在 irc 上跟 jabbot 聊天…

其實我搞不太清楚 jabbot 是什麼奇怪的機器人啦~ 不過我今天倒是心血來潮想跟他玩一下…

20:30 jabbot: 我可以跟你聊天嘛? ^^a (他會回些什麼呢?)
20:30 tsaiid: We were discussing you — not me.
20:30 ?? Do you speak Chinese?
20:31 jabbot: Do you speak Chinese?
20:31 tsaiid: Can you elaborate on that?
20:32 jabbot: ?? elaborate on what?
20:32 tsaiid: Why do you ask?
20:32 jabbot: because you are jabbot… :p
20:32 tsaiid: I’m not sure I understand you fully.
20:32 jabbot: why did we talk about this?
20:32 tsaiid: Please go on.
20:33 jabbot: 看來有點牛舌不對馬嘴? XD
20:33 tsaiid: Does talking about this bother you?
20:33 jabbot: no no no …. bye~~
20:33 tsaiid: Oh, I speak Chinese?
20:33 jabbot: really?
20:33 tsaiid: What are your feelings now?
20:34 jabbot: 我迷糊了, 先走, 抱歉打擾…
20:34 tsaiid: What do you think?
20:34 jabbot: bye~~~
20:34 tsaiid: What makes you think I am jabbot?

他是一個具有人工智慧的程式嗎? 唔… 搞不太懂, 不過拿來查台幣換美金的時候似乎還不錯用就是了… XD

用 CRT 當成電台發射器 ?

剛剛在某人的個人版裡看到這個消息, 可以把 CRT 螢幕當成電台來發射AM 的訊號, 唔… 這個想法挺有趣的, 不過我比較擔心的是, 螢幕會不會就此爛了?

DxR – Ortho

本來以為隨便做做應該還ok, 沒想到我還是太嫩啦啦啦~~~ 結果, 零顆星… (奇怪, 我記得做完時有一顆星的啊! 不過沒差啦~ 幾顆不重要…) 以下是結果:


The complete diagnosis for this patient includes vertebral compression fracture secondary to osteoporosis.

Your diagnosis:
lumbar compression fracture

did consider the correct diagnosis in your hypothesis list.

  1. osteoporosis
  2. pelvis fracture
  3. bone tumor in sacrum
  4. lumbar compression fracture

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bone density is 2.5 standard deviations below the normal or average bone density of gender matched young adults. The term osteopenia refers to the less advanced stated of low bone mineral density and is a precursor to osteoporosis. The patient risk of fracture increases two to three times for every 10 percent drop in bone
density. Bone mass routinely declines after menopause and with increasing age making it a condition of elderly patients. The use of substances like tobacco, caffeine and steroids tend to decrease bone density as well.

Although both men and women show age-related decline in bone mineral density after age 40, most women have an accelerated phase of bone loss associated with the cessation of ovarian estrogen production in the 5 years after menopause. Men are protected against osteoporosis because they achieve higher peak bone mass and they do not have an abrupt fall in sex hormones.

Low bone density is the mechanism for most fractures and the lifetime risk for developing an osteoporotic fracture is approximately 50%. White women are at a higher risk followed by Asian women. Risk factors for the condition include white or Asian race, female sex, increased age, a mother or grandmother with a hip fracture, smoking, daily use of alcohol, poor
nutrition, small build, long term use of steroids, heparin, anticonvulsants and methotrexate, postmenopausal without the use of hormone replacement therapy and limited physical activity. The disease states of stroke, hyperthyroidism and Parkinson’s or diseases of memory impairment increase the risk as well.

Diagnosis is with the use of the dual electron x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Results are reported in terms of a T-score which compares the individual patient’s bone mineral density (BMD) with that of a young normal population and the z-scores which compare it with an age-matched control population. The World Health Organization defines osteoporosis as a T-score greater than 2.5 standard deviations below the young normal mean. Disadvantages to this technique are that bone density are not equivalent to bone strength and that adjacent calcium deposits may cause an artifactual increase in the reading.


★Present Illness|01 Why are you here today? What problems are you having?
 Medical History|05 Drugs, present medication, past medication, non-medical uses
 Medical History|08 Gynecologic history
★Medical History|06 Family medical history

The age and race of the patient, her postmenopausal status and lack of hormone replacement allow for the consideration of osteoporosis. Other risk factors for assessment in the patient history are smoking, caffeine and alcohol intake and a family history of osteoporosis in mother or grandmother. Lastly, the presentation of a fracture with a relative lack of serious trauma
would make you question the strength of the patient’s skeleton and the possibility of osteopenia. You might also question the possibility of domestic violence and search for other warning signs.


