation today. He told me he’s nearly exhausted after four-hour operation, standing there. Oh, I’m a little nervous. Will I faint in the operation because of my getting poorer and poorer physical strength? I HOPE NOT!

Medical Ethics Course Ended

Just now, we finished the last class of medical ethics, although we still have a big homework to do. In the class, we discussed the future of the course. Many of my classmates feedback their suggestions. One of them, PCMan, talked to the teacher after the class, and I happened to hear their discussion.

PCMan said that he thinks it is not necessary to have such a class called Medical Ethics. Our thinking processes had been fixed since we are young. It’s too late to change it. And, he argued that why only the medical sphere has to discuss the Ethics. Why don’t the others have to? At that time, I was surfing the internet with my laptop, but when I heard what he said, I said that I don’t agree with him.

Although the personality of a person is almostly fixed when he is in his third decade, he still has chances to change it. PCMan is too pessimistic that he thinks “if we can’t change it, we don’t need it.” I do really not think so. When I discussed with my classmates about medical ethical problems, especially in the PBL course, I had changed several of my viewpoints. I received many thoughts from different point of view. Why didn’t he? The members of his team were too stingy to share their thoughts? I don’t think so. Maybe he is too stubborn to receive others’ thoughts. He frequently thinks that he did things in the best way. That’s my experience in working with him. The second, although only the medical sphere is asked for the ethic, it’s really not fair, does that mean we have the rights to escape from the upcoming problems? We can ask the others for morals, but before it, we can ask ourselves first.

Maybe it seemed that I didn’t get as much as I previously thought from the ethics lectures, but the above is what I has learned after the last medical ethics class.





So Many Co-notes

I’d just read the co-note of neurology, neuro-ophthalmology part. It took me 2 days to finish, and I don’t think that I can thoroughly understand the content. I’m confused with all the neural pathways, and I’m so worried that in the future, the condition will get worse.

Unlike the courses in the 4th grade, now they are all 2-hour course, and it basically means that there are double contents in one co-note, and I have to spend almostly double time to digest. But compare with the 4th grade, I have less time to study after school, and there are more and more co-notes waiting for me. Eventually, I realize that the life of 5th grade will getting harder and harder from now on. T_T

My New Medical Tools

我的第一支聽診器 買聽診器送的贈品

I bought my first stethoscope this semester. In fact, many of my classmates bought theirs 1 year ago, because of the clerk course in VGHTPE in our fourth year of medical education. But I didn’t buy at that time, because I thought a stethoscope almostly won’t be used the whole year until we become a full-time clerk in the sixth year. Originally, I planned to buy it one more year later, but suddenly I found that it’ll be too late if I’d like to buy one with my school brother. Anyway, I bought it now, also did my roommate.

It is Littmann Classic II S.E. made by 3M. It cost me NTD $1,950 and there are a penlight and a hammer for bonus. Although I already had a penlight from propa while in Chi-Mei in July, this one looks more delicate. :)

Hope I can learn the skill of using all these tools to help patients.


  • 總天數: 14 (2005.08.03 ~ 2005.08.17, 其中 08/07 待在家裡不列入計算)
  • 總里程: 2458 km
  • 花費: (NTD)
    1. 食: 3043
    2. 衣: 900
    3. 住: 2450
    4. 行: 2198 (油 1518 機油 650 停車費 30)
    5. 育: 110
    6. 樂: 1134
    7. 總花費: 9835


為什麼這次要走這一趟, 其實有蠻多原因的, 不過主要是想要好好的把握時間玩樂一番吧! (誰叫有人要出國這麼多次… >_<)

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