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Medical Education

The Last Lecture of University Life


Today we had the last lecture of our university life. It is an ob/gyn lecture, which I take charge of. After it, we will go into hospital to be a clerk and say goodbye to our university life. Many of my classmates attended because of its special meaning.

Before the class, I saw a large spider in the corner. It came to celebrate our finishing?

I don't want to talk too much about my sentiment, but I'd like to say, it is my honor to take charge of the last lecture and I will remember the special moment for long long time.

Health Examination

This afternoon, I had a health examination for the upcoming Clerk training. The whole process went smoothly, checking my height, weight, optometric assessment, and the blood pressure. My blood pressure seems not very well, 128/78, a little bit high. The heart rate is also a little high. Maybe it means I have to start exercising from now on, if I don't want to have cardiovascular diseases when I get older.

Then, I was asked to have my urine sample. Fortunately I didn't go to the toilet before the examination. It seemed that there were so many people did not have any desire to micturate and drank a lot of water outside the toilet. XD

After giving back the urine sample, I was asked to have a venous puncture. I've had few experience of venous puncturing. Every time I see a needle I feel scared. T_T

The interesting part is taking a chest X-ray. Because of the digital technology, I could see the result right after taking the picture. But I was a little stunned when seeing my CXR, I didn't know how to approach it. How can a 5-grade medical student be unable to interpret a ought-to-be normal CXR!! The technician and I discussed for a while and he pointed out some lesions (?) to me, one calcification in the left lower lung field and the other in the right lower lung field. And also, I have scoliosis.

Wow… I haven't ever expected that I have scoliosis. It was too astonishing. But my roommate said that there are too many things in the world out of your expectation. Hmm… Since it doesn't cause any symptom, all I can do is to accept it. =.=a


好久之前就約了這次的臨床導生聚,雖說之前和王老師的導生聚也是在法樂琪,(日記沒補… >_<),不過還是很期待今天跟顏V相約法樂琪。

不過一開始老柏、阿祖、宗杰和我有點緊張,因為沒有老師的聯絡方式,而且法樂琪沒有老師的定位紀錄,到時候要是等無人就哭了。幸好過了一陣子老師就出現了。 Keep Reading

Hospital-choosing Conference


Last Sat., we had held the Hospital-choosing Conference, the most important one for us. Firstly, we had order numbers produced by the computer program by saka, followed by drawing lots in turn.

I had a computer random number of 78. When my turn was coming, I felt a little nervous and could feel the palpitation, the same as the night before the Exam five years ago. In my turn, when I drew the lot from the box, there's nothing in my mind. I forgot to pray for blessing, but the God still blessed me that I got No. 28. Keep Reading

Chased By The Handouts


I don’t want to be chased by the handouts. Because I am one of the Academic Affair Chiefs, I have to prepare the handouts for all. But we have four hours of Gynecology & Obstetrics per week, and sometimes there are totally four different teachers for these hours. Therefore, I have to ask the teachers for the handouts, trying to resolve the problems while sending email, and then print them. This is the routine work. Although I don’t have to edit conotes, I don’t want to be chased by these handouts, either. XD

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Handout of Hospital Management


I printed the handout of Hospital Management for the class, totally 108 copies. There are 73 pages per copy, and they were double-page printed. Therefore, totally there are 37 x 108 = 3996 sheets on my desk now!!! But it’s not the most miserable thing. I have to move them to the classroom in the rain in about 10 minutes later. Oh… Thanks to duckling for his promise of gaving me a HAND.


剛開學其實心裡還蠻緊張的,雖然上課的方式跟上學期差不多,也是帶了個電腦去鬼混,也是在同樣的那些教室,同學們更沒有什麼大改變,可是為什麼還是緊張呢?因為這學期擔任了學藝股長,上大學來第一次擔任的班級幹部。感覺學藝上課時,似乎皮就要繃緊一些,要是老師上課時出了什麼狀況,要趕緊上去看看發生了什麼事,就是因為這樣,所以比平時緊張吧! Keep Reading

A White Hair

Yesterday, after dinner, when I was reading Harry Potter on the sofa in the living room, my mom told me she saw there’s a white hair on my head. I didn’t believe her at first, but she pulled it out. It’s really a white hair from its root to tip, without any melanin in it. Wow, how can I get a white hair in such a young age, 25 years old? My mom said maybe I studied too hard for the medical courses. Hmmm… maybe it’s an important factor. :p

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其實昨天跑回家,今天再殺到高榮是有點拼的,為了能在早上九點前準時到達高榮,我得跳上早上五點五十六分的火車,意思是我五點初頭就得起床了… >_<就像是回到了以前國三坐校車的時候。不過出發時還是稍微拖了一下,媽媽開車載我到斗南火車站時,火車都快進站了,幸好最後有趕上。 這麼早的電車上沒有太多乘客,經過一些小站時會有一兩個趕著上學的高中生,他們還真是辛苦啊!一直到了嘉義乘客才慢慢變多,雖然前一天並沒有太早睡,不過在車上我還是盡量撐著不要睡著,畢竟難得可以搭上這種上課上班日的火車嘛!總要好好的體驗一下的。 Keep Reading



早上原本預計早起殺往台中,趁空閒時間先去把東海大學逛一圈,彌補先前環島過而不入的遺憾,不過沒有上課的壓力要起床還真是件困難事,結果還是比預計的時間晚了一個多小時才起來。趕緊收好行李到了國道轉運站,很幸運的是才剛買完票就有一班車開往台中,而且還可以直達中榮,運氣真不錯。 Keep Reading