Medical Ethics Course Ended

Just now, we finished the last class of medical ethics, although we still have a big homework to do. In the class, we discussed the future of the course. Many of my classmates feedback their suggestions. One of them, PCMan, talked to the teacher after the class, and I happened to hear their discussion.

PCMan said that he thinks it is not necessary to have such a class called Medical Ethics. Our thinking processes had been fixed since we are young. It’s too late to change it. And, he argued that why only the medical sphere has to discuss the Ethics. Why don’t the others have to? At that time, I was surfing the internet with my laptop, but when I heard what he said, I said that I don’t agree with him.

Although the personality of a person is almostly fixed when he is in his third decade, he still has chances to change it. PCMan is too pessimistic that he thinks “if we can’t change it, we don’t need it.” I do really not think so. When I discussed with my classmates about medical ethical problems, especially in the PBL course, I had changed several of my viewpoints. I received many thoughts from different point of view. Why didn’t he? The members of his team were too stingy to share their thoughts? I don’t think so. Maybe he is too stubborn to receive others’ thoughts. He frequently thinks that he did things in the best way. That’s my experience in working with him. The second, although only the medical sphere is asked for the ethic, it’s really not fair, does that mean we have the rights to escape from the upcoming problems? We can ask the others for morals, but before it, we can ask ourselves first.

Maybe it seemed that I didn’t get as much as I previously thought from the ethics lectures, but the above is what I has learned after the last medical ethics class.





My First Turning-Egg Toy


Recently, I like Keroro very much, and sometimes when I was having my lunch or dinner, I always watched a volume of Keroro animation. The role I like the most is Tamama. He is a young, cute tadpole, although it seems that he loves the captain, Keroro, and is a gay?

Last week, I browsed the Yahoo! Kimo Auction and found a Turning-Egg toy of Tamama. The seller set a higher price than the market price. ($60 vs. $50). And after adding the transportation charges, it will totally cost me nearly $100, but I still bid for it.

The process was not smooth for me to get the toy, but I still got it today, just one day before my mid-semester exam of dermatology. The toy has 4 kind of facial expressions in the eyes, big eyes, anger, narrowing eyes, and self-confident eyes. It can be changed be pulling the switch on his head. It is now on my desk.

But Kilo says that I’m just like a child. How could a 23 year-old person like these toys so much?! I don’t know. But sometimes I really want to be just a simple child.





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Roach In The Toilet


Someday when I went to the toilet, I suddenly saw a cockroach just on someone’s dining utensils, which may be waiting washing. Oh~~ This story tells us: starting from today, we’d better not to be so lazy. Wash them and take them back right away. :p

前幾天我去上廁所時,忽然看到洗手台上擺著的餐具居然有一隻蟑螂,噢…這個故事告訴我們:以後我們還是勤快點,洗完就趕緊拿回來吧。 :p

iframe Is Useful

In October, I found that my 23 account was upgraded to a PLUS one, then in the whole Oct., I uploaded 3GB+ photos to 23 and integrate a 23 badget to the Hsien-Chih’s blog. But the javascript of the badget has to connect the 23 server, get urls of the photos that want to be shown, and then write to the document. Maybe the connection quality between 23 server and here is not very well, I have to wait about 3 to 5 seconds that the page can be fully shown. I don’t like the method 23 uses, but I have no time and ability to modify it.


Today, I saw this page about integration of BubbleShare photos. The method it uses is iframe. After some trial-and-errors, I succeeded. Now Hsien-Chih’s blog can show the article contents before the 23 server’s dealing. That’s great. All I have to say is, “There are so many things that I don’t know about the internet techniques.”


