

基本上這應該是最後一次這樣盛大的活動了,算一算離上次選院也已經過了半年,沒想到這半年間發生了還真不少事啊!早上悠閒地吃完早餐後才赫然發現自己快要遲到,趕緊衝過去二教才發現,其實大家的時間觀念都不怎麼強,沒有 delay 太久已經算是幸運了。 Keep Reading

Relegation Courses

Now, we are coordinating about our relegation courses. My serial numbers are 42, 19, 35, and 91. Lucky, isn't it? I even didn't decide which hospitals I will choose until last night. But I didn't care about it very much, because the hospitals I't like to are not all popular. Keep Reading


Original Author: occipital lobe@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc-nd 2.0.

Today is Tuesday. We did not have a morning meeting. I arrived at about 8 AM, waiting for the round. Theoratically, Dr. Zhuang (GM) should come at about 10 AM, but the first time I saw her today is at noon. We, the interns and I, were told to have the round at nearly 2 PM. But as time went by, it seemed Dr. Zhuang is having a meeting. And now, we are all waiting.

I had read the charts. I studied. But now, I feel a little bored. So I opened the firefox and wrote something weird. Oh… I must be very bored.

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Fancy's Current Situation

Original Author: Martin Krzywinski@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc-nd 2.0.

I forgot which day last week, I suddenly found that I couldn't connect to Fancy in VGHTPE. Based on the past history, I guessed maybe a power failure turned the machine off. Because I had something to do that night, the reset was delayed one day. But when I checked it, it hung without reaction. I didn't know what's happened, and I reset it and waited until it returned to work.

Good times didn't last long. Before I went to bed, it crashed again. I thought there might be something wrong about the RAM. I delayed several days, and fortunately when I went to the room, I found the whole office was going to be moved. I moved the machine back to my room in a hurry. If I didn't did that, maybe there would be more days delay because I didn't have the key for the new room. Keep Reading



腎臟科晨會非常的不固定,不,應該說所有會議都非常的不固定,雖然每個禮拜總醫師都會更新每週行事曆,但真正按表操課的機率,感覺起來不到一半。晨會只有總醫師、interns和clerks參加,討論的內容也不太一定,總醫師自己也不知道要講些什麼好,我們當然也不知道要聽什麼好,反正就是閒聊閒聊。開會的時間通常也會稍微晚一些,每天都可以悠閒地在員工餐廳吃早餐吃到快八點再上樓,不過養成這樣的習慣,要早起實在有點困難。 Keep Reading

Department of Ophthalmology


I had finished the OPH clerk training this week. At the OPD and the operation room, I studied very hard. The nurse said she hadn't seen any clerk as earnest as me. Oneday, Dr. Lin asked if I'd like to become a ophthalmologist. I answered that may not be possible because I wasn't at the top. "The grade isn't the most important thing.", he said, "It's more important to marry a good wife."

Sigh, at this time, at this department, how couldn't I think about Kilo and feel sad when hearing this.



眼科的晨會跟一般的並沒有很大差別,只不過出席的人數相當的多,以前好像沒看過這麼多人出席的晨會,還有一個現象是,他們會團體訂購早餐,可能是因為每天早上查房的時間早,所以大家會訂早餐到會議室吃。順道一題,那間會議室的空調真是強到不行,人多的時候還好,要是只有幾個 clerks 和 interns 在裡面時,一整個冷。 Keep Reading



ENT的晨會不是每天有,而且是分科來進行了,每科meeting的方式不大相同,但都有個特色是很愛用英文報,應該是主任希望訓練用英文 present 的能力吧!大概是因為非母語的緣故,總覺得講話聲音平平,不怎麼吸引人,如果這種情形發生在中文的演講,情況可能不會那麼糟。而且我們這週看到的晨會,好像多是由VS甚至是科主任報paper的讀書心得,與麻醉科主要是由 intern 和 R 來報有很大的差別。 Keep Reading



麻醉科的晨會大概是到目前為止的科最讓人吃不消的吧!早上七點前要到,還得換好手術衣,意思就是得六點二十起床,還得邊走路邊吃早餐過去,好不容易撐了五個禮拜的嘴巴,結果在這個禮拜裡一次破了四個洞。晨會的內容有一部分是在報 paper,另一部分是 case report,話說第二天不小心抽到禮拜五要上台報 paper時,我就努力的觀察每個人的報告方式和內容、時間掌控等等。果然有壓力的情況下比較不會睡著。其實他們在報的時候,台下幾乎沒有電力可言,頂多只有某一次下午由他們自己的醫師報自己的 paper 時,發問的比較踴躍,是因為電自己人馬上有解答,還是往不好的一方面想,比較看不上自己人的研究?(我太黑暗了!) Keep Reading