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Last Friday, I finished the anesthesiology exam. It finally came the relaxed time. In addition to sleeping more than 12 hours a day, I also spent a lot of time with my computer.

During these days, I set a online service of browsing the source codes in the subversion repository with a software called Trac. In order to make it work properly, I have to add mod_python into the Apache. And when I tried to browse an article in the BBS repository, I encountered the problem of wrong charset encoding. Even I tried to ask in2 on IRC about the setting of Trac, although at last I solved it on my own. The problem is, that article uses a Chinese character encoded in Big5, which UTF-8 doesn’t have, so the converting process failed. Keep Reading

iframe Is Useful

In October, I found that my 23 account was upgraded to a PLUS one, then in the whole Oct., I uploaded 3GB+ photos to 23 and integrate a 23 badget to the Hsien-Chih’s blog. But the javascript of the badget has to connect the 23 server, get urls of the photos that want to be shown, and then write to the document. Maybe the connection quality between 23 server and here is not very well, I have to wait about 3 to 5 seconds that the page can be fully shown. I don’t like the method 23 uses, but I have no time and ability to modify it.


Today, I saw this page about integration of BubbleShare photos. The method it uses is iframe. After some trial-and-errors, I succeeded. Now Hsien-Chih’s blog can show the article contents before the 23 server’s dealing. That’s great. All I have to say is, “There are so many things that I don’t know about the internet techniques.”


Google AdSense Referral Program

From, Google announced a AdSense referral program. Originally, I was not very interested in the new feathur, because in nearly one year, I haven’t received any check from Google. The click rate on my site is too low. But I think I can just place a button only in this post, and the result maybe is not so important. ^^a

根據 的消息Google 推出了一個推薦使用 AdSense 的方案。原先我對這個方案沒什麼太大興趣,因為我放了一年 AdSense 的廣告結果現在也沒收過半張支票,我站上的廣告點擊率實在是太低了。不過我還是在這篇裡放一個連結好了,至於結果如何,就隨意啦…

UPDATE: According to this page, there must be only one referral link in a page. So I can’t put the Chinese version button, although the Chinese one is in Simplified Chinese, not Traditional Chinese, which I use.


UPDATE 2: Oh… because there is a existed adsense in my template page, that means I can’t put any new adsense, including this referral link. I can just leave it empty, maybe someday I can find a way to resolve this.

更新2:因為我原先每一頁都有放一個 adsense,意味著我不可能再多放一個新的,所以只好先不放了,不過希望哪一天我或許可以想到一個解決的方法。

Trying Auto-Discovery Trackback

It seems that WordPress can find all the trackback urls in the posts and trackback them automatically, but FancyBlog can’t. I tried googling something, and then find this by ijliao. Just now, I copied the trackback_url function from WP and modified it for FancyBlog. I don’t know whether FancyBlog works correctly or not, but let’s take a try… ^^a

WordPress 似乎有個功能是可以自動搜尋文章裡的 trackback url,然後自動幫你 trackback,不過因為圓夢的Blog系統似乎沒辦法被自動trackback,所以花了點時間找資料,結果找到 ijliao這篇,剛剛就很高興的把 WP 的 trackback_rdf() 偷過來改一下,不知道現在這樣圓夢Blog能不能自動被 trackback 到… 試一下看看好了… ^^a

Update: The auto-discovery mechanism in wordpress seems not to fit the spec.


前天 chinsan 在 386bsd 發布了一篇有關 PureFTPD 的 User Manager 的文章, 他說要徵求幫忙作一個小國旗, 然後直接寄給作者, 我看了一下他給的連結, 看起來似乎沒有很困難的樣子, 就到外交部去偷了一個國旗的圖案, 再稍作加工, 之後就直接寄給作者了.


不過昨天上課的時候, 忽然收到作者的回信, 他說他已經把小國旗換上去了, 而且重點是, 他說他一直不知道自己用錯了國旗… XD 結果, 在光復節前夕, 我們在網路上反攻大陸了… ^^a 作者直接把中共的五星旗換成中華民國的國旗… @_@


由於事態緊急, 套句 irc 上長輩的話, 大陸的鄉民是很恐怖的… 所以馬上回信給作者, 幸好現在去看已經換回來了, 不知道有沒有偷偷被對岸的發現了… :p

YouTube vs Google Video

Yesterday, while I was browsing at Darkkiller’s personal BBS board, I found a site called YouTube that supplys video uploading and sharing. Then I registered an account, but didn’t try at once.