 Lifestyles|04 Diet
 Lifestyles|03 Caffeine
★Lifestyles|01 Alcohol
★Lifestyles|09 Tobacco
★Lifestyles|05 Exercise
★X-rays|26 Lumbar Spine (X-ray) (L spine, LS spine)
★X-rays|09 Bone Densitometry – Dexa-Scan Hip and Lumbar Spine

The bone density study is the gold standard for evaluation of osteopenia and osteoporosis, it is not required for diagnosis as both can be detected on radiograph. However, it is important in assessing the degree of loss and the effects of therapy. Remember if there are several fractures the telescoping effect of the fractures will cause the bone density to be greater than it
would ordinarily causing the device to over read the bone density. The presence of severe arthritis of the spine, or calcification of the ligaments or arteries around the spine will also artifactually raise the bone density. The bone density report gives densities from three sites: typically the spine, which is trabecular bone, hip which is mixed cortical and trabecular bone and the junction between the middle and distal one third or the radius, which is mostly cortical bone. In general, younger women who have post-menopausal osteoporosis lose more trabecular than cortical bone.


 Feel|Leg-Left Feel|Leg-Left
 Feel|Spine Feel|Spine
 Hammer|Ankle-Left Hammer|Ankle-Left
 Hammer|Knee-Left Hammer|Knee-Left
 Motion|Leg-Left Motion|Leg-Left
 Motion|Spine Motion|Spine
 Questions|Gait & Station Questions|Gait & Station
 View|Leg-Left View|Leg-Left
 View|Spine View|Spine
 Blood A-G|10 Alkaline Phosphatase
★Blood A-G|31 Calcium, Ca (Blood)
★X-rays|26 Lumbar Spine (X-ray) (L spine, LS spine)

On physical exam, neurologic abnormalities such as loss of sensation, muscle weakness, reflex asymmetry and a positive straight leg raising test are important to note for their value in diagnosing a radiculopathy. This would be unlikely in an osteoporotic vertebral fracture, although these signs may be observed when there is complete vertebral destruction and
encroachment of the spinal nerves. These signs may be seen in severe degenerative arthritis, spinal stenosis, or metastasis. Gait and station are important to observe but would not give convincing data to a definitive diagnosis. Similarly, the degree of spinal immobility does not make a diagnosis, but does indicate the level of impairment suffered by the patient.
The general appearance of the spine should be noted as upper and lower body segments are generally equal. It is helpful to use a tape measure to calculate the exact distance from the top of the patient1s head to the symphysis pubis of the pelvis. That distance should be equal to the area between the symphysis pubis and the bottom of the feet. A difference of more
than 2 inches suggests a shortening or deformity of the spine due to vertebral fracture, scoliosis or kyphosis.

Percussion of the spine with a vertebral fracture will result in very localized tenderness over the area of fracture. Another way to elicit this is to have the patient stand on toes and rock back smartly on the heels. This will quite often elicit pain and allow the patient to point to the exact vertebra involved.


 Blood A-G|10 Alkaline Phosphatase
★Blood A-G|31 Calcium, Ca (Blood)
★Blood H-Z|29 Phosphorus, P (Blood)
 Blood H-Z|52 Thyroid-Stimulating-Hormone (TSH)
 Blood H-Z|25 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Intact
 Incomplete Diagnosis

Once osteopenia and vertebral fracture are noted on the lumbar spine film some additional studies are needed. These include serum calcium and phosphorus levels, which can be abnormal in hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia and cancer. It might be helpful to monitor the alkaline phosphatase as it is released by osteoblasts or the cells, which form bone. An elevated alkaline phosphatase is suggestive of underlying intense bone remodeling or bone turnover. This can be
found in a vertebral fracture or in a fracture anywhere throughout the body where there is active reabsorption and repair.


