經過昨天的修養, 今天又開始生龍活虎了, 前一天有跟葆如先約好, 她和奕寶到了碧山巖山腳下就打電話給我, 下去載他們, 於是早上很認真的練琴順便等電話,沒想到忽然間葆如就出現在窗邊了… o_O!! 我們簡單的聊了一下後, 就各自回去練琴了.
其他的行程大概都跟前兩天差不多, 下午團練他們兩個也加入一起玩, 因為星期天葆如還要值班, 所以不能太晚回去, 團練完後我便載她去坐捷運, 其實本來是魏子鈞拜託我載他過去, 他要去參加國小同學會, 不過剛好跟葆如的時間卡到, 所以只好拜託朱幫忙了.
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
奇怪,我哪裡說我看不夠了 ?
從你上述的言論, 你也無法容忍別人的意見, 你也把自己的想法加到別人身上. 你對事情有雙重標準, 你覺得張爸很可憐, 你覺得社會沒有同情心, 但事情的經過你完全了解嘛? 社會的同情心是可以被濫用的嘛? 如果你真的同情他, 建議你幫助張家採用司法途徑來解決這件事.
BBS的討論版有其專門的用途, 當發表的文章不符合該版討論的內容, 即可稱之為濫用.
另外問個問題, 你是否能接受廣告信(spam)? 我覺得發廣告信的人也蠻可憐的耶! 如果你願意騰出你的硬碟空間來裝小小的”廣告信們”, 而且公開言論來責罵這些擋廣告信的人, 那你當我這篇在放屁好了.
Beginning with Hematology, and then Surgery Introduction, Pharmacology, and finally ended on Infection exams, the 4th grade of my medical education is over. (Although there is GOSCE, Group Objective Structure Clinical Examination, on Saturday waiting for me. But it just like a Role-Playing Game. So, forget it. :p)
After the series of exams, I must be tired out. This afternoon I slept for about 3 hours. (Therefore, I can’t get asleep now. =.=) I gradually can imagine the life of my 5th grade, a lot of exams within 2 months.
But I got hesitated of my life after the final exams. Before that, all I had to do all the day is to read and read, study and study. Now, I even don’t know what I should do. I’d like to write something, but I can’t start. There is no words in my mind. I’d like to modify my programs or my web sites, but I have no idea. Is this a symptom of “Exam Syndrome?”
O.K., maybe the symptom will remit after GOSCE finishes.
今天下午, 台灣名模林志玲小姐到陽明大學生活廣場來拍攝廣告, 一開始好像是有人在神農坡的 complain 板上面 po 文章吧~ 結果我們班上很多同學就衝下去了, 照了不少照片回來. (然後今天莫名奇妙圓夢相簿的流量應該會大增吧… @_@) 詳情請見 葉芭樂相簿, 屎飛相簿, cos相簿 (應該是吧 @_@ 不過這本是放在無名..)
剛剛瀏覽了一下, 發現照片裡林志玲都蠻上鏡頭的, 面對這麼多台相機鏡頭, 還有配合廣告的動作, 沒看到哪一張覺得有點糟的. (還是不佳的都被刪掉了??) (最佳不上像範例可以看這篇的朱茵照, 昨天看到實在是超 XD 的…) 不過這也顯示當一個知名人物真的很辛苦, 到處都有人在盯著你瞧, 上廁所也有人跟著跑, 如果被拍到糟糕的畫面, 還會被公開大肆宣揚, (例如上述朱茵… :p).
看到大家搶著跟她拍照, 讓我想起以前小時候曾經參加百戰百勝節目的錄影, 那時的胡瓜真是紅透半邊天啊~ 所以爸媽也叫我和弟弟去跟他合照, (小時候的我看起來還蠻好笑的… XD) 不過現在看來, 那張照片的價值已隨著年紀逐漸的衰退了. 現在大家也搶著跟林志玲合照, 這些照片的痕跡是不是最後也會慢慢的隨著時間衰退?
不過隨著今天這起林志玲事件, 倒是帶給悲情期末考一些不一樣的心情, 才是最重要的吧!
Last week, lovepig posted a message about NTU Chinese Orch. Concert Tour 2005. They asked for people to participate. I think it is a rare chance to play good Chinese music with a more complete Chinese Orch., so I emailed to the person in charge for my participation.
There will be four concerts totally. The first is in Taipei Zhong-Shan Hall on July 10. The second is in the concert hall of National Taichung Institute of Technology on July 12. The third is in the concert hall of Tainan Social Education Center on July 14. And the last is in Kaohsiung Music Center on July 15.
We will play 7 works, including The Memory of Childhood, The Dance In The Summer, Ar-Wa-Shan – the first movement of Folk Music of West Yun-Nan, Chinese Flute Concerto of Lan-Hua-Hua, Percussion Instruments Concerto of Thinking In Kuan Mountain, Three Works of North Shan-Hsi, and Going Into The Street.
In my last summer vacation, I have a lot of plans about music, especially Chinese Music. I hope it will be a good experience and I can make many friends while joining these activities.