- 總天數: 14 (2005.08.03 ~ 2005.08.17, 其中 08/07 待在家裡不列入計算)
- 總里程: 2458 km
- 花費: (NTD)
- 食: 3043
- 衣: 900
- 住: 2450
- 行: 2198 (油 1518 機油 650 停車費 30)
- 育: 110
- 樂: 1134
- 總花費: 9835
為什麼這次要走這一趟, 其實有蠻多原因的, 不過主要是想要好好的把握時間玩樂一番吧! (誰叫有人要出國這麼多次… >_<)
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
This morning in the Introduction of Surgery class, I found that my classmate, Tzu-Chun Wei, will go abroad for THREE times. It’s an amazing news for me. Because I don’t have enough money to participate in our gruduation-celebrating travel to Thailand and Phuket Island, I am a little envious of him for having family support to travel around in the last summer vacation in our medical education.