今天早上和弟弟兩人從家裡出發, 這是我們這趟旅途裡第一次一起騎機車, 由我帶路, 他跟在後頭. 一開始有點不習慣這樣的模式, 不時得看看後照鏡, 確認他有沒有跟上來, 不過騎了一整天下來, 也慢慢習慣了.
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Decided To Travel Around Taiwan Again
This morning in the Introduction of Surgery class, I found that my classmate, Tzu-Chun Wei, will go abroad for THREE times. It’s an amazing news for me. Because I don’t have enough money to participate in our gruduation-celebrating travel to Thailand and Phuket Island, I am a little envious of him for having family support to travel around in the last summer vacation in our medical education.