My First Turning-Egg Toy


Recently, I like Keroro very much, and sometimes when I was having my lunch or dinner, I always watched a volume of Keroro animation. The role I like the most is Tamama. He is a young, cute tadpole, although it seems that he loves the captain, Keroro, and is a gay?

Last week, I browsed the Yahoo! Kimo Auction and found a Turning-Egg toy of Tamama. The seller set a higher price than the market price. ($60 vs. $50). And after adding the transportation charges, it will totally cost me nearly $100, but I still bid for it.

The process was not smooth for me to get the toy, but I still got it today, just one day before my mid-semester exam of dermatology. The toy has 4 kind of facial expressions in the eyes, big eyes, anger, narrowing eyes, and self-confident eyes. It can be changed be pulling the switch on his head. It is now on my desk.

But Kilo says that I’m just like a child. How could a 23 year-old person like these toys so much?! I don’t know. But sometimes I really want to be just a simple child.





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