Just now I uploaded some videos of meeting with teacher yesterday. The procedure isn’t easier than Google Video, but the admin interface is better. I can easily find what I’ve uploaded and the “Tag” function is what I love most. Although there is limitation to the size of video for uploading (100 MB), maybe I won’t be restricted by this rule recently. (my SD card in the camera is only 128 MB.) Keep Reading

Embed XHTML-validated Flash Movie

A few day ago, I tried to embed a flash about sasimi and Tzu-jiun in Hsien-Chih’s blog, but the syntax seemed not be validated by W3C. I don’t like this to happen and googled some information to solve it. After consulting this page, I changed the code to:

<object width="400" height="327" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="swf_url">
<param name="movie" value="swf_url" />

And this works correctly in IE, Firefox, and Opera.

Take a note, and I think I’ll need it in the future.

2005.10.22 Update: Use &quot; for this special html character: "

2005.10.29 Update: The URL of Hsien-CHih’s blog had changed.

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自從買了筆記型電腦後, 我便常常帶著他到處跑, 可能蜜月期還沒過吧! 每次只要在外面用到免費的無線網路就覺得超爽的. 台北市內很多地方都有 WiFly 的訊號, 而且現在也還在免費試用期, 因此也蠻常用的, 為了感念他, 剛剛便想把 Firefox 上看到破破爛爛的畫面寄給他們看, 順便再跟他們說一下系統其他的小小小 bug, 不過找了老半天都找不到他們的客服信箱, 唉… 無緣, 只好貼在這裡了.


  • 總天數: 14 (2005.08.03 ~ 2005.08.17, 其中 08/07 待在家裡不列入計算)
  • 總里程: 2458 km
  • 花費: (NTD)
    1. 食: 3043
    2. 衣: 900
    3. 住: 2450
    4. 行: 2198 (油 1518 機油 650 停車費 30)
    5. 育: 110
    6. 樂: 1134
    7. 總花費: 9835


為什麼這次要走這一趟, 其實有蠻多原因的, 不過主要是想要好好的把握時間玩樂一番吧! (誰叫有人要出國這麼多次… >_<)

Keep Reading

My New HP Compaq nc4200

I had been thinking of owning a laptop for a long time, and it came true today.

Today is the last day of Taipei Computer Exhibition 2005, and luckily, it doesn’t need a entrance ticket. (200 NTD is not a small amount for me.) I arrived at about 11 a.m.. There were many people already there.

I met the Asus’ stall first, but I thought their products do not fit my demands, and also a little bit expensive for me. Second, I met HP. A cheery female salespeople introduced a lot to me about their products, but the one I like most is out of stock. Although she said that she can supply the more high-level one for me with the same price, I also need to think about it more. And then, I went around watching the Toshiba, Acer, IBM (although it now should be called Lenovo). They are the 5 brands I previously considered. But I didn’t like the attitude of Toshiba’s salsemen.

Finally, it remained Acer and HP under consideration. The Acer one is wide-monitor and has more complete functions, but a little bit expensive. As I asked for the Acer one’s specification, the salesman compared it with the HP one. The company he belonged sells many brands, and he provided me with a nicer price of the HP one I previously wanted.

I was confused that why are there so many different prices, which depend on different stores?

At last, I chose the HP one mainly because of its price. It’s embarrassed for me to buy a expensive laptop, which is not for a essential use. In fact, I broke the rule I’d maintained for many years – earning my life on my own. After buying motorcycle, there are not enough money in my account to buy a laptop. But I think I won’t get a job of private teaching until I become a intern, when I’ll have salary. And during the period, I need a laptop more then my intern period. So I decided to borrow some from my mother. I’ll give it back more in the furure.

After buying that, I was so excited that I didn’t feel hungry at noon. In the afternoon and evening, I prepared the working environment of the laptop. I think it must be useful in August, when I’ll go around Taiwan and participate a Chinese orchestra practice.

Before the end, there are 2 pictures of my laptop, and the other is about my new camera stand. It helped me to take picture of them. (Because it’s not light enough, so that it needs a slower shutter.)

我的新玩具 - HP NC4200
▲【我的新玩具 – HP NC4200】



Wish me having a nice experience with it.