今天最特別的大概是做了兩次 echo 吧!
因為最近常常都是跟著胡耿瑋學長, 他也蠻常做 echo 的, 而我每次都會跟進去看, 學長可能是因為以前來奇美當 clerk 的時候, 總醫師放了不少機會給他做procedure, 所以他也一直跟我說有機會可以讓我做. 在看他做了幾次 echo 後, 他便跟我說, 這個讓你做, 從 kidney 下手應該是蠻容易的. 於是我們兩個便把病人推到掃 echo 的位置.
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
Originally, I planned to go to Chi-Mei Hospital for intern course on Monday morning, but in order to get avoid of the Typhoon Haitang, I arrived in Tainan and went to my brother’s dorm in NCKU yesterday afternoon. Beyond my expectations, the typhoone came very quickly, and in the night, the government announced that no work and no school on Monday.
This morning when I was waken up by my Mom’s call, the storm was going on outside. I gave up the desire for breakfast and just bought a cup of drink via the vending machine. In the morning, I surfed around the internet, read the plenty unread bloglines articles, and wrote the diary about NTU Concert Tour.
At about noon, I couldn’t put up with hungry, and woke my brother asking him about the plan of lunch. I decided to go out to buy 3 lunch boxes back. (The third one is for my brother’s roommate.)
I wore my blue raincoat and took up my umbrella. It really rained cats and dogs outside, and furthermore the wind was so strong that I need to hold my umbrella so tightly for fear of it’s blowing off. Fortunately, some stores and restaurants in the Yu-Le Street were still opened, and I successfully bought 3 lunch boxes.
It is a impressive experience to go out in typhoon day. May the typhoon leave Taiwan quickly, I don’t want to go out for my dinner on such bad weather again later.
最近颱風的消息應該還蠻大的, 今天剛巡迴回來, 看到 Firefox 上面的 ForecastFox 顯示了颱風的預報, 看起來還蠻可愛的… 希望今年不要看到太多次這個「可愛」的圖示啊~~~ 不然之後的行程又都要亂了… >_
早上九點半起來, 因為離中午出發時間還早, 便到附近去逛逛, 附近有一家傳統式的早餐店, 其實原本沒有那麼想吃傳統式的早餐, 可能平常都吃習慣漢堡奶茶了吧! 不過也沒看到什麼美而美之類的, 只好進去叫了一份蛋餅豆漿. 那個老闆給我很台南的感覺, 早餐的份量也很多, 又便宜, 感覺實在物超所值.
由於國軍英雄館附近就是台南市立體育場, 早上天氣雖然沒有前兩天好, 不過我還是捨不得浪費難得出來的大好時光, 又跑去逛逛, 每每遇到體育館, 總會讓我想起以前小時候外公外婆每天傍晚時, 總會帶我到台東的體育場跑步, 不過, 已經好幾年沒有回去台東了. 話說在體育場附近, 聽到一陣笛聲, 繞過去一看, 不知道是哪位, 我也沒走近去打擾他.