GU 真有點選錯時間來,才剛上一天班就遇到年假了,說也無奈。雖然沒有排到除夕初一班,不過值了初二初三,年假剛好被切成兩半,不過還算是勉強可以利用一下。
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
Yesterday I had done a stupid thing that made me tossing and turning in bed.
A 40+ years old female had breast cancer over 11 o'clock of left breast and underwent partial mastectomy and axillary lymph nodes dissection last Friday. A Penrose drain was placed at the medial incision site and the other drainage tube at the axillary incision site. I had scrubbed and joined that operation and I did know the plan about post-operative care.
或許這是一個慢慢會適應的過程,每到一個新的科別總是需要一段陣痛期,面對不熟悉的病患、不熟悉的疾病、不熟悉的學長姐和主治醫師,在對病房事務還沒建立起概念前,心裡真的很懷念 ICU 的人事物,每天早上從宿舍走向餐廳買早餐時,總會不自覺的向右望向 ICU 緊閉的大門。
這是金剛說的,不過對我來說,似乎也非常的適用。在急診的兩週,其實自己是遠不及剛開始當 clerk 時認真的,明明應該要多練習的 procedure,硬是一直拖,到最後居然連一隻 foley 都沒 on 到,而有一天遇到顏 V 時,因為前一天他查房沒看到半個 clerk,於是被他念說希望我們這最後一梯要有始有終,雖然他不太記得我,不過還蠻不好意思的。