 MiscellaneousR06 Vitamins/minerals
 DietR17 Increase/High
 EducationR01 Diet
 EducationR02 Exercise

 EndocrineR02 Hormones
 NeuromuscularR03 Analgesics, narcotic

Related H&P:
★Medical History|01 Allergies [Medical History]
 Medical History|08 Gynecologic history

Related Lab:
★X-rays|09 Bone Densitometry – Dexa-Scan Hip and Lumbar Spine

Treatment is multifaceted and includes lifestyle modifications eliminating tobacco and caffeine use and decreasing or eliminating alcohol use. Increasing the use of weight bearing exercises has been of great benefit as well. Eliminating the risk of falls through proper fitting glasses and minimal use of long acting sedatives is helpful.

Pharmacological management of low bone density is proven to reduce the fracture risk in both men and women. Calcium and vitamin D are integral to bone density and maintenance. The use of Alendronate at 10g daily or Raloxifene 60mg daily has demonstrated an increase in bone mineral density and should be used in woman intolerant of estrogen or with a history of
breast cancer. Estrogen appears to reduce vertebral fractures though it’s impact on nonspinal fractures has not yet been demonstrated. Overall estrogen has demonstrated clear benefit in improvement of bone mass and fracture risk reduction, but it’s effects on the endometrium, breast and cardiovascular system should be weighed on an individual basis. Once treatment has begun progress is monitored with serial bone density studies every two-three years.

Cost / Efficiency

Complete Blood Count (CBC) 14.00
Chest (X-ray) (CXR) 90.00
Triglycerides 23.00
Cholesterol, lipids 23.00
Calcium, Ca (Blood) 22.00
Phosphorus 18.00
Hip (X-ray) 88.00
Sacral Spine (x-ray) 100.00
Lumbar Spine (X-ray) (L spine, LS spine) 100.00
Vertebrae – Lumbar (CT scan) 727.50
Vertebrae – Lumbar (MRI) 1459.00
Estradiol Serum 101.00
Bone Densitometry – Dexa-Scan Hip and Lumbar Spine 100.00
Total: $2865.50
Available You Selected Essential You Selected
Questions 241 34 9 6
Exams 452 27 8 0
Labs 674 13 7 4

putty + screen + irssi

忘了什麼時候開始, 應該是上次重灌了 XP 之後吧! 沒有裝任何其他的 BBS client, 所以開始改用 putty 來上逼, 不過一直都有新注音跟他不合的問題, 我也不知道怎麼解決, 所以只好改用 PieTTY , 反正只是從 Desktop 這台連到圓夢的 console 做事而已, 沒啥關係啦~

前幾天我弟跟我提了 screen 很好用, 記得之前在 tw.bbs.comp.386bsd 上就有看到討論, 也裝來試用了一會兒, 可能那時候一直都習慣用 KKMan 的分頁功能, 所以覺得沒什麼好用, 之後也就捨棄了. 不過現在要是不用 screen 的話, 每次要多連幾個 BBS 站或是要 portupgrade 之類的話, 就得開好幾個 putty, 每次還都要輸入一次帳號密碼… =.=

反正現在我都改用 screen 來工作了, 不過在網路上看到可以加一些設定讓它變得更好用一些: (改 $HOME/.screenrc)

# putty bindings
bindkey “^[OC” next
bindkey “^[OD” prev

# define Ctrl+ left/right arrow to change between screens
termcapinfo xterm “ks=\E[?1l\E=:ku=\E[A:kd=\E[B:kl=\E[D:kr=\E[C:kh=\E[5~:kH=\E[F”
bindkey “^[[5C” next
bindkey “^[[5D” prev

不過我覺得很奇妙的是, 把上面其中一行拿掉後, Ctrl + 左右鍵換視窗的功能就失效了, 不過我也懶得去研究, 反正能用就好… XD

本來還想搭配個 Expect 來達到自動登入的功能的, 不過好像有一些ASCII 圖會亂掉, 試了一會我就放棄了… @_@

然後今天想說時間蠻多的, 就來看看 ports 有沒有什麼好更新的, 結果看到: gtk/glib to 2.6, 於是就撂下去了: 然後弄了半天還是不行, 我的 XFCE 就這麼爛了, 本來想上 irc 求救, 不過我原先都是用 xchat 來上 irc, 現在沒有視窗介面我就不知道怎麼辦了, 於是把之前裝過一遍的 irssi 再裝一次, 一開始不太會用, 打了老半天結果什麼訊息都沒有送出去, 後來才發現自己根本沒有join 到 #bsdchat 裡… =.= 後來問完還是沒有結論, 我想說反正以後 screen 可以 detach, 那就直接用 irssi 掛 irc 就好了, 於是研究了一下他的用法, 目前我大概會的是:

/connect host port
/join #channel
/WINDOW NEW (開新的分割視窗)

這樣應該就夠我用一陣子了… XD


其實這一連串的過程還挺神秘的, 先是在 Pesty’s Articles 看到 把 Google AdSense 和 AboutWeb 整合, 然後裡面連結到 Just Blog身分證影本正確簽註寫法 , blog 真是個不錯的新聞傳播工具啊!!

