Am I A Behcet Disease Patient?

My Mon and I talked about the reason of my uncle’s Severe Diseases Identification (重大傷病卡) last night. Because my uncle had been bothered about his recurrent oral ulcers for many years, I also have the same problem. Because my Mon didn’t know what’s the actual diagnosis my uncle got, she called him for that and got the information about the Behcet Disease.

It’s the same as I thought, because last month I just studied about Allergy, Inflammation, and Rheumatology. Even in the case of PBL, the virtual patient also has the problem: recurrent oral ulcer as the prominent manifestation. But in addition to that, recurrent genital ulcers and uveitis may be the main manifestations of Behcet Disease.

While the case was going on, many of my classmates asked me to check if I was a BD patient, but I didn’t think so that time, because I only have recurrent oral ulcer and there is no other problems in my eyes and genitalia. I also didn’t have a plan to visit doctors, because they always prescribed a corticoid ointment for these ulcers, and sometimes it is effective and sometimes not.

After knowing my uncle’s condition, I think I need to go to a AIR specialist to check if I fit the criteria of BD. Maybe it will save me many medical spending after I get a Severe Diseases Identification. XD

One Comments

  • Joanne


    Hi there,
    I’ve had Behcet’s for 25 years (I’m 49 now). If you want some good basic info on Behcet’s (including how it’s diagnosed, etc.) please go to my website:

    Getting a final BD diagnosis is very hard unless you’re seeing a rheumatologist or immunologist who is VERY experienced in treating Behcet’s patients. Don’t accept a yes OR a no answer unless the doctor you see has treated at LEAST 20 BD patients (and preferably more than that)!


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