Handout of Hospital Management


I printed the handout of Hospital Management for the class, totally 108 copies. There are 73 pages per copy, and they were double-page printed. Therefore, totally there are 37 x 108 = 3996 sheets on my desk now!!! But it’s not the most miserable thing. I have to move them to the classroom in the rain in about 10 minutes later. Oh… Thanks to duckling for his promise of gaving me a HAND.

Go to KTV With YMChmusic

Copyrighted by Yun-Yi Lin (cloudyday)

A few days ago, YMChmusic went to KTV after the first meeting of this semester. If I were the man one or two years ago, I wouldn’t go with them. Because I didn’t like to go out with a lot of people. But, maybe this is the last time I could go playing with them, I changed my mind.

Kilo didn’t want to lost the chance either, so I took her first and went to Holiday to join with the others. There were totally about 20 people in the room. (A little crowded. :p) And first of all, we ordered some famous (for them) songs that everybody could sing together and we wouldn’t waste the time. But it seemed that we ordered too much at first that the songs we really wanted to sing came out too late.

Although the songs they ordered were new for me, I still tried to catch the rhythm. (The popular songs are all alike and have a model. ^^a)

The most active people include cloudyday (until that time, I knew he had listened to so many songs.), lovepig (his voice is characteristic.), agnesM (until that time, I knew she likes singing and sings very well.), and rin1999 (she’s an expert in making the atmosphere cordial.) They sang almost every songs. XD

Because Kilo had to go home earlier, I took her home and came back a while later. Since then, the songs I ordered came out. Kentu and I sang some together, and cloudyday and I sang the others. We became very high and I felt very happy that I can sing with them.

This may indeed be the last time I go out with YMChmusic in my collage period, if I have my intern training in VGHTC. I should treasure every experience with them more and more.

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很早就計畫要去爬爬大屯山(我總是一直把她和大尖山搞錯 @_@),可惜上個禮拜天氣不好,連禮拜二難得的二二八放假也是陰雨綿綿,只好延期到這個禮拜,不過天氣好去爬山才是享受啦!

可能是開學兩個禮拜下來身體有點被操壞了,早上起得有點晚,快速的吃完了早餐後,便直接往軍艦岩的方向出發,來陽明這麼多年,今天可能是少數幾次在白天上軍艦岩的,不過如果要算早上的話,肯定是第一次了。起得碗果然有差,路上已經有許多早起運動的人們,有時他們還會很親切的跟我說早呢!害我怪不好意思的。^^a Keep Reading




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Use UrMap API in YMChmusic’s Blog

UrMap Logo
Using With Permission From UrMap.
Copyrighted by UrMap.

UrMap is a web service which is just alike Google Maps and can show the map online. Besides these, it’s featured in the detailed street information and high-resolution satellite images of Taiwan, where I live. The API had been released for several days, but at first, I wasn’t very interested in it. After reading this post, I thought it may be fun to use the API displaying the address of some activities. Therefore, I tried it in the YMChmusic’s Blog.

But, WordPress has a feature that will add paragraph tags automatically to the content. When I tried to use javascript in the content, it didn’t work. The auto-paragraph mechanism is activated in the core of WordPress, and I couldn’t find any option to deactivate it. So, I gave it up.

Today, during the rest at noon, I tried again to search the documents of WordPress and found how to use javascript in the content. I had to install a plugin called Text Control, which can control the formatting behavior for a single post or globally. And then, I inserted the code into the post I’d like to show a map. Wow, I succeeded. Thanks, Jeff.

The second problem was that I had to find out the longitude and latitude of the place I wanted to display. The problem was resolved by a greasemonkey script called UrMap Plus 2.0. It can hybridize UrMap with Google Maps, and the most important is, the longitude and latitude information will be displayed. Thanks, CK.

With these two tools, I can show the map. But because the place I marked is a little remote, Map Mode doesn’t indicate it, although it’s very clear in the satellite image. Therefore, I’d like to change the default mode to Hybrid Mode, but there’s no documentation about this. The final method is to hack the source code, and fortunately I found a function called setMapType which is what I wanted. Thanks, myself. XD

Ok, this is the first time I use APIs. Maybe someday when I have more free time, I can investigate other APIs, such as Flickr’s and Google’s. It may be more fun. ^^

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My ID by Cool Text

My ID by Cool Text

I found a web service called Cool Text, which can generate logos online. I chose a style without thinking too much, and then the logo of my userid had been generated. It looks fine, isn’t it? But it may be a little mismatch with my current theme. :p

Podcast – Bach: Six Suites For Cello, Suite I – Courante

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In the concert of Jing-Kuan-Ming Temple in this winter vacation, I performed this song very badly not only because the cold weather but also the insufficient preparation. I wasn’t willing to be bitten by this. Therefore, I tried to practice more and then recorded it.

