The Advantage Of Marginalization

Today, I heard that PCMan complained about his unluckiness that he had no chance to be the main operator in the experimental surgery course. He said his partners all are very zealous in being the main operator, and finally they decided by drawing lots. That’s why he said he’s unlucky.

In my group, we have no such problem. The others declined politely with each other. It took us much time to decide everyone’s job. Because I don’t exclude the possibility to be a surgeon, I voluntarily want to do the spleenectomy operation. The rest two times, I’ll be the scrubbing nurse and the assistant. That means I’ll need to scrub through all the experimental surgery courses. I’m LUCKIER than PCMan, ain’t I?

Every time we need to separate into groups, I feel embarrassed. There’s no one who actively invite me to his group. To some degree, I think I’m marginalized from the class. Or it can be said that I purposely make myself out from them. But because of them, I get the chance to practice in the experimental surgery. Does it mean that I profit from a misfortune?

My roommate did the cecectomy operation today. He told me he’s nearly exhausted after four-hour operation, standing there. Oh, I’m a little nervous. Will I faint in the operation because of my getting poorer and poorer physical strength? I HOPE NOT!

Let The Computer Off

Since yesterday, I tried to let my computer off when I was studying. The idea is from my senior-high-school life in the dormitory. At that time, especially in the third year, I could study all the evening without computer. And it really made me more concentrated on the textbooks. I just wanna get the feeling back. With my computer’s power on, I always lose my patience with the co-notes. I always spent a lot of time doing nonsense on the internet. I want to give up the bad habit.

After the two-day trying, I found it very effective. I just turned my computer on twice one day, one before lunch, and the other before the bedtime. What did I do between the period I finished a co-note and began another? I tried to read something else. Maybe after accumulation of these pieces of free time, I can read a lot. Hmm… it seems a good idea for me, at least, up till now. :p


經過這兩天的試驗,感覺還蠻有效的。我一天只開了兩次電腦,一次是午餐前,另一次是睡覺前。那我念完一本共筆正在休息時都在做什麼呢?就看一些課外書,說不定這樣累積下來也是可以看不少書的。嗯…感覺還挺不錯的,至少到目前為止啦啦啦~~~ :p


I’m Not Smart Enough

The score of my dermatology exam last week unveiled yesterday, my score is higher than I thought after the exam originally. According to what my roommate said, it is approximately the mean value. My roommate asked me whether I’d like to know about the others’ scores, but I said no. I thouth I’ll feel depressed after knowing that the others performed better than I.

I had the lunch today with Kentu and Cloudyday. Cloudyday asked me about my score of dermatology and how many times I read through the co-notes. I replied him the truth. But he said that he studied less and got higher score than me. Hmmm… I didn’t get angry at him, and I thought he must not do it deliberately.

I still feel a little depressed. I know my intelligence is not good as others, and I really did harder in the dermatology exam this time. But the result still didn’t reach what I expected. All I can do is to study more harder, can’t I?

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Ignorance Of Self-examination

It says that if someone offen brings you something with his goodwill, but finally receives insolent feedback, no “Thanks”, even be ignored with your nose turning up. How can he endure it? At last, I don’t know whether it is or not. You feel losing your face and then get angry at his “speaking ill behind somebody.” How can I say any more about this!?



Last Friday, I finished the anesthesiology exam. It finally came the relaxed time. In addition to sleeping more than 12 hours a day, I also spent a lot of time with my computer.

During these days, I set a online service of browsing the source codes in the subversion repository with a software called Trac. In order to make it work properly, I have to add mod_python into the Apache. And when I tried to browse an article in the BBS repository, I encountered the problem of wrong charset encoding. Even I tried to ask in2 on IRC about the setting of Trac, although at last I solved it on my own. The problem is, that article uses a Chinese character encoded in Big5, which UTF-8 doesn’t have, so the converting process failed. Keep Reading


好不容易終於考到一個段落, 可以多寫一些東西.

前一陣子為了一些棘手的事, 搞的好幾天心煩意亂, 甚至有點不知所措的感覺.起因是大約一個月前的某天, 有人向我投訴, 他的某篇鎖起來的文章疑似被人用不當的手法看了, 我查了一下bbs的程式, 發現在這個部份似乎沒有任何安全性的紀錄,火速的修改程式, 也自己 po 了幾篇文章作測試, 後來看到記錄檔裡的確出現了不該有的紀錄, 而且連我的文章也有. 這代表什麼意思呢? 程式沒寫好? 還是有人濫用 (誤用?) 職權?! Keep Reading

Podcast – Horse Racing

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One day after the Erhu practicing in the October, I tried to record my solo of playing Erhu. The first song I chose is Horse Racing by Hai-Huai Huang. This is not a difficult song to play, and I learned when I was in the second year of junior high school. (Does it mean that I don’t get any improved?!) The rhythm is a little bit fast, and the song describes a horse racing game. There are some special skills to imitate a horse, like the hoof sounds and the neighs. I didn’t do very well. The most important is, I realized again that my performance is still not good enough, and by recording, it’ll show you where the worst is. But after I stepped out, trying and trying, practicing and practicing, I think I’ll get better and better in the future.

