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早上一起吃完早餐後便往台北車站出發,不過我們太早到了,捐血車要等到十一點才開始營業,我們只好先去其他地方逛逛,順便買買文具之類的,等時間差不多到了之後,回到捐血車旁,本來以為應該會有個人在外頭招呼,沒想到所有的告示,還有要填的資料全擺在外面自行取用,我們研究了好一會兒才把資料寫好拿上車。 Keep Reading

The Higher Level Tickets


Last time I got the tickets from Hi-Life and found the lower quality of the tickets. This time I decided to go farther to Fnac in Tian-Mu to get the tickets of other concerts. Do they look better? It is the original appearance they should be. Hmm… I do like this style much more. :)


Go to KTV With YMChmusic

Copyrighted by Yun-Yi Lin (cloudyday)

A few days ago, YMChmusic went to KTV after the first meeting of this semester. If I were the man one or two years ago, I wouldn’t go with them. Because I didn’t like to go out with a lot of people. But, maybe this is the last time I could go playing with them, I changed my mind.

Kilo didn’t want to lost the chance either, so I took her first and went to Holiday to join with the others. There were totally about 20 people in the room. (A little crowded. :p) And first of all, we ordered some famous (for them) songs that everybody could sing together and we wouldn’t waste the time. But it seemed that we ordered too much at first that the songs we really wanted to sing came out too late.

Although the songs they ordered were new for me, I still tried to catch the rhythm. (The popular songs are all alike and have a model. ^^a)

The most active people include cloudyday (until that time, I knew he had listened to so many songs.), lovepig (his voice is characteristic.), agnesM (until that time, I knew she likes singing and sings very well.), and rin1999 (she’s an expert in making the atmosphere cordial.) They sang almost every songs. XD

Because Kilo had to go home earlier, I took her home and came back a while later. Since then, the songs I ordered came out. Kentu and I sang some together, and cloudyday and I sang the others. We became very high and I felt very happy that I can sing with them.

This may indeed be the last time I go out with YMChmusic in my collage period, if I have my intern training in VGHTC. I should treasure every experience with them more and more.

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原本計畫好今天要去爬大屯山,前一天晚上還特地去找 saka 借地圖來規畫老半天的行程,沒想到忽然聽說有大雨特報,想一想還是不要冒險,最後便決定延期了,可是整個禮拜都窩在宿舍裡的我實在不甘寂寞,還是決定出去走走,最後在室友的建議下,決定挑戰我的藝術觀,到台北當代藝術館走走。 Keep Reading

New Leather Shoes



About two weeks ago, Kilo and I went to A.So Leather Shoes to buy new shoes for our Valentine’s gifts. Because I had a coupon, we could have about 50% off. Originally, I’d like to pick a pair of long boots for her, but we were a little late. All shoes for winter had been replaced with summer shoes. After all, she chose a pair of brown short boots, and I had a pair of not very formal walking shoes, which is brown, too. But there’s no stock, they promised me they’ll send it to me on Feb 20.

I checked the package list of our school’s mail room every day, and didn’t find my package. Theoretically I would receive it on Feb 21 or 22, the package delivering system in Taiwan should be very efficient. So I called them, and they told me because they found a little defect on the original shoes and had to get a new pair for me. On the day I called them, they were preparing to send them. I felt a little angry. Why didn’t they call me they had got some problems and had to delay the delivery on the day they promised me previously?

Yesterday I received them after all. They looked great and I felt very comfortable wearing them on. But, Kilo got a bottle of shoe polish and I didn’t. Does that mean the store had to pay the postage, so that they were unwilling to give me a bonus? Oh… they are too carfty… ~”~


剛開學其實心裡還蠻緊張的,雖然上課的方式跟上學期差不多,也是帶了個電腦去鬼混,也是在同樣的那些教室,同學們更沒有什麼大改變,可是為什麼還是緊張呢?因為這學期擔任了學藝股長,上大學來第一次擔任的班級幹部。感覺學藝上課時,似乎皮就要繃緊一些,要是老師上課時出了什麼狀況,要趕緊上去看看發生了什麼事,就是因為這樣,所以比平時緊張吧! Keep Reading

Public Hot Spring For First Time

Author: Holy@Flickr. CC-by-nc-nd

Last night, I went to a public hot spring for first time. A public hot spring means that one COULDN’T wear anything while he’s in the pool. Of course that boys and girls are separated. :p But this is not my first time ENTERING a public hot spring. I had seen somebody naked enjoying the hot spring when I went climbing Mount Ba-tong-guan, but that time, I still wore a swimming suit.

I rode on my motorcycle to Beitou and found quickly the Public Bathroom of Beitou Hot Spring, which my roommate recommended. The ticket price is 50 NTD.

Before I entered, there were about 10 people in it. Of course, I didn’t know them. So, I acted as not a new hand as I can, took off my clothes quickly, and jumped into the pool. There are two pools in the bathroom. One is hotter and the other is colder. But when I was ready, there’s only one available because some people were cleaning the other.

I didn’t feel any embarrassed when I was taking off my clothes or in the bathroom. As someone said, ‘There’s nothing worthy of being amazed, because everyone has it.‘ Exactly, everyone’s looked alike. XD

I dipped myself into the pool firstly, and when I felt too hot, went back to have a cold shower. I kept thinking when I was in, but all the images in my mind were monkeys in the water with their heads outside and look at each other. XD

The process proceeded three times, and after that, I felt a little dizziness and sat at the pool for a rest. After I felt better and had a simple shower, I put on my clothes and went home. Time passed about 1 hour while I was in there.

It’s still a special experience for me to be naked in front of others, but it’s not bad. Maybe I can try it more times in the future, and then I’ll enjoy the feeling of freedom, relax and feel comfortable just as my roommate.



今天打算到東區去逛一圈,從建國花市繞到SOGO,再到誠品敦南店去,昨天晚上還特地用 UrMap 查了一下地圖 (UrMap 查台灣的道路超好用的…),所以早上第一站就是建國花市啦! Keep Reading

熱爆了的 MRI

隔了一年多,又回去當受試者賺微薄的零用錢了。過年期間接到了郭老師的電話,問我要不要回來做 MRI,看了看時間不衝突,就答應下來了,不過為了這個,我還是得提早兩天上來台北。 Keep Reading

Going Mad With Voip Phone

Since I found VoipStunt, which can make free regular landline calls, I always used it. But just now, I was going mad with it. I called the Payroll Section of NCKU for checking the record of my brother‘s tuition. Firstly, I cautiously used Skype to avoid the delay problem, but it always told me it couldn’t switch to the extension. After several tries, I gave it up and used the VoipStunt. That’s when nightmare began.

It switched to the extension correctly, but the other side seemed unable to hear my voice. I tried to shout more loudly, and then she found the delay problem and was very confused. Finally, we finished the conversation with impatience.

How can these voip softwares suck like that!? Skype can’t make a switch, and VoipStunt has delays. Hu… they almostly spoilt my good mood even when today just began. =.=凸

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