To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
Today is Lantern Festival, which is the first 15th day in the lunar calendar. We Chinese traditionally will hold laterns, go outside, and see the exhibition of festival laterns. We also eat Tang-Yuan, aka Yuan-Xiao.
Although when I was at home last week, my mom boiled some Yuan-Xiao because she thought I may have no chance to eat some on Lantern Festival, I still bought a bowl of Yuan-Xiao for dessert after dinner. (All of them filled my stomach… @_@)
I didn’t care a lot about the traditional holidays when I was in the senior high school or the first years of collage. As the years passed and passed, I became maturer and maturer and began to try putting myself into the atmosphere of the holidays. Maybe this is a necessary process to grow to maturity.
Tags: Lantern Festival, Yuan-Xiao
I wanted to find a photo about monkeys in a hot spring for the previous post. I searched in Flickr and found only one. Originally I’d like to crop the center of it and adjust the color balance, but I found it was released with a CC-by-nc-nd license. So I sent a mail to ask for the author’s permission.
Last night, I went to a public hot spring for first time. A public hot spring means that one COULDN’T wear anything while he’s in the pool. Of course that boys and girls are separated. :p But this is not my first time ENTERING a public hot spring. I had seen somebody naked enjoying the hot spring when I went climbing Mount Ba-tong-guan, but that time, I still wore a swimming suit.
I rode on my motorcycle to Beitou and found quickly the Public Bathroom of Beitou Hot Spring, which my roommate recommended. The ticket price is 50 NTD.
Before I entered, there were about 10 people in it. Of course, I didn’t know them. So, I acted as not a new hand as I can, took off my clothes quickly, and jumped into the pool. There are two pools in the bathroom. One is hotter and the other is colder. But when I was ready, there’s only one available because some people were cleaning the other.
I didn’t feel any embarrassed when I was taking off my clothes or in the bathroom. As someone said, ‘There’s nothing worthy of being amazed, because everyone has it.‘ Exactly, everyone’s looked alike. XD
I dipped myself into the pool firstly, and when I felt too hot, went back to have a cold shower. I kept thinking when I was in, but all the images in my mind were monkeys in the water with their heads outside and look at each other. XD
The process proceeded three times, and after that, I felt a little dizziness and sat at the pool for a rest. After I felt better and had a simple shower, I put on my clothes and went home. Time passed about 1 hour while I was in there.
It’s still a special experience for me to be naked in front of others, but it’s not bad. Maybe I can try it more times in the future, and then I’ll enjoy the feeling of freedom, relax and feel comfortable just as my roommate.
Tag: Hot Spring
After going back home for Chinese New Year, I loved washing my hands when I went home from outside. So yesterday, I bought a soap box in the Shi-Pai Night Market. (I already had a piece of soap.) Hmm… from now on, I can have my hands washed easily if I feel they are dirty. ^^
Wretch sets a referer policy in order to deny connection from other sites. That really diminishes unnecessary traffic for them, but it’ll make us inconvenient to use a blog aggregator, such as Bloglines, to browse the blogs powered by Wretch.
Someone supplied a method: use a firefox extension called RefControl and set a customized referer with the Bloglines site.
It really works. Haha… since now, I don’t need to click the link of the Wretch blogs additionally. ^^
Tags: Wretch, Bloglines
, RefControl
, Firefox Extension