跟 kins 吃過午飯後,原本不知做什麼的下午忽然明朗起來,「出去玩!」沒錯,就是要出去,逛逛街也好,騎騎車也好,玩玩 GPS,拍拍照,總之,我不能一直窩在宿舍裡了,最後便決定到大甲走走。
META – 涼了一個月?
記得某一次遇到大秉時聊到本月 run 的科別,我回答 INF + META,大秉一副不可置信的表情看著我,「怎麼會把兩個涼科擺在一起?」其實當初我完全沒考慮到這個方面,只想著要多 run 一些科別,哪裡有空格就填哪,就像第一個月當 intern 就 run ICU 一樣誇張,但一切都是天意啊!好壞天註定。
Vim – What A Nice Editor
About half a year ago, I tried to write with Vim/GVim instead of traditional BBS editor. It’s so convenient to use regular expression to replace some words to other forms, such as trimming the spaces, connecting separate sentences, adding or appending some HTML tags in order to put them onto my blog, etc. Before this afternoon, I wrote English pieces directly in the blog’s web-based editor, but I thought I may want to keep a copy in plain text in my hard drive. Thus, I tried Vim.