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YM Med’s New Learning Progress System

On June 14, I received a email from the faculty office about their recently-bought system for student’s learning progress, and I tried it immediately. There was no amazing function, but I was a little bored that why the decision-making people always buy something not very useful (and sometimes fucking IE-only) for the students, and they always cost a lot!!

After I posted the news in my personal board, my classmate commented that the system shows our past personal grades and the order in the class. I connected to the system again and found my grade report. It seemed that I should not see that before the final exam. >_< It was a little bas news for me that my grades are not good as I think.

Yesterday, my roommate found his grades report and was a little sad about that. He said he studied as hard as he could in the past, but he didn’t get the appropriate repay. For me, he did well enough. There are too many talented people in our faculty, and they also study hard. Maybe we haven’t been acustomed to falling in grades, because we are always in the top population in the past. This is the normal environment in the faculty of medicine.

Because I were not him, I could not know what reason he is so sad for. Maybe there are differences between the goals we set for ourself. What I can do is to study harder and harder in the future. The most important is what I have really learned, not what grade I get.

A Sad News About Sky Yen

Sky Yen (嚴婉禎) is my younger sister of the 1st grade in my school family. She suicided via burning carbon in her aunt’s home in the evening of June 15. Here are the news: I, II. (I couldn’t find any English version.)

I accidentally heard this news in my way to buy my lunch. I was so shocked when I recognize the person in the news as her. I almost can’t believe that she actually went this way, leaving so many people caring for her. Although I’m not so familiar with her, when I heard the news, I couldn’t control myself feeling so sad.

My elder sister, Hana Pan, called me last night, she sounded not really well. The other members, such as Wen-Shuen Lan and Yu-Ru Chang, also felt sad and posted something in their personal BBS boards. Because recently we all are in the final exam period, I can’t find a more continuous time to record my feeling, and just post it here to express my little missing to her.

Hope she lives happily in the heaven, and all the people I care have courage to face problems.

2005.06.21 Updated: Her Dad wants to duplicate her DNA. Whether he will succeed or not, I think there won’t be another Sky Yen on the earth forever. A person is composed of body and spirit. Even the body can be copied, the spirit won’t. Hope her family go out of the sorrow as quickly as possible.

2005.05.23 盛鑫家聚

2005.11.10 UPDATE: The Photo was taken just about 2 weeks before she suicided. All the memory may be here forever.

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I fought with Kilo this morning over some trifling matters. She cared about my attitude to her, and I focused on her studying attitude about computers. We quarreled very much so that she didn’t want to answer my phone call for several times. I’d just like to talk to her and hope we shall go to a compromise, but I didn’t success until 1 P.M..

She asked me for not shouting at her from today, and she said that was the most important reason she got so angry. I think I should be more patient with anything not as I considered. If I continuously do myself and don’t think about what others feel, I’ll lose my lovely girlfriend and many friends. This event is almost because of my poor self-cultivation. She is right. I needn’t to be so angry with things not as my wishes.

Kilo, I’m so sorry for my crude manners. Please forgive me, and I love you.

PBL Courses Ended

On Monday, the last case of PBL ended, and it means that this semester is approximately going to the end. (The final exams are coming, too. :p) In addition, after I come into the 5th year of medical education, there are few chances for me to participate a PBL course.

At the first time I got into a learning style like this in the 2nd semester of my 3rd grade, I didn’t like it very much. I was so lazy to find the answer we discussed in class in comparison with my panelists. They were smart and studious and always found out many amazing information and papers. But after nearly half-semester accommondation, I gradually cought up them and enjoyed more. Keep Reading

Repairing Kilo’s Laptop

Last night, Bau-Ru complained about her broken laptop. She said that bother her so much that she couldn’t do anything and finish her presentation about neural examination. So, I took her laptop back to my place this afternoon when I am spare just after my broken nephrology exam.

I want to install the Super XP 7.1 instead of Windows Me originally installed, but I didn’t have a bootable CD-ROM and it took me so much to find one. Luckily, My senior high school classmate, Tz-Yi Yen, studying in Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, supported me his one.

Now it’s being installed and I can take use of the free time to blog something. ^^a After that, there are many softwares need to be installed. How many they are? They won’t exceed those in my own desktop system. :p

Find Out A Good Refrigerator

Yesterday I bought some pieces of pineapple and muskmelon at Pei Tou Night Market after my private teaching. After dinner yesterday, I ate some, and took the rest to the public refrigerator of First Boy Dorm.

Before I saw my roommate took his dinner from the refrigerator and microwave them longer before, I didn’t know that First Boy Dorm supplies a public kitchen where there are many cookers such as microwaver, refrigerator, and toaster.

So lucky I am that I found out the useful facilities supplied by First Boy Dorm. After I’d eaten the rest fruit just before, I found that they are so nice and delicious when they are cold. Also, thanks the management team of First Boy Dorm. They have to maintain the cleanness and prevent stealing.