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班遊第二天的行程主要是到山裡去晃晃還有參觀原住民部落,不過不知為什麼原先預定走的道路塌了,所以我們繞了好大一圈才開到前往目的地的路上,因此時間也 delay 了。

第一站是紫蝶幽谷,就像導遊說的,我們真的很幸運,雖然 delay 了行程,不過卻還能看到聚集在河谷裡的蝴蝶,真的是佈滿了整個河床上,走進他們還會在你身邊盤旋,再加上好天氣的陽光一灑,亮麗的紫褐色相互交錯,的確不虧為國寶級的蝴蝶。 Keep Reading



話說以往的班遊我從來也沒參加過,最早開始經濟因素佔了一個部份,但另一個原因是覺得自己跟班上同學格格不入,沒有太大的交集,想像到這樣的出遊,真是一點也提不起興致,不過當魏子鈞問我時,我還是答應他要參加,可能最後一次也是個重要的因素吧!再不去真的就沒有機會了。 Keep Reading

Now At Dan-Shuei

This afternoon, I rode on my bicycle, along the Taipei Bicycle Track, arrived Dan-Shuei at about 5:00 p.m. I even didn’t realize that I really got here, because this is the first time I come to Dan-Shuei via this way.

It’s nearly sunset. I stoped my bike, took some photos and walk along the Dan-Shuei River. There were a lot of people here, maybe because today is the National Day. I ate a lot of snacks, fruit with chocolate covering, Chou-Dou-Fu barbecue (碳烤臭豆腐), a string of baked mutton, the Ancient Rice (古早飯), and a large ice cream. I’m so satisfied with these food. Keep Reading

My Online Gallery of Taiwan Travel

This morning, while I was reading blogs on Bloglines, I found this (zh-CN). The author said that his 23 people (now 23) account had been upgraded automatically to a PLUS account. This means that there’s no limitation in uploading photos. I was a little excited, go onto 23 and login to see if there’s any change with my account. It’s so amazing that mine also became a plus account.

I was so happy because I have been so worried that I have no place to put all my photos taken in the around-Taiwan trip. Even I’d had tried to sign up many Yahoo account and used the 20MB/month-upload-limt Flickr service. I immediately packed the photos into zip files (if I tried to upload them one by one, I’ll be exhausted before finishing that. XD), and uploaded them. But as the article above said, 23 didn’t offer a convenient tool for users. (I like the Windows Publisher of Flickr most.) Hope they’ll offer one before long.

O.K., here is a list of my albums. They are separated into 14, because totally I spent 14 days. But the titles and descriptions of albums and photos will be in Chinese. BTW, I wrote diaries, but they are still in Chinese. :p


  • 總天數: 14 (2005.08.03 ~ 2005.08.17, 其中 08/07 待在家裡不列入計算)
  • 總里程: 2458 km
  • 花費: (NTD)
    1. 食: 3043
    2. 衣: 900
    3. 住: 2450
    4. 行: 2198 (油 1518 機油 650 停車費 30)
    5. 育: 110
    6. 樂: 1134
    7. 總花費: 9835


為什麼這次要走這一趟, 其實有蠻多原因的, 不過主要是想要好好的把握時間玩樂一番吧! (誰叫有人要出國這麼多次… >_<)

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台灣真機車 – 彰化

今天早上和弟弟兩人從家裡出發, 這是我們這趟旅途裡第一次一起騎機車, 由我帶路, 他跟在後頭. 一開始有點不習慣這樣的模式, 不時得看看後照鏡, 確認他有沒有跟上來, 不過騎了一整天下來, 也慢慢習慣了. Keep Reading

Decided To Travel Around Taiwan Again

This morning in the Introduction of Surgery class, I found that my classmate, Tzu-Chun Wei, will go abroad for THREE times. It’s an amazing news for me. Because I don’t have enough money to participate in our gruduation-celebrating travel to Thailand and Phuket Island, I am a little envious of him for having family support to travel around in the last summer vacation in our medical education. Keep Reading

台灣自由行 VI

嗯~~最後一天了, 其實本來也不是最後一天的, 昨晚在高雄, 今天怎麼會是最後一天呢?!

根據昨天討論的計畫, 我們今天的目的地是新營, 明天到嘉義, 後天回家.

早上, 我們通過岡山, 楠梓, 路竹, 到了台南時, 差不多已經中午了. 台南是一個文化古都, 有著眾所皆知的名勝古蹟, 當然這一趟克難的文化知性之旅, 怎能略過?! Keep Reading

台灣自由行 V

第十二天的目的地, 我們一直到吃午餐的時候都還沒決定, 高雄我有個阿姨可以歇腳, 不過一直聯絡不上; 要是晚上在高雄的話, 後天要到嘉義似乎又有點遠; 不過, 晚上到台南歇息的話, 又可惜損失了一覽高雄港都的機會, 畢竟南部不會常來嘛! 直到在東港吃麥當勞的時候, 總算才聯絡上阿姨.

說到麥當勞, 昨天剛到楓港的那一剎那, 我想去的不是烤小鳥, 也不是廁所, 也不是 7-ELEVEN , 飢腸轆轆的我, 腦子裡只想找家麥當勞, 為什麼我會想吃麥當勞呢?!我也不曉得, 大概想吃東西就跟愛一樣吧! 是沒有理由的… Keep Reading

台灣自由行 IV

四點起床, 為的是什麼? 或許我們是初生之犢, 不知道天高地厚, 想一天騎完連機車都要騎六小時的路程, 當然, 在豬哥標他們回來之前, 我們是不知道要六小時的…

經過了豐濱, 我們選擇海線, 騎了六十公里, 總算有個小小的城市, 這麼荒涼, 我們為什麼又會選擇這條路線呢? 可能是老師害的吧! 連大的說, 海線風景好. 不, 是眼鏡店老闆害的吧! 他說, 海線好騎. 他可是當地人呢! 不, 是我害的吧! 因為, 那為同好說, 他要走山線…我實在是不太想跟他打什麼交道… Keep Reading