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My First Turning-Egg Toy


Recently, I like Keroro very much, and sometimes when I was having my lunch or dinner, I always watched a volume of Keroro animation. The role I like the most is Tamama. He is a young, cute tadpole, although it seems that he loves the captain, Keroro, and is a gay?

Last week, I browsed the Yahoo! Kimo Auction and found a Turning-Egg toy of Tamama. The seller set a higher price than the market price. ($60 vs. $50). And after adding the transportation charges, it will totally cost me nearly $100, but I still bid for it.

The process was not smooth for me to get the toy, but I still got it today, just one day before my mid-semester exam of dermatology. The toy has 4 kind of facial expressions in the eyes, big eyes, anger, narrowing eyes, and self-confident eyes. It can be changed be pulling the switch on his head. It is now on my desk.

But Kilo says that I’m just like a child. How could a 23 year-old person like these toys so much?! I don’t know. But sometimes I really want to be just a simple child.





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好像是吃火鍋當天的前兩天吧~ 世韻才問我週末要不要到翠鈴家吃火鍋, 也叫我找葆如來, 不過葆如剛好要去喝喜酒, 火鍋的時間也沒辦法調, 本來打算是不去了, 不過後來聽說子鈞跟朱也都要去, 所以還是決定去了. Keep Reading

Introduction of CC in Co-note

I took charge of the typesetting of the 9th ENT Co-note. It really was a huge work and took me almost one day to finish it. Customarily, if one typesets, he can insert some jokes or whatever he likes to the empty area between paragraphs. For me, it is not easy. I don’t like to insert those UNFUNNY jokes (we call them COLD jokes), but what should I choose.

After several days consideration, I decided to introduce the concept of Creative Commons to my classmates. I referred to a publication of Institute of Information Science Academia Sinica and wrote something in Chinese. I think, although it is not a classic in spreading CC, it may impact some of my classmates’ thought. Keep Reading

Reply of Selling Blood

This morning I received a email from a person who claimed he is a reader of my blog. He wanted to ask me about “selling blood.” I thought he may read this (zh-TW) and wanted me to gave some informations. First time, I replied him in Chinese, but just now, I received his reply. He said he couldn’t read my text. I found that he uses Yahoo! Mail service, which uses Big5 as default encoding, and I use Gmail, which uses UTF-8. So I guess it may be a problem of encoding and suggested him to try changing encoding while viewing. But I am not very sure it’ll work. So I still wrote another email in English. English works in all encodings. I Hope so. :p Keep Reading

Now At Dan-Shuei

This afternoon, I rode on my bicycle, along the Taipei Bicycle Track, arrived Dan-Shuei at about 5:00 p.m. I even didn’t realize that I really got here, because this is the first time I come to Dan-Shuei via this way.

It’s nearly sunset. I stoped my bike, took some photos and walk along the Dan-Shuei River. There were a lot of people here, maybe because today is the National Day. I ate a lot of snacks, fruit with chocolate covering, Chou-Dou-Fu barbecue (碳烤臭豆腐), a string of baked mutton, the Ancient Rice (古早飯), and a large ice cream. I’m so satisfied with these food. Keep Reading


從上個禮拜, 威銘跟我借腳踏車騎去外面運動後, 我就一直在找機會也去騎一趟, 不過星期六下雨, 星期天跟家教學生吃完飯回來也下雨, 幸好禮拜一剛好碰上國慶國定假日, 不然這個願望不曉得什麼時候才能實現.

其實今天下午四點準備出發時, 天氣也是陰陰的, 不過為了完成這個小心願, 帶著傘還是出門去了. 拿出昨天才領回來的 mp3 player, 聽著張震嶽和張學友, 感覺輕快的節奏讓我踏的更加輕鬆. Keep Reading

台北市政府領獎 & 找前家教學生吃飯

話說前一陣子瘋狂參加活動, 常常跑市政府附近還是有點小收穫的, 不僅用了好幾次免費的無線網路, 吃了哈根達斯, 喝了咖啡, 最後居然還抽到 mp3 player,記得當初看到台北無線網路入口網站的活動時, 只剩下一天就要過期了, 趕緊隨便填了張問卷, 然後隔天跑去吃冰淇淋, 前幾天上課時忽然 Gmail Notifier 跳出新信件的通知, 居然說抽了一台 mp3 player, 那時候還給坐在旁邊的章桂看了一下.真是太莫名奇妙了. Keep Reading



今天是一學期一度的家聚, 因為不能陪葆如去吃晚餐, 因此利用家聚前的一點點時間, 先載她過去阿財買個水餃回來吃, 反正原本家聚的地點定在瓦城, 走過去就到了.

不過正在阿財等水餃的時候, 卻接到學弟的電話臨時要改到中山站附近的陶板屋去吃, 我一聽忽然大驚, 怎麼會臨時改那麼遠的地方, 還不太相信的再問一次地點, 會不會是我自己聽錯其實是在天母附近的中山北路, 結果當然是沒錯啦! Keep Reading