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Shutter Count 被拐了?!


昨天心血來潮想看一下我 D80 的快門釋放數 (shutter count) 究竟有多少,拿到時是不是全新的機器,看了網路上的說明,似乎會把這個值紀錄在 EXIF data 裡,所以用 exiftool 查了一下最近的照片… Keep Reading

Vim – What A Nice Editor

Vim Logo

About half a year ago, I tried to write with Vim/GVim instead of traditional BBS editor. It’s so convenient to use regular expression to replace some words to other forms, such as trimming the spaces, connecting separate sentences, adding or appending some HTML tags in order to put them onto my blog, etc. Before this afternoon, I wrote English pieces directly in the blog’s web-based editor, but I thought I may want to keep a copy in plain text in my hard drive. Thus, I tried Vim. Keep Reading

GPS – A Luxury Good


I have dreamed to have a GPS equipped digital camera for a long time, that I can record geographic information in my photos. But in recent years, such a product seemed not to be accepted by people, and there are not many products in the marketplace. Keep Reading

Ubuntu 之旅


其實事情會發展到現在這個地步也不是沒有原因,想當初自己完全是個 FreeBSD 的愛好者,沒想到現在主要的作業系統竟然換到 Linux (Ubuntu) 上,原因主要有下面幾點: Keep Reading

Bloglines 的標題用 16.8px 的字?

最近一直在玩 Ubuntu,不過 X window 上的中文字型一直都沒有很好的表現,雖然也裝了內建點陣字的 firefly New Sung,但必須得自己設定一些有關 antialias 的部份,我參考了 Ubuntu Wiki 上的 UbuntuL10N 這篇,設定了 /etc/fonts/local.conf,因為 New Sung 的 17 號字不太好看,所以改設定為 "less_eq" "16",畫面看起來的確不錯。 Keep Reading

Fear to Upgrade

Until the National Exam was over, I could have enough time to deal with the upgrade of WordPress. It took me some time to backup the database first, and then my customized theme and plugins. The whole process was smooth. It didn't break my data. XD But I don't like its new behavior about the automatically adding of paragraph tags. Keep Reading

My Photos In Welcoming CD-ROM


These photos were taken when I was a freshman. Because of having a band and playing rock and roll, I had my hair growing long and made them yellow dyed. Someone had ever told me that I looked so MAN with that hairstyle. XD

I lost these photos due to one hard drive crashing. But I found them back in the Welcoming CD-ROM. But some videos of my band still couldn‘t be found. What a pity. It reminds me that backup is so important. And since I rented the virtual host, which gave me 50 GB of space, I should make the maximal usage of it, shouldn‘t I? :p