Google AdSense Referral Program

From, Google announced a AdSense referral program. Originally, I was not very interested in the new feathur, because in nearly one year, I haven’t received any check from Google. The click rate on my site is too low. But I think I can just place a button only in this post, and the result maybe is not so important. ^^a

根據 的消息Google 推出了一個推薦使用 AdSense 的方案。原先我對這個方案沒什麼太大興趣,因為我放了一年 AdSense 的廣告結果現在也沒收過半張支票,我站上的廣告點擊率實在是太低了。不過我還是在這篇裡放一個連結好了,至於結果如何,就隨意啦…

UPDATE: According to this page, there must be only one referral link in a page. So I can’t put the Chinese version button, although the Chinese one is in Simplified Chinese, not Traditional Chinese, which I use.


UPDATE 2: Oh… because there is a existed adsense in my template page, that means I can’t put any new adsense, including this referral link. I can just leave it empty, maybe someday I can find a way to resolve this.

更新2:因為我原先每一頁都有放一個 adsense,意味著我不可能再多放一個新的,所以只好先不放了,不過希望哪一天我或許可以想到一個解決的方法。

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