Bloglines 的標題用 16.8px 的字?
最近一直在玩 Ubuntu,不過 X window 上的中文字型一直都沒有很好的表現,雖然也裝了內建點陣字的 firefly New Sung,但必須得自己設定一些有關 antialias 的部份,我參考了 Ubuntu Wiki 上的 UbuntuL10N 這篇,設定了 /etc/fonts/local.conf,因為 New Sung 的 17 號字不太好看,所以改設定為 "less_eq" "16",畫面看起來的確不錯。
Tossing And Turning
Yesterday I had done a stupid thing that made me tossing and turning in bed.
A 40+ years old female had breast cancer over 11 o'clock of left breast and underwent partial mastectomy and axillary lymph nodes dissection last Friday. A Penrose drain was placed at the medial incision site and the other drainage tube at the axillary incision site. I had scrubbed and joined that operation and I did know the plan about post-operative care.