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The Last Co-note In The Student Period

I just finished my last co-note in my student period. In order to advance this day, I recommended myself for one of the Academic Affair Chiefs of the next semester. (Academic Affair Chiefs don’t have to edit the co-notes, in principle. :p)

But I nearly got carzy with the last one. In fact, I didn’t like the teacher and his teaching style. He spoke in a low pitch which couldn’t attract us, and he spent a lot of time in explaining some very very basic concepts. I thought he assumed we know nothing. The most important is that he didn’t care the students’ feelings. One of my classmates went to the platform and asked him a question in the break time, but he said that Chinese students are too shy to ask questions in class and this is a bad habit, and then asked my classmate to ask the question when the next class started. I don’t think it’s a good behavior a teacher shoud have. A compromise may be: he could answer the question at the moment and when the next class started, he could tell the class about the question and the answer. Because of this event, I submitted the evaluation form with the worst judgements.

Huuu… Although I don’t like the teacher and what he taught, I still finished my part of the co-note. When everybody reads that, hope they won’t be angry of the unorganized contents.

Upgrade To WordPress 2.0

I upgraded this site to WordPress 2.0. It didn’t took me more than 20 minutes. (In fact, it could be done in less than 5 minutes. I was too cautious. >_< )

The most important feature of WP 2.0 is the WYSIWYG editor. Some people said that it’s not easy to use, but it seems I got used of it very quickly, and I thought it is an important improvement for those who don’t understand HTML syntax very much.

There is no obvious difference in the layout, and it’s lucky that all the plugins I use still work after the upgrade. Hope there’s really nothing wrong, otherwise, I’ll get crazy fixing them in the Final-Exam-Period Exploration. :p

2005.12.28 UPDATE: I disabled the WYSIWYG editor because it’ll break the TachnoTag plugin. @_@



這是這學期第二次家聚,因為 tanny 學長剛退伍,準備開始他榮總內科住院醫師生活前,想跟大家聚聚,於是就寫信通知我,要我幫忙聯絡。交給我聯絡的話,當然就可以做一點小試驗:用 wiki 來報名,而不是像以前那樣用回群組信的方式。結果也還蠻順利的,雖然上面兩位學姊 hana & rancy 和在羅東的 owen 學長不能來,在校的應該都到的了,五個人也不算太冷清。 Keep Reading



評審總共有五位,心如老師、sasimi, 朱、明勳還有我,這倒是出乎我的意料,原以為學弟找不太到人所以才來幫忙的… XD 其實過程中還有點小出入,原本葆如也是評審之一,不過醫院臨時有事情走不開沒辦法來,而心如老師本來說不來,後來也是跑過來了,加加減減人數還是剛好,這也蠻神奇的。 Keep Reading


其實原本沒想到禮拜六晚上就是聖誕夜,原先會訂在這一天只是想要避開考試,還有忙碌的下個禮拜,不過好死不死碰上了,當然就順便慶祝啦!之所以會在船老大,原本是因為葆如同學給了他一張餐卷,後來她又拿到自己的,而且期限只到今年年底,雖然她在 apply 大爆炸,我在急診大爆炸,不過不吃白不吃,還是打了電話去訂位。 Keep Reading

Querying CGMH For Kilo

Yesterday, Kilo asked me to query CGMH about the result of the residents enrollment for her, because she doesn’t want to hear the bad news herself. I made the call in the coffee break time via Skype, on the wireless in the 2nd Teaching Building.

The connection quality seemed vary bad. The other side could hear my voice, but I could just intermittently hear his. Finally, I was referred to the Medical Teaching Division, and successfully asked them about the result of the residents enrollment. Unfortunately, Kilo‘s not enrolled.

Hope she won’t be too sad when I tell her the news tonight.

Chinese Blogs Awarding Ceremony 2005

I’m now at the Chinese Blogs Awarding Ceremony 2005, which is sponsored by Chinatimes.

The reason why I’m here is that about three days ago, I read a article posted by KJ. She said that any of the participants will have change to get a Acer laptop, so I signed up without any hesitancy. :p

There was something wrong before the ceremony began. The workers didn’t know about that the participants, not the finalists, can have chances to have a lottery of the Acer laptop. But finally after I confirmed the situation with the workers, it’s solved. :)

The hosts are Gon-Tou-Jian (工頭堅) and Miss Chian (sorry, I don’t know her name exactly. ^^a) Jia-Li Chuan, who are both bloggers. They play an important role in the whole ceremony. Time-controlling is very good. And some of the prize-awarding people are very famous, such as amarylliss, Ke-Sian Liu, Schee (although I’ve seen him before), etc. Although I sat in the back of the chamber, I’m very happy to see these famous people.

Some of the award-winners are not as I thought originally, but I think it should be fair.

It’s almost time to have the lottery, but I’ll just stop here. Hope the God will give me a surprise. :p

2005.12.17 UPDATE: Of course, I’m not lucky enough… ╮(╯_╰)╭ And the list of all award-winners is here.


幸好下午七八節的課已經被調開,不然還真不曉得該不該翹課殺過去參加華文部落格頒獎典禮,其實說參加也是蠻怪的啦!只是去看看人家的頒獎典禮,順便碰碰運氣看能不能抽到個什麼筆記型電腦之類的… :p

網站上寫說六點開始報到,結果我到了那邊工作人員都還在佈置,而且他們好像也搞不太清楚入圍者和純來參加的人有什麼不同,唉… 總覺得每次這種活動,網路的宣傳和實際上總是有點落差,難道他們沒有先開會統整過意見嗎?非常詭異… 一開始以為被騙了,搞了半天只有入圍者可以抽獎,後來有點不甘心不要臉的再跑去問一次,總算拿到抽獎卷,呵呵… 幸好沒有提前走掉。 Keep Reading



話說今天也是學長最後一次參加團練,雖然說以後來台北外調時還有機會,不過可能還是最後一次的機會。大家還是一樣把一隻鳥仔、杵舞石音、豐年祭走一走後,時間到了就準備出發了。 Keep Reading

PCMan’s Speech @ Corridor Cafe NTU

PCMan is my classmate, who wrote some famous programs including PCMan, a BBS client, IE Tab etc. He is making a speech about GTK+ programming at Corridor Cafe NTU now. The sponsor is TOSSUG. They hold conferences every 3 weeks, and this week is PCMan’s turn.

He introduces what GTK+ is and an associated IDE program called Glade. Also he makes a demo of how to use Glade to establish a GTK+-based window program. Huu… I’m always confused in window programming. The reason I come here is in the first sentence, “PCMan is my classmate.” But maybe I underestimate the charm PCMan has. There are now about 50-60 people here listening to him. Wow! I think he can run in the election of legislators in the future. :p

Hmmm… he records video of the speech. Maybe someday I can put a link here. But he speaks Chinese only… :p

2005.12.16 UPDATE: The video is here (avi, 260MB), the presentation file is here (pdf, 295KB), and the demo codes is here (tar.gz, 109KB).

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