I spent a morning and a half afternoon to finish recording. By the way, I nearly lost my temper and got fight with Kilo. ^^a After having lunch to give myself some relaxation, I became more peaceful in mind and performed better than in the morning.

Photo by Chong-Yu Zhang (windtrace)

After coming back to the dormitory, I shared it with my roommate. He gave me a lot of useful suggestions, and we compared many different versions, including Fourier, Casals, Rostropovich, and Yo-yo Ma. We found that I played too slowly. The average time they used is about just 2 minutes and 30 seconds, while I used 3 minutes and 30 seconds, ONE MINUTE MORE!!! But I don’t know why. I didn’t want to play too fast. The music in my mind is nearly what I played. (I mean the rhythm and speed only… ^^a) But after listening to their playings and looked up the meaning of what’s wrote on the score, I think I knew more about this melody. In my play, I didn’t express the happiness. The score says, ‘Gai et rythmé,’ which means happily, vividly and rhythmically, but it sounds dull and no happiness in my playing. >_<

Although this version is not satisfied and doesn’t achieve the level the score asks, I think it is still worthy of taking down because of my effort. I’ll try to correct my errors in the musical expression and record it again.

Podcast: Bach: Six Suites For Cello, Suite I – Courante, Cello by Tsai


原本計畫好今天要去爬大屯山,前一天晚上還特地去找 saka 借地圖來規畫老半天的行程,沒想到忽然聽說有大雨特報,想一想還是不要冒險,最後便決定延期了,可是整個禮拜都窩在宿舍裡的我實在不甘寂寞,還是決定出去走走,最後在室友的建議下,決定挑戰我的藝術觀,到台北當代藝術館走走。 Keep Reading

Podcast – Warhorses Galloping (戰馬奔騰)

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I had decided to record this song for a long time, but it’s too hard for me to find a more complete free time last semester. In the first week of this semester, it’s free and easy in the lessons, so I almost practiced music instruments every few days. I recorded this last night, but because there were so many people practicing their instruments around my practicing room, a lot of noise was recorded, another Erhu, drums, and the most loudly – Di Zi, a kind of Chinese flute. This version is not my most satisfying one, but I still chose it because there is too much noise in the version I’m satisfied the most. T_T Why did the person blow his flute so loudly? Warhorses Galloping (戰馬奔騰), an Erhu solo, is composed by Yau-Shing Chen (陳耀星), who is a famous Erhuist. The song describes the soldiers riding on their warhorses, galloping on the grassland, fighting against the enemies, and protecting their homeland. There are a lot of special techniques of Erhu, such as Ricochet (Bow Throwing, 拋弓, sounds like the horses galloping), Spiccatto (Bowstring Jumping, 跳弓), Horse Neighing (馬鳴), etc. This song is difficult because of its high speed and special techniques. I’m so happy that I can play and record it.

Podcast: Warhorses Galloping – Erhu by Tsai

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New Leather Shoes



About two weeks ago, Kilo and I went to A.So Leather Shoes to buy new shoes for our Valentine’s gifts. Because I had a coupon, we could have about 50% off. Originally, I’d like to pick a pair of long boots for her, but we were a little late. All shoes for winter had been replaced with summer shoes. After all, she chose a pair of brown short boots, and I had a pair of not very formal walking shoes, which is brown, too. But there’s no stock, they promised me they’ll send it to me on Feb 20.

I checked the package list of our school’s mail room every day, and didn’t find my package. Theoretically I would receive it on Feb 21 or 22, the package delivering system in Taiwan should be very efficient. So I called them, and they told me because they found a little defect on the original shoes and had to get a new pair for me. On the day I called them, they were preparing to send them. I felt a little angry. Why didn’t they call me they had got some problems and had to delay the delivery on the day they promised me previously?

Yesterday I received them after all. They looked great and I felt very comfortable wearing them on. But, Kilo got a bottle of shoe polish and I didn’t. Does that mean the store had to pay the postage, so that they were unwilling to give me a bonus? Oh… they are too carfty… ~”~