In the concert of Jing-Kuan-Ming Temple in this winter vacation, I performed this song very badly not only because the cold weather but also the insufficient preparation. I wasn’t willing to be bitten by this. Therefore, I tried to practice more and then recorded it.
I spent a morning and a half afternoon to finish recording. By the way, I nearly lost my temper and got fight with Kilo. ^^a After having lunch to give myself some relaxation, I became more peaceful in mind and performed better than in the morning.
After coming back to the dormitory, I shared it with my roommate. He gave me a lot of useful suggestions, and we compared many different versions, including Fourier, Casals, Rostropovich, and Yo-yo Ma. We found that I played too slowly. The average time they used is about just 2 minutes and 30 seconds, while I used 3 minutes and 30 seconds, ONE MINUTE MORE!!! But I don’t know why. I didn’t want to play too fast. The music in my mind is nearly what I played. (I mean the rhythm and speed only… ^^a) But after listening to their playings and looked up the meaning of what’s wrote on the score, I think I knew more about this melody. In my play, I didn’t express the happiness. The score says, ‘Gai et rythmé,’ which means happily, vividly and rhythmically, but it sounds dull and no happiness in my playing. >_<
Although this version is not satisfied and doesn’t achieve the level the score asks, I think it is still worthy of taking down because of my effort. I’ll try to correct my errors in the musical expression and record it again.
Podcast: Bach: Six Suites For Cello, Suite I – Courante, Cello by Tsai