What a wonderful service it supplies!
This morning, I read the China Times and found out a book Taiwan, During Japan Colonization (日本統治下的台灣; ISBN: 9867375548). I’m interested in it and decided to buy one in the upcoming book exhibition. In fact, going to visit the exhibition to buy one will take me more time and more money, so I search it online first. What amazed me was that there’s a large gap of the price between each bookstores. The price gap between the cheapest and the most expensive is 60 NTD. Wow!!
If I buy one online, I may spend the transportation charges. So, I went on the web site of the cheapest for details. I found I have not to pay the transportation charges if I choose a convenience-store transportation. How wonderful it is. So I bought one at once.
Another book I’d like to buy is Brokeback Mountain (ISBD: 1857029402), but there’s no stock of the older version, which is cheaper than the latest one. So I gave up. Maybe I’ll accidentally find one in one of the Eslite Bookstore someday.
Haha … It’s so happy to buy something cheaper. :p