Google AdSense Referral Program

From, Google announced a AdSense referral program. Originally, I was not very interested in the new feathur, because in nearly one year, I haven’t received any check from Google. The click rate on my site is too low. But I think I can just place a button only in this post, and the result maybe is not so important. ^^a

根據 的消息Google 推出了一個推薦使用 AdSense 的方案。原先我對這個方案沒什麼太大興趣,因為我放了一年 AdSense 的廣告結果現在也沒收過半張支票,我站上的廣告點擊率實在是太低了。不過我還是在這篇裡放一個連結好了,至於結果如何,就隨意啦…

UPDATE: According to this page, there must be only one referral link in a page. So I can’t put the Chinese version button, although the Chinese one is in Simplified Chinese, not Traditional Chinese, which I use.


UPDATE 2: Oh… because there is a existed adsense in my template page, that means I can’t put any new adsense, including this referral link. I can just leave it empty, maybe someday I can find a way to resolve this.

更新2:因為我原先每一頁都有放一個 adsense,意味著我不可能再多放一個新的,所以只好先不放了,不過希望哪一天我或許可以想到一個解決的方法。

Instigating Friends For Blogs

In recent days, I successfully instigated several of my friends for their new blogs. Since this February I got in touch with the blogsphere, I really like this new toy. I blogged for myself, besides, I encouraged my friends to blog for themselves. But the efficiency seemed not very good. But finally, last week my roommate asked me about choosing a BSP (Blog Service Provider), and I recommand him to use Yam! Roodo. My point of view is that it is a BSP with more complete functions in Taiwan, and the templates they supply may match our tastes more. Although I had just tried their service for a while and didn’t continue using it, I recommanded it to my friends.

The second person is my classmate. Maybe he saw many posts by me are about blog, and he wants to catch the front of information trend, so he asked me about blog, too. I also recommanded him the Yam! Roodo, and he set up his blog, and blogged several articles that night, even though we are now in the awful mid-semester exam period… @_@

O.K., I successfully instigated two to blog, and I’ll continuously do this… :p

Sorrow For Myself

Three days ago, I held a vote on a medical ethical problem. The result came out today, but there were only 6 people joining. Although the result is positive, indicative for me to resolve something confusing me for a long time, I still feel sorrow. I think that there are many people browsing through my personal board, maybe or maybe not notice the vote information. Finally, there are only 6 to be willing to give me a suggestion. Could it be said that I have almostly few or no friends? Why don’t they give me a hand when I’m in trouble?

Maybe I have to examinate myself. Is the question too obscure that others don’t know what I mean? But that’s all I can tell. I tried to make a more resemble condition. Do I depend on computer too much? Should I ask them the question directly instead of holding a vote, especially on a personal board?

Just now, I ever thought about abandoning the board, even the whole BBS service. But it is an impetuous idea. I won’t do that at all. But this event impacted me much. Maybe I’ll get insomnia this night.

P.S. I won’t translate this into Chinese. It may keep my real feeling more secret.

Trying Auto-Discovery Trackback

It seems that WordPress can find all the trackback urls in the posts and trackback them automatically, but FancyBlog can’t. I tried googling something, and then find this by ijliao. Just now, I copied the trackback_url function from WP and modified it for FancyBlog. I don’t know whether FancyBlog works correctly or not, but let’s take a try… ^^a

WordPress 似乎有個功能是可以自動搜尋文章裡的 trackback url,然後自動幫你 trackback,不過因為圓夢的Blog系統似乎沒辦法被自動trackback,所以花了點時間找資料,結果找到 ijliao這篇,剛剛就很高興的把 WP 的 trackback_rdf() 偷過來改一下,不知道現在這樣圓夢Blog能不能自動被 trackback 到… 試一下看看好了… ^^a

Update: The auto-discovery mechanism in wordpress seems not to fit the spec.

Change Blogging Style

Originally, the main hope of maintaining this English blog is trying to improve my English level, but if there is only English, the readers may not realise what I think thoroughly, and just can point out the errors in grammar. I think, the best way may be writing in both English and Chinese. One can point out the errors by comparing the two versions. So, from now on, I’ll write in Chinese first, and then translate them into English. Hope you not to spare your advice. Thanks.
