A Sad News About Sky Yen

Sky Yen (嚴婉禎) is my younger sister of the 1st grade in my school family. She suicided via burning carbon in her aunt’s home in the evening of June 15. Here are the news: I, II. (I couldn’t find any English version.)

I accidentally heard this news in my way to buy my lunch. I was so shocked when I recognize the person in the news as her. I almost can’t believe that she actually went this way, leaving so many people caring for her. Although I’m not so familiar with her, when I heard the news, I couldn’t control myself feeling so sad.

My elder sister, Hana Pan, called me last night, she sounded not really well. The other members, such as Wen-Shuen Lan and Yu-Ru Chang, also felt sad and posted something in their personal BBS boards. Because recently we all are in the final exam period, I can’t find a more continuous time to record my feeling, and just post it here to express my little missing to her.

Hope she lives happily in the heaven, and all the people I care have courage to face problems.

2005.06.21 Updated: Her Dad wants to duplicate her DNA. Whether he will succeed or not, I think there won’t be another Sky Yen on the earth forever. A person is composed of body and spirit. Even the body can be copied, the spirit won’t. Hope her family go out of the sorrow as quickly as possible.

2005.05.23 盛鑫家聚

2005.11.10 UPDATE: The Photo was taken just about 2 weeks before she suicided. All the memory may be here forever.

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