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去日本前理過一次頭髮,回來後就這麼一直留著,原本想拖到入伍,到衛校直接剃成五分頭,把少少的理髮費(50 NTD ?)大力的賺回來,但家裡實在太悶熱,熬了半個多月,終於還是受不了了,趁著弟弟放假回來理髮,一起解決了。

小時候,我的頭髮都是在家裡附近的家庭理髮解決的,我記得前幾次很怕癢,會動來動去讓老闆娘很頭大,後來卻慢慢愛上用剃刀修鬢角和頭髮後緣的感覺,不過從國小六年級開始,改回家裡讓媽媽操刀了。 Keep Reading

What A Happy Birthday

A day has passed. I didn’t make any note on my birthday. I was on duty yesterday, but I still had a nice dinner with friends, and still prepared a small cake for myself to celebrate on my own. The day had passed as a usual one. Keep Reading

D80 入塵記 – 笨蛋,重點在心啊!



當初買相機時忘了跟老闆凹一個大吹球,只有一個很小的,小心翼翼的拿下鏡頭,鎖定反光鏡後,的確可以看到 LPF 上有兩三粒明顯的灰塵,只不過小吹球一點也不夠力,努力按了半天不知是不是連風也沒吹進去。 Keep Reading

愛河 – 總是一個人


過了一整個搞不清楚狀況的高長第一天,今天總算跟 VS 和 R 相認了,不過他們也沒什麼太理我,自顧自的查完房後就散光了,後來被 call 進刀房上刀,早上只做了 neck dissection 後,我因為要跟門診就先出來了。下午的門診也是站,一整天站下來只有個累字,過去在 clerk 時的熱情,經過半年多的消磨,似乎已經殆盡。 Keep Reading



弟弟畢業後就一直在家裡等兵單,原本的預計是七月底入伍,而我正想找個週末假日回去找他聊聊天,不過上個禮拜臨時改去爬郡大山,這禮拜的禮拜六又要值班,其實回去不太方便,而忽然 ppg 傳 msn 來,說幾個人要在斗六聚餐,心想正好要回去,就先去同學會了。 Keep Reading

One Year Had Passed

It’s hard for me to recall that the day, March 29th, one year ago, I was trying to deny, to escape, to hold my tears. Something affecting me so much had just happened to me. I held my little bedquilt covering my face, trying to wipe and hide tears on my face, trying to concentrate on the co-notes which were the content of tomorrow’s exam. But I couldn’t, really… Keep Reading

Tossing And Turning

Yesterday I had done a stupid thing that made me tossing and turning in bed.

A 40+ years old female had breast cancer over 11 o'clock of left breast and underwent partial mastectomy and axillary lymph nodes dissection last Friday. A Penrose drain was placed at the medial incision site and the other drainage tube at the axillary incision site. I had scrubbed and joined that operation and I did know the plan about post-operative care. Keep Reading



觀音山的入口很怪,是在山的背面,雖然轉彎進去的路標還算明顯,不過裡面遇到一條叉路,憑感覺的結果就是,走錯了。T_T Keep Reading