Now, we are coordinating about our relegation courses. My serial numbers are 42, 19, 35, and 91. Lucky, isn't it? I even didn't decide which hospitals I will choose until last night. But I didn't care about it very much, because the hospitals I't like to are not all popular.
Today is Tuesday. We did not have a morning meeting. I arrived at about 8 AM, waiting for the round. Theoratically, Dr. Zhuang (GM) should come at about 10 AM, but the first time I saw her today is at noon. We, the interns and I, were told to have the round at nearly 2 PM. But as time went by, it seemed Dr. Zhuang is having a meeting. And now, we are all waiting.
I had read the charts. I studied. But now, I feel a little bored. So I opened the firefox and wrote something weird. Oh… I must be very bored.
Fancy's Current Situation
I forgot which day last week, I suddenly found that I couldn't connect to Fancy in VGHTPE. Based on the past history, I guessed maybe a power failure turned the machine off. Because I had something to do that night, the reset was delayed one day. But when I checked it, it hung without reaction. I didn't know what's happened, and I reset it and waited until it returned to work.
Good times didn't last long. Before I went to bed, it crashed again. I thought there might be something wrong about the RAM. I delayed several days, and fortunately when I went to the room, I found the whole office was going to be moved. I moved the machine back to my room in a hurry. If I didn't did that, maybe there would be more days delay because I didn't have the key for the new room.
Department of Ophthalmology
I had finished the OPH clerk training this week. At the OPD and the operation room, I studied very hard. The nurse said she hadn't seen any clerk as earnest as me. Oneday, Dr. Lin asked if I'd like to become a ophthalmologist. I answered that may not be possible because I wasn't at the top. "The grade isn't the most important thing.", he said, "It's more important to marry a good wife."
Sigh, at this time, at this department, how couldn't I think about Kilo and feel sad when hearing this.
麻醉科的晨會大概是到目前為止的科最讓人吃不消的吧!早上七點前要到,還得換好手術衣,意思就是得六點二十起床,還得邊走路邊吃早餐過去,好不容易撐了五個禮拜的嘴巴,結果在這個禮拜裡一次破了四個洞。晨會的內容有一部分是在報 paper,另一部分是 case report,話說第二天不小心抽到禮拜五要上台報 paper時,我就努力的觀察每個人的報告方式和內容、時間掌控等等。果然有壓力的情況下比較不會睡著。其實他們在報的時候,台下幾乎沒有電力可言,頂多只有某一次下午由他們自己的醫師報自己的 paper 時,發問的比較踴躍,是因為電自己人馬上有解答,還是往不好的一方面想,比較看不上自己人的研究?(我太黑暗了!)
A Lesson From PageOne
I went to Computex Taipei 2006 with rin1999 today, and before we went back to school, we went to PageOne and Eslite bookstores. I bought 3 books at PageOne, two are in Simplified Chinese, and the other is Harry Potter 6. The price of Harry Potter is 439 NTD, and the original price is 7.99 GBP. Because the currency conversion is favorable for me, I picked it up. But when I found the price at Eslite is 100+ NTD lower, I was about to be crazy. Why did I not check the price on the internet first? The excess money could bring me a delicious meal. Originally, I'd like to go back and exchange it with another book, but I was too tired to walk back. Fine, it did give me a lesson.