在十月某一次二胡組練後,我錄了第一首二胡獨奏──賽馬 (黃海懷 曲)。 這首曲子並不難,我第一次學會的時候才國中二年級,(表示我沒進步嗎?!),它的節奏有點快,而整首曲子主要在描述賽馬的過程。不過裡面有用到一些特殊技巧,例如馬蹄聲和馬鳴聲等等。不過我一直覺得自己學得不很好。 不過最重要的是,我再一次體認到其實自己拉得不怎樣,從錄音當中可以聽出許多平常聽不到的瑕疵。不過沒關係,跨出了這一步後,藉由不斷的錄音和練習,我相信自己以後一定會更進步。


Horse Racing – Erhu by Tsai

First Podcast – Super Mario Brothers

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Because of my mid-semester exams, the work is delayed. This is my first podcast. (About what is a podcast? You can see the explaination on the Wikipedia.) One day after the orchestra practice in October, Kentu and I recorded this Super Mario Brothers theme. He played the Sheng, and I played the cello. Although we performed this for many times, we still had many tries. We recorded this in the Medium Practicing Room, so there are a lot of noise in the background. Hope you won’t be disturbed.

因為期中考的緣故,所以拖到現在。這是我第一次嘗試做podcast。(關於什麼是podcast,你可以看wikipedia上的解釋。) 十月的某一次團練後,我和子鈞錄了這首瑪莉兄弟,他吹,我拉大提琴。雖然以前我們已經表演過不少次,不過還是錄了很多次才錄好。因為我們是在中練裡錄的關係,所以背景裡有很多雜音,希望大家沒有被干擾。


Super Mario Theme – Sheng and Cello – by Wei and Tsai

Medical Ethics Course Ended

Just now, we finished the last class of medical ethics, although we still have a big homework to do. In the class, we discussed the future of the course. Many of my classmates feedback their suggestions. One of them, PCMan, talked to the teacher after the class, and I happened to hear their discussion.

PCMan said that he thinks it is not necessary to have such a class called Medical Ethics. Our thinking processes had been fixed since we are young. It’s too late to change it. And, he argued that why only the medical sphere has to discuss the Ethics. Why don’t the others have to? At that time, I was surfing the internet with my laptop, but when I heard what he said, I said that I don’t agree with him.

Although the personality of a person is almostly fixed when he is in his third decade, he still has chances to change it. PCMan is too pessimistic that he thinks “if we can’t change it, we don’t need it.” I do really not think so. When I discussed with my classmates about medical ethical problems, especially in the PBL course, I had changed several of my viewpoints. I received many thoughts from different point of view. Why didn’t he? The members of his team were too stingy to share their thoughts? I don’t think so. Maybe he is too stubborn to receive others’ thoughts. He frequently thinks that he did things in the best way. That’s my experience in working with him. The second, although only the medical sphere is asked for the ethic, it’s really not fair, does that mean we have the rights to escape from the upcoming problems? We can ask the others for morals, but before it, we can ask ourselves first.

Maybe it seemed that I didn’t get as much as I previously thought from the ethics lectures, but the above is what I has learned after the last medical ethics class.





My First Turning-Egg Toy


Recently, I like Keroro very much, and sometimes when I was having my lunch or dinner, I always watched a volume of Keroro animation. The role I like the most is Tamama. He is a young, cute tadpole, although it seems that he loves the captain, Keroro, and is a gay?

Last week, I browsed the Yahoo! Kimo Auction and found a Turning-Egg toy of Tamama. The seller set a higher price than the market price. ($60 vs. $50). And after adding the transportation charges, it will totally cost me nearly $100, but I still bid for it.

The process was not smooth for me to get the toy, but I still got it today, just one day before my mid-semester exam of dermatology. The toy has 4 kind of facial expressions in the eyes, big eyes, anger, narrowing eyes, and self-confident eyes. It can be changed be pulling the switch on his head. It is now on my desk.

But Kilo says that I’m just like a child. How could a 23 year-old person like these toys so much?! I don’t know. But sometimes I really want to be just a simple child.





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