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這次的時間地點決定的有點倉促,記得前一個週末才剛調查完個人的時間,接著在禮拜三接到通知,禮拜四就家聚了。地點則是去了還不算少次的盛鑫。 Keep Reading

Goodbye, Meepok! @ Royal Host

Royal Host 樂雅樂

Meepok is going to go back to Malaysia in this week. I thought we, the partners of the Chinese Music Club, might have a dinner before she goes back. So I invited Kentu, Cloudyday, Sasimi at last Saturday night.

The meal was great, and we talked a lot. I was so thankful that we could get together again. On the bad side, this may be the last time we can get together in our lives.

Wish Meepok could find her new job and be with her boyfriend smoothly.

The Egg Rolls From Twelve

Egg Roll

Twelve is my partner of Academic Affairs. We take charge of Gy/Ob, Nuclear Medicine, and Hospital Management. Last week, when we were having the final exam of Hospital Management, she gave me this pack of egg rolls for thanking me helping her in the academic affairs. I felt very embarrassed and told her not to be so ceremonious. But it was ungracious not to accept her gift. ^^a

Anyway, thanks Twelve. They are very delicious and save me much time in buying several breakfasts and night snacks. :p



我和 rspe (現在都不敢寫名字了,好恐怖啊!) 一到那,只見 Mr. 陳在那,似乎也沒看到其他人,我們正納悶是不是時間搞錯時,又來了幾位同學,後來 Mr.周到了之後,我們便先進去小兄弟坐著等。 Keep Reading

Delicious Strawberries

Strawberry Strawberry

At the corner of the way to Kilo‘s place, there is a strawberry vendor every evening. Some days ago, after having dinner with Kilo, I felt a little depressed and wanted to buy something for comfort, so I rode my motorcycle there and bought a case of strawberries. The merchant was very tricky. She originally said that 100 NTD per case but charged me 150 NTD. I argued her and finally got it with 100 NTD.

After went back to the dorm, I washed them and then started to taste them. They were so dilicious and this was the first time to eat strawberries this winter. But the price is still too high for me, I just can buy some occasionally.

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這是這學期第二次家聚,因為 tanny 學長剛退伍,準備開始他榮總內科住院醫師生活前,想跟大家聚聚,於是就寫信通知我,要我幫忙聯絡。交給我聯絡的話,當然就可以做一點小試驗:用 wiki 來報名,而不是像以前那樣用回群組信的方式。結果也還蠻順利的,雖然上面兩位學姊 hana & rancy 和在羅東的 owen 學長不能來,在校的應該都到的了,五個人也不算太冷清。 Keep Reading

Now At QK Cafe

I’m now at QK Cafe, Tien-Mu store.

A few days ago, I saw an article by ijliao about his experience of QK cafe. He said that they offer free wireless service. For me, after buying the laptop, it’s a very important thing. And, many times I went to kilo‘s place, I saw a QK Cafe standing there, so I decided to come here for breakfast in a carefree morning. And, it is today. Keep Reading


  • 總天數: 14 (2005.08.03 ~ 2005.08.17, 其中 08/07 待在家裡不列入計算)
  • 總里程: 2458 km
  • 花費: (NTD)
    1. 食: 3043
    2. 衣: 900
    3. 住: 2450
    4. 行: 2198 (油 1518 機油 650 停車費 30)
    5. 育: 110
    6. 樂: 1134
    7. 總花費: 9835


為什麼這次要走這一趟, 其實有蠻多原因的, 不過主要是想要好好的把握時間玩樂一番吧! (誰叫有人要出國這麼多次… >_<)

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Food Intoxication?

When I was dealing with kilo’s computer’s strange IME behavior last night, I felt accidentally acute abdominal pain. There were neither defecation nor farting feeling at that time. Murphy sign and peritoneal sign were both negative. I didn’t have any sphygmomanometer to check my vital sign. Without stethoscope, I couldn’t auscultate the frequency of my bowel sounds, but I thought it may increase a little. It was a little like the episode I got food intoxication in junior high school.

The symptoms persisted about 2 hours and remitted that I could go to bed. This morning after I had my breakfast, I felt the similar colic again. I felt there are large gas in my abdoman, and as my expectation, I went to stool just now. (By the way, I also repaired the broken flusher. =.=|||) It looked normal color and no foul odor, but a little watery.

I think it may be food intoxication of my last night snack, Fried Tou-Fu (臭豆腐). The pathogen may be in the bean paste or the pickled vegetables.

I feel more comfortable after defecation. Hope it is just a single event. (But I really won’t buy any food from that street vendor. :p) May the others ate Fried Tou-Fu last night are all safe and well.