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Goodbye, 0916!


This afternoon, I cancelled my FETnet mobile phone number, because I have no need to own 2 numbers. It had accompanied me for 2 years and 2 months. It also saved me a lot of money in telephoning. Finally, it got its end. I don't know whether it is right or not, but I think it is a good time to do this.

The Last Lecture of University Life


Today we had the last lecture of our university life. It is an ob/gyn lecture, which I take charge of. After it, we will go into hospital to be a clerk and say goodbye to our university life. Many of my classmates attended because of its special meaning.

Before the class, I saw a large spider in the corner. It came to celebrate our finishing?

I don't want to talk too much about my sentiment, but I'd like to say, it is my honor to take charge of the last lecture and I will remember the special moment for long long time.

To Watch A Modern Dance Show


One day, when I walked through the CKS MRT station, I saw an advertisement of Compagnie Marie Chouinard. I've been thinking of watching a dance show for a long time, but the famous Cloud Gate doesn't have any show when I have free time. For another reason, the subject of this show is bODY_rEMIX/gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS. I guess they will use Bach's Goldberg Variation as the background music, which is more familiar than the dance itself to me. Maybe when I feel bored, I can just close my eyes and listen to the music. XD

Anyway, the date is just the next day I come back from Jia-Ming Lake. Hope I won't be too tired and enjoy my first watching of a dance show.



今天學校幫我們安排了近醫院前的體檢,等時間差不多到的時候,便把資料表填一填,帶著忐忑不安(?)的心前往體檢的地點,路上還遇到幾個班上同學,沒想到我算是動作慢的呢! Keep Reading

Health Examination

This afternoon, I had a health examination for the upcoming Clerk training. The whole process went smoothly, checking my height, weight, optometric assessment, and the blood pressure. My blood pressure seems not very well, 128/78, a little bit high. The heart rate is also a little high. Maybe it means I have to start exercising from now on, if I don't want to have cardiovascular diseases when I get older.

Then, I was asked to have my urine sample. Fortunately I didn't go to the toilet before the examination. It seemed that there were so many people did not have any desire to micturate and drank a lot of water outside the toilet. XD

After giving back the urine sample, I was asked to have a venous puncture. I've had few experience of venous puncturing. Every time I see a needle I feel scared. T_T

The interesting part is taking a chest X-ray. Because of the digital technology, I could see the result right after taking the picture. But I was a little stunned when seeing my CXR, I didn't know how to approach it. How can a 5-grade medical student be unable to interpret a ought-to-be normal CXR!! The technician and I discussed for a while and he pointed out some lesions (?) to me, one calcification in the left lower lung field and the other in the right lower lung field. And also, I have scoliosis.

Wow… I haven't ever expected that I have scoliosis. It was too astonishing. But my roommate said that there are too many things in the world out of your expectation. Hmm… Since it doesn't cause any symptom, all I can do is to accept it. =.=a

Shooting Stars, Wishes


This sone is writen by Haker (哈克), one of my guitar teacher. And it is also the song of the class of the high school. I like it very much. This time I came back home, I took out my guitar and tried to play some folk songs I remembered when I was in high school. They made me to remember many things that happened in high school. Maybe I am sad now that I can touch the meaning of the lyrics more deeply. But I really hope that my wishes will come true someday, really, really…


不管有沒有人 說累或不累
Regardless of someone saying he's tired or not,
等著流星的人啊 還是不想睡
The people waiting the shooting stars still don't wanna go to bed.
靜靜的深夜 享受涼風輕吹
In the peaceful night, enjoy the cool wind blowing.
疲倦一點 癡狂一點 夜又深一點
a little tired, a little crazy, the night is falling and falling.
不論有沒有人 相信或不相信
Regardless of someone believing or not,
等著流星的人啊 望著夜空守心願
The people waiting the shooting stars stare the sky and wait the wishes.
沉沉的黑夜 滿天星光點綴
In the darkening night, there are stars shining in the sky.
執著一點 堅持一點 攜手肩並肩
More persistence, more insistence, our hands hold shoulder to shoulder.
期待星光一點 劃破漫漫的長夜
Hope a star flashes and breaks up the endless night,
The first wish is to expect it will come true.
期待星光一線 劃過夢想的畫面
Hope a star flashes and draws through the image of dream.
願望會像傳說一樣 一一會實現
The wishes will come true one by one, just as the legend says.
怕來不及許願 對你的感謝
Fear of unable making a wish in time and the thanks to you.
所以不敢眨眼 怕來不及訴說對你的思念
So we dare not to blink, and fear of unable pouring forth the missing to you.
期待星光一點 劃破漫漫的長夜
Hope a star flashes and breaks up the endless night,
The first wish is to expect it will come true.
期待星光一線 劃過夢想的畫面
Hope a star flashes and draws through the image of dream.
願望會像傳說一樣 一一會實現
The wishes will come true one by one, just as the legend says.

Change The Nickname


Today, I changed my nickname of YMBBS from "Dating With Beethoven" to "Mature, sincere, and doing without asking for rewards." The previous I used for more than two years. The changing doesn't mean I give up the original intension I set 2 years ago. On the contrary, I hope to hold it tightly in my hands, in my mind. But it is more important for me to get mature, get along with friends sincerely, and the most important is to do things without asking for rewards. I hope in the future, I will become a more complete man and responsible for myself.

Hospital-choosing Conference


Last Sat., we had held the Hospital-choosing Conference, the most important one for us. Firstly, we had order numbers produced by the computer program by saka, followed by drawing lots in turn.

I had a computer random number of 78. When my turn was coming, I felt a little nervous and could feel the palpitation, the same as the night before the Exam five years ago. In my turn, when I drew the lot from the box, there's nothing in my mind. I forgot to pray for blessing, but the God still blessed me that I got No. 28. Keep Reading

Backpack, Sleeping Bag, and Tent

SV300634 SV300636 SV300637 SV300638

SV300639 SV300640 SV300641 SV300643

After the stove, I bought some new equipments: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a tent, and a headlight. The sleeping pad is a bonus. I totally spent about 16,000 NTD on them. As my roommate heard this last night, he almostly dropped his jaw.

I went to Chong-Shan North Road to search these equipments yesterday afternoon. There are many stores, but I just compared the prices between two of them. The first was Shan-Shui (山水). The clerk introduced them in detail, but I was stunned by the sum. My budget is about 15,000 NTD. So I left the store with an excuse of taking my girlfriend home. :p

The second store was Den-Shan-Yo (登山友). They introduced these equipments of other brands. I felt very strange why the two stores sell goods almostly different with each other?! But the sum was a little lower here.

I had to decide which I should choose. They all offered what I liked more. For example, I liked the backpack of Den-Shan-Yo, but the tent of Shan-Shui. After thinking for a long, long time, I chose the second one, although they did not give me a premium in price. (But I still got a sleeping pad. Although it cost about 150 NTD only.)

My roommate said I was too impulsive, and maybe I should consider for longer before spending so much money. I can not oppose him entirely, but after I bought my laptop last August, I became more impulsive, didn't I?



今天除了天氣冷之外,還飄著一點小雨,走在路上撐傘不是被吹得開花,不撐又覺得被雨水噴到很難過,討人厭的爛天氣。有了昨天的經驗,今天快速的就找到服務台,昨天那個可愛的小妞今天好像沒上班,不過她旁邊倒是擺了一張桌子專門辦理學生異想卡專案的,我上前把學生證交給那先生,在本子上簽個名後就拿到屬於我的異想卡啦!不過我相信他的壽命應該不會超過一年就是了… ^^a Keep Reading