不過我想有些人大概懶得一個一個連結點進去看, (其實我自己也想留個記錄啦!) 重點摘錄如下:

分成三行, 每行後面用橫線或叉叉槓掉. 要寫在身分證欄位的空白內.

  1. 提供 X X 銀行
  2. 申請 X X 使用
  3. 他用無效



晚上一直在跟王丹丹討論怎麼把 PBL 網站 裡的 forum 跟 BBS 互轉, 他原先的想法是用 RSS feed 來做, 不過我覺得這樣的話, 不僅他那要改送信和抓信的部份, 我這也要改抓信的部份, (送信的部分直接把看板 RSS Feed 拿來用就可以了), 如果用 NNTP 的方式, 只要他那裡改送信跟抓信的部份就可以了. (不過最後討論的結果, 我這大概也要改抓信的部份…)

我個人還是比較偏好 NNTP 的方式啦! 不過目前遇到最大的問題大概是, ASP 似乎沒有提供 NNTP protocol 的 module, 所以 PBL 的網站比較難改. 我去找了一些網站, (ASP 的線上資源感覺不很多, 不然就是要錢的; MSDN 我又看不懂也看不習慣… @_@), 反正先記下來, 有機會再慢慢做… (我猜這學期內大概做不完吧! XD)

AspNNTP 1.x Documentation
Nachrichten an Newsserver (NNTP) mittels CDOSYS senden
Exposing NNTP in Your Web

不過今天還是有點收穫倒是真的, 本來想用 Perl 做做看有沒有辦法讀文章, 所以先跑到 CPAN 去找找 module, 結果找到這: Net::NNTP , 剛好我也有裝, 所以就拿來用用看, 結果弄了老半天文章出不來, 後來網路上找看看有沒有範例程式, 才發現, 我對 Perl 各類變數的用法, 實在是完全的不行啊啊啊!唉… 果然只看一本 Perl 學習手札就想學會 Perl 是不可能的… T_T 要再多研究多研究.

共筆, 審稿, 考古題

有位不具名的人士已經幫我們那本審好的共筆拿回來了, 大感謝, 不過他也提到一點, 就是在我們共筆的內文中, 曾經出現有”考古題”三個字, 所以老師特別的追問了我們是不是有以前的考古題, 看來這似乎不是個好消息.

說到這倒是有兩種不同的角度, 第一個是組長 (我… T_T) 在審稿的版本裡怎麼沒有把這些敏感字眼去掉. 不過翻開今年的”共筆製作注意事項”, 裡面只提到:


我的解讀是不可以把附在每一本共筆後頭的考古題也一起拿去審, 不過今天的狀況似乎是, 有人在他負責的部份裡, 用自己的話”強調了一遍考古題會考”, 到底算不算在這個條款內呢? 好吧! 組長辦事不力就是了.

另一點, 為什麼大家要在共筆的內文裡”註明”考古題會考呢? 莫非是要引起大家的注意, 這個動機當然是善良的, 不過有沒有其他的方式可以”註明”? 我自己採用的方法是把考古出現過的部分用”粗體字”. 我覺得再共筆的內容裡加一些自己的話並沒有辦法幫助閱讀, 而且佔版面, 不過可能有些人會覺得寫一些看起來比較輕鬆愉快的話可以讓共筆讀起來壓力沒那麼大吧! 見仁見智.

總之, 綜合所有的意見, 以後老師一下課就得先問好 E-mail, 然後用電子檔審就好, 另外, 記得要 s/考古(題)?//g …


聽說這個廣告好像沒有正式播出? 不過我個人是覺得給觀眾的印象應該還蠻深刻的, 只是跟這個產品的關聯性好像沒有很大, 他的意思是, 以後所有的日常生活用品, (包括內衣??) 都可以用 Office 鎖起來? 還是說以後的人會活在一個十分虛擬的世界裡?