My First Venipuncture


This week I was in Department of Pathology. We had to do venipuncture and blood sampling on real patients. This is my first time to do this.

I was a little nervous when I stood behind the technician watching, but I felt relaxed after a successful puncture. "It's not as hard as I thought." I murmured. But luckiness was not always with me. I failed on the 4th patient. Thanks to the technician. She took over the needle and didn't make the patient angry about my fault. I didn't feel much depressed. I knew before I become skilled, I must experience a lot of failure.

On Tuesday, I totally punctured about 15 to 20 patients. Tomorrow I will have another chance. Hope I could do better. This is a good news for both the patient and I. :p

Start Using Portable Apps


After beginning my clerk course, I have been in the hospital for long time a day. I couldn't take my notebook because of its weight and the posibility of being stolen. Some of my classmates bought USB flash drives. I remembered Portable Firefox and thought maybe it is a good solution for me.

For several days trying, it's convenient. I had many good extensions installed and made the library’s computer just like what I am accustomed to. But there is a new problem. I found the startup is very slow. I always had to wait more than 2 minutes before I started using it. I don't know why. There is no discussion on the forum. I thought it may because the low speed of the SD card or the USB drive. The speed test (by HD Tune) shows the average is 3.5 MB/s. But strangely, Portable OOo and Portable Gaim work well.

Before I find the solution, I can copy the whole directory of PFF to the hard disc before using, but it's a little inconvenient. >_<

backQuarter: Artist (藝術家)

Artist is one of my favorite songs of backQuarter. Tonight, while listening to it, I tried to find out the chords…

   A         D           D           E  
> 金魚心中渴望著池塘  但現實裝滿水族箱
  The goldfish yearns for the pool in mind,
  but the aquarium is full of reality.

    A       D           D             E  
> 泛黃樹葉離開了枝頭  回頭望著驕傲和朦朧
  The withered leaf left the treetop,
  looking back at the prouds and dusk.

    Bm            E             A         Fm#  
> 漂蕩未知路程  吞下沿路冷漠  餵飽  身上空動
  Drifting on the unknown way, 
  swallowing the unconcern on the way. 
  The empty is fed up.

        Bm D          E       E
> 假裝堅強  撐住殘破執著              
  Pretend to be strong. 
  Prop up the broken insistence.

  A         D           D           E       
> 黑色翅膀最後的飛翔  梵谷割下他的耳朵
  The black wings fly for the last time. 
  Van Gogh cut his ear.

    A       D           D           E       
> 不為人知就站在角落  調色盤上承受孤獨
  He stood at the corner without anyone knew, 
  sustaining the loneliness on the palette.

    Bm            E             A         Fm#      
> 手上那張地圖  缺少任何依賴  明天  還會迷路
  Holding the map, withoug any dependence, 
  tomorrow, still got lost.

    Bm            E               A         Fm#      
> 那兒有堵高牆  就擋在前方  用力跨越  我的步伐
  There was a high wall blocking in front. 
  Strides across, my steps.

        Bm        C     
> 遍體鱗傷  付出代價
  Got black and blue all over. Paid for it.

  D         Fm#           G       Gm      D 
> 原諒  我無法自拔  親愛的妳  是否聽見這首歌
  Forgive me. I cannot extricate myself. 
  My dear, do you hear the song?

  D         Fm#           G       Gm      D 
> 原諒  我無法自拔  縱使面對  夕陽染紅了路途
  Forgive me. I cannot extricate myself. 
  Even I face it, the sunset makes the road red.

Unbelievable! 1000m Front Crawl

Original Author: Lacey_and_Cielle@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc-sa 2.0.

It's very unbelievable. Two weeks ago, I couldn't swim using front crawl more than 50m, but today I extended the distance to 1000m. I did it!

When I had learned swimming in my childhood, I didn't like front crawl because it made me exhausted and out of breath. I easily got tired even I tried to relax more under the water. But last week, I suddenly found I was not so tired as before. I broke through 100m easily, and on the second round, I tried 400m and succeed. Today, after a 300m breaststroke warm-up, I tried 1000m. Yeah, it's not as difficult as I thought before.

Although my speed was very slow, a girl beside went 1.5 fold faster, I didn't care very much. I have progressed. I believe I can swim as fast as her if I keep practicing. Maybe someday I can cross Sun Moon Lake with front crawl.

But I got a new problem. The water always goes into my nostrils and makes me allergic. Hmm… I must find some methods to prevent this.



胸腔部 meeting 的時間是七點半,比神內早了二十分鐘,也就是說每天如果要先吃完早餐再過來的話,我就要六點半起床了,唔…不過忘了禮拜幾聽 intern 學姐說她每天六點就到病房後,我就沒有再抱怨了。^^a Keep Reading


這個禮拜是見習的第一個禮拜,到的是之前有聽過惡名的神內,不過一整個禮拜下來,對醫院的感覺還不錯,不論是學長姐或是VS們都相當 nice,很願意教學,課程安排也很恰當,再加上可能是第一個禮拜的關係,感覺沒有之前聽說的那麼疲累,過了一個充實的禮拜。而且神經科的一些疾病真的還蠻引人入勝的,有點希望還能多待一陣子,好慢慢觀察一些住院病人,尤其是癲癇病人的發展,或許能夠的話,到中榮也要選個神內吧! Keep Reading

鳥達的眼淚 – 嘉明湖 – III

今天為了早點趕回登山口,還有上三叉山去看日出,我們三點就起床了。其實昨天晚上睡得並不怎好,不知道是我的睡墊不夠厚,還是地上的石頭沒清乾淨,睡起來超硬的,大概每半個小時就會醒過來一次吧!醒來還可以順便聽聽水鹿在鬼叫,根據 saka 的說法,水鹿大概從昨天晚上九點多一直叫到早上兩點五十分,此起彼落,非常的…吵。

本來還想在賴一下床的,不過總覺得有種從腳底板冷上來的寒意直上心頭,再也睡不下去,起來一看,沒想到帳篷裡全結了水珠,大概是我一直往牆上靠,讓睡袋有點潮了吧!再加上溫度實在低,放在外頭的背包套上結滿了整片的霜,嘖嘖…我以為夏天的湖邊應該不至於那麼冷的。不過也多虧了這冷天,我總算把所有帶上山的禦寒衣物全穿上了,至少沒有呆呆的背一大堆沒用到的東西上山。 Keep Reading

鳥達的眼淚 – 嘉明湖 – II


大概五點左右我們從工寮出發,這時太陽也差不多快出來了,看著天邊被燒成火紅的積雲,心裡還是蠻感動的,感覺平常應該是沒有機會和閒情逸致來欣賞這樣的風景。 Keep Reading