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年初五 – 橫越南橫

不知道是不是昨天晚上喝了那杯點子奶茶還是有點擔心隔天要開南橫的緣故,居然從十二點半一直躺到兩點半還睡不著,後來朦朦朧朧睡著時應該已經超過三點了吧!不過隔天早上五點半要起床時,雖然有點痛苦不過還是不敢賴床。 Keep Reading

年初四 – 卑南文化公園水舞


下午陸陸續續有一些親戚鄰居跑來向外婆拜年,大部分我應該都是小時候見過,可是長大後就沒再見到,所以幾乎都沒什麼印象,不過一個叔公的孫女過來時,倒是讓我驚艷了一下。她比我小三歲,只有小時候有見過,有沒有一起玩耍已經沒什麼印象了,不過現在長得亭亭玉立,果然女大十八變,嘖嘖… Keep Reading

年初三 – 意外台東行

早上六點多,小舅舅一家人還有外婆就到家裡了,不過每天都睡到日上三竿的我哪有可能這麼早就起床,而且今天還變本加厲睡到了十一點多才下樓跟他們打招呼,實在是糟糕啊!用完午餐後,小舅舅一行人也準備上路到高雄去找阿姨,而我和媽媽也計畫下午送弟弟回去成大,他從不知道初幾就一直在喊著要回宿舍去了,不過這時我忽然異想天開的問說,要不要去台東,結果媽媽和弟弟都同意了,我們就這樣子踏上前往台東的路程。 Keep Reading

Chinese New Year’s Eve

Spring Festival Couplets
Spring Festival Couplets; From: 飛翔的美夢: blog玩春聯..

Tonight is Chinese New Year‘s Eve, one of the most important holidays for Chinese. Families get reunion from where they work or study, enjoy the New Year Eve’s Feast (reunion dinner), and the elders will give the juniors red packet as a Spring Festival gift. Theoretically, everybody loves the happy ambiance.

But I don’t like this very much. Maybe it’s a waekness in my personality. I don’t like to get in touch with my relatives. I don’t know exactly what the reason is, but I do know the condition since I was a child. But it’s an important tradition, I still have to follow it. Maybe I need to change my mind a little, face this with a more positive attitude, and then I can accept this in a happier mood.

Hope everyone have a good chinese new year, get healthier than before, and every thing can be all right.


年初一 – 鐵馬行

今天是大年初一,似乎沒什麼新奇的,長大後對過年的感覺越來越淡了,一樣睡到九點多快十點才起床,一點也沒有新年新氣象的感覺。不過下午實在悶的很,已經在家裡呆了好幾天都沒踏出家門半步,心裡實在受不了,便決定下午也不看書了,去外頭騎騎腳踏車先。 Keep Reading



我和 rspe (現在都不敢寫名字了,好恐怖啊!) 一到那,只見 Mr. 陳在那,似乎也沒看到其他人,我們正納悶是不是時間搞錯時,又來了幾位同學,後來 Mr.周到了之後,我們便先進去小兄弟坐著等。 Keep Reading

Back To Taipei For Fancy

The day before yesterday, I tried to upgrade the OS on Fancy remotely, and ordered to reboot at 4:00 A.M.. I thought it’ll be ok because I’d done that several times before. But when Kilo told me that she couldn’t connect to Fancy, I found what I scared most happened.

I wondered what the problem was and asked Cyanine to check for me on the next day. The problem was still existed even after trying to solve the problem on the phone, Cyanine told me the messages on the console and I ordered him to execute some commands. After all, I decided to go back to the school as quickly as I could, so I took the bus this afternoon.

When I arrived at the office, the power of the machine was on. I don’t know why. I remembered that I asked Cyanine to turn it off on the phone. Anyway, I tried some commands to check the internet connection. Mysteriously, the connection was well. Why would I need to come back for it?! What’s the problem? I even didn’t do anything, and why it’s broken in the morning?

But if I didn’t want to upgrade it remotely, there would be no problem at all. One way or another, I still have things to do here, and maybe I can get my laptop back from Kilo and take it home this time.

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這次是第三次在假日時回系辦處理圓夢的機器,而且還是最嚴重的一次,(所謂嚴重是指回程里程數的多寡… ^^a),不過完全是自找的,怨誰呢? Keep Reading


今天是最後一天,應該也是行程最輕鬆的一天,不過不知道是不是昨天不夠累,還是睡覺時擠太多人 (因為後來又有一些人到了工作站這邊),感覺睡得不是很好,早上被叫起來時還蠻不甘願的… ^^a

早餐吃的是稀飯,看著大家夾著醬瓜肉鬆之類的,也沒什麼食慾,匆匆的吃了兩碗白稀飯和喝了一杯奶茶之類的,就回去收拾行李了。就在這時候才看到王文修,他們居然走到晚上九點才到工作站,那時我應該是已經睡著了吧!不過要是要我晚上走在烏漆抹黑的山裡,我才不想呢! Keep Reading


一早起來,又是開始準備早餐和行李,這樣簡單的過日子、有著單純的目標其實感覺也還不錯,早餐主要是由 Cindy 負責的,她實在是個認真的小隊長,如果她肯繼續來國樂社練胡琴,那就更好了… ^^a 大家起床時,天還沒亮,所以還是得戴上頭燈,不然啥也看不到,不過沒一會兒,太陽一露臉,整個山谷就全亮了,這是一種很神秘的感覺。

今天主要的目標就是攻上八通關山頂,大家只要帶著自己的小包包就可以了,如果要再像昨天那樣背了個大背包去爬,肯定會死人。大家先在工作站旁的空地集合,這時我才忽然發現,地上、植物表面都結了一層霜,太神祕了,忽然想起自己上一次看到這樣的景色,是國三去大陸那趟看到的,都已經過這麼久啦… Keep Reading