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2006.12.15 加袍典禮


從選出加袍小組後,他們就一步步的籌備著這個活動,如果有人來找我幫忙,我當然義不容辭,不過要是沒有的話,我當然也是龜起來努力的見習著。所以我有參與到的部份是開場的影片、上半場愛情片的一小段,(不過好像被剪了),另外是介紹大練的一小段。 Keep Reading

My Photos In Welcoming CD-ROM


These photos were taken when I was a freshman. Because of having a band and playing rock and roll, I had my hair growing long and made them yellow dyed. Someone had ever told me that I looked so MAN with that hairstyle. XD

I lost these photos due to one hard drive crashing. But I found them back in the Welcoming CD-ROM. But some videos of my band still couldn‘t be found. What a pity. It reminds me that backup is so important. And since I rented the virtual host, which gave me 50 GB of space, I should make the maximal usage of it, shouldn‘t I? :p



忘了是國小還是國中的時候看了這部小說,老實說細節沒什麼印象了,不過他的結局倒令我印象深刻,胡雪巖在官場、商場都這麼四面威風,長袖善舞,但在一連串看似華麗的操作手段後,沒想到到頭來也是落得兩頭皆空,那種人生無常,唏噓之感,就這麼打動了我小小的心靈,也種下了今日來看這齣戲的遠因。 Keep Reading

Think More Before Doing It

The article COSCUP 2006 made me into trouble. Many people criticized my attitude. I think it's not because there's criticism about some parts of the conference, but the words and sentences I used. I forgot to use euphemism and words in a more polite way. It means I didn't think much enough before saying something or posting something. I hope the misunderstanding won't last too long, and I hope next time, I can think more before doing it.




根據一些網路上的文章,感覺應該是不用花太久時間,所以下午才出發,還順便再拿一次討人厭的記憶體去修。沿著研究院路一直騎,想像著三十年前沒有這條路時,居民必須翻山越嶺的情形,好不容易找到了一個疑似登山口的地方,不過看了看入口處的地圖,感覺跟文章裡看到的又不同,再往前騎一些,又找到一處入口,不過門口有野狗數隻把守,沒有任何防身工具的我,只好退回一開始的入口。 Keep Reading



禮拜二晚上去參加了很久沒去的 TOSSUG 會議,主講者是 Jedi, 主題是 Web-based presentation tools. 最近剛好對於簡報有一點興趣,所以就跟 saka, AD一塊過去。

一開始主講者先強調了一遍他認為一個好的簡報,焦點應該集中在演講者的身上,而不是充滿文字的投影片上,這並不是什麼新論點,舉的例子也是大家最愛舉的 Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs,不怎麼吸引人,不過我是同意他的說法的。後來大約三分之二左右的時間,他介紹了三套工具。 Keep Reading




這次的時間地點決定的有點倉促,記得前一個週末才剛調查完個人的時間,接著在禮拜三接到通知,禮拜四就家聚了。地點則是去了還不算少次的盛鑫。 Keep Reading

Relegation Courses

Now, we are coordinating about our relegation courses. My serial numbers are 42, 19, 35, and 91. Lucky, isn't it? I even didn't decide which hospitals I will choose until last night. But I didn't care about it very much, because the hospitals I't like to are not all popular. Keep Reading