So Many Co-notes

I’d just read the co-note of neurology, neuro-ophthalmology part. It took me 2 days to finish, and I don’t think that I can thoroughly understand the content. I’m confused with all the neural pathways, and I’m so worried that in the future, the condition will get worse.

Unlike the courses in the 4th grade, now they are all 2-hour course, and it basically means that there are double contents in one co-note, and I have to spend almostly double time to digest. But compare with the 4th grade, I have less time to study after school, and there are more and more co-notes waiting for me. Eventually, I realize that the life of 5th grade will getting harder and harder from now on. T_T



今天是一學期一度的家聚, 因為不能陪葆如去吃晚餐, 因此利用家聚前的一點點時間, 先載她過去阿財買個水餃回來吃, 反正原本家聚的地點定在瓦城, 走過去就到了.

不過正在阿財等水餃的時候, 卻接到學弟的電話臨時要改到中山站附近的陶板屋去吃, 我一聽忽然大驚, 怎麼會臨時改那麼遠的地方, 還不太相信的再問一次地點, 會不會是我自己聽錯其實是在天母附近的中山北路, 結果當然是沒錯啦! Keep Reading

Embed XHTML-validated Flash Movie

A few day ago, I tried to embed a flash about sasimi and Tzu-jiun in Hsien-Chih’s blog, but the syntax seemed not be validated by W3C. I don’t like this to happen and googled some information to solve it. After consulting this page, I changed the code to:

<object width="400" height="327" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="swf_url">
<param name="movie" value="swf_url" />

And this works correctly in IE, Firefox, and Opera.

Take a note, and I think I’ll need it in the future.

2005.10.22 Update: Use &quot; for this special html character: "

2005.10.29 Update: The URL of Hsien-CHih’s blog had changed.

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My Online Gallery of Taiwan Travel

This morning, while I was reading blogs on Bloglines, I found this (zh-CN). The author said that his 23 people (now 23) account had been upgraded automatically to a PLUS account. This means that there’s no limitation in uploading photos. I was a little excited, go onto 23 and login to see if there’s any change with my account. It’s so amazing that mine also became a plus account.

I was so happy because I have been so worried that I have no place to put all my photos taken in the around-Taiwan trip. Even I’d had tried to sign up many Yahoo account and used the 20MB/month-upload-limt Flickr service. I immediately packed the photos into zip files (if I tried to upload them one by one, I’ll be exhausted before finishing that. XD), and uploaded them. But as the article above said, 23 didn’t offer a convenient tool for users. (I like the Windows Publisher of Flickr most.) Hope they’ll offer one before long.

O.K., here is a list of my albums. They are separated into 14, because totally I spent 14 days. But the titles and descriptions of albums and photos will be in Chinese. BTW, I wrote diaries, but they are still in Chinese. :p


之前看到 bbs 上有人在宣傳台灣醫學生論壇的活動, 看了看反正不用費用, 順便去長庚玩一天, 還有免費的午餐可以吃, 於是就寄 email 過去報名.

早上一大早就得起床, 先找葆如去吃了個早餐, (意味著她星期六也得這麼早被我拖起床… XD), 接著便搭著捷運, 到台北火車站附近去找往長庚的站牌. 站牌離火車站有好一段距離, 走了好久才找到, 再加上等車的時間, 心裡一直在擔心會不會遲到. Keep Reading

My New Medical Tools

我的第一支聽診器 買聽診器送的贈品

I bought my first stethoscope this semester. In fact, many of my classmates bought theirs 1 year ago, because of the clerk course in VGHTPE in our fourth year of medical education. But I didn’t buy at that time, because I thought a stethoscope almostly won’t be used the whole year until we become a full-time clerk in the sixth year. Originally, I planned to buy it one more year later, but suddenly I found that it’ll be too late if I’d like to buy one with my school brother. Anyway, I bought it now, also did my roommate.

It is Littmann Classic II S.E. made by 3M. It cost me NTD $1,950 and there are a penlight and a hammer for bonus. Although I already had a penlight from propa while in Chi-Mei in July, this one looks more delicate. :)

Hope I can learn the skill of using all these tools to help patients.


因為早上我們必須把所有的大型樂器載過去新舞台, 再加上場地佈置, 還有要團練的時間, 算一算我們居然六點半就要集合了, 真是苦命啊! 不過因為來幫忙場務的學弟妹還不少, 沒花多少時間樂器就搬得差不多了.

坐上遊覽車順便吃著萬家香的早餐, 感覺還蠻悠閒的. :p 還有空拿出準備好的iPod Shuffle, 跟葆如分享起巴哈的郭德堡變奏曲. Keep Reading

Publishing YMChmusic Podcast

Tonight, I’d published a podcast (zh-TW) for the first time. I chose YM Chmusic’s blog (zh-TW) as the platform. It progressed smoothly, and in a few minutes, I published a 2-year-ago sound recording of Greeting New Arrivals in the auditorium. FeedBurner is a convenient tool for this.

Originally, I thought I would try that here, but in such a short period, I couldn’t find any of my sound-recording but a piece of chmusic’s.

Here or in the YM Chmusic’s blog, I’ll continually publish some pieces of sound-recording, mainly some music-instrument playing or Chinese orchestra.

Please wait and see.


早上六點多就起床了, 因為前一晚聽說今天七點就要在社辦集合, 不過到的時候看起來一個人也沒有, (後來才發現原來 lingo 已經在樓下練笛子了…), 過了一會來了幾個人之後我才跟著下去社辦. 我們這次要搬的樂器增加了三顆排鼓, 不過還好, 幾個人各跑一趟就解決了. 我特別記得要帶自己的高胡, 雖然有點懷念上次跟交大借的那把… :p

在車上吃著早餐, 看著據說是台灣自己做的動畫, 紅孩兒大話火焰山, 一開始覺得有點無趣, 不過看到最後倒是上癮了, 我還是覺得小猴子很可愛… ^^a Keep Reading


從市政府回來後, 正好是晚餐時間, 騎著車便往石牌夜市前進, 抬頭一看正好看見一輪明月斜斜的掛空中, 心中不禁讚嘆了一番, 也決定晚上想上軍艦岩去賞個月.

晚上正好與世韻聊到這個想法, 雅惠聽了十分的心動, 便積極的開始找人, 等我拿了月餅給葆如回來後, 再一起上山. Keep Reading