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好不容易捱到五點半後,再也不想窩在那個難坐的位置上,跳下車找了個空曠的地方把前一天準備的草莓麵包當早餐吃了,再吃的時候又開始後悔應該多買一些才對的,不儲存多一些能量不知道在山裡面會不會掛掉。吃完早餐後開始整理背包,不過昨天晚上明明天氣就還不錯,沒想到今早飄來了幾朵雲,居然下起雨來了,喔喔喔… 都還沒出發就在下雨是怎樣,只好趕緊拿出雨衣雨褲,卻在我換裝完畢時雨又停了,真的是蠻煩的… @_@ Keep Reading


才剛剛從班遊回來,休息不到一天又要出發去爬山,其實還蠻累人的,真搞不清楚自己當初怎麼會排出這樣的行程。 XD 不過讓自己卡那麼緊的結果就是,東西來不及準備啊!要帶去的行進糧沒買,包包沒有收,第一次參加期末大山的菜鳥如我,居然死到臨頭還在慢慢的收拾,實在很油條,要是被學弟妹看到,應該會很度爛這樣的學長吧!幸好他們似乎也不知道我是幾年級的就是了… :p Keep Reading


班遊第二天的行程主要是到山裡去晃晃還有參觀原住民部落,不過不知為什麼原先預定走的道路塌了,所以我們繞了好大一圈才開到前往目的地的路上,因此時間也 delay 了。

第一站是紫蝶幽谷,就像導遊說的,我們真的很幸運,雖然 delay 了行程,不過卻還能看到聚集在河谷裡的蝴蝶,真的是佈滿了整個河床上,走進他們還會在你身邊盤旋,再加上好天氣的陽光一灑,亮麗的紫褐色相互交錯,的確不虧為國寶級的蝴蝶。 Keep Reading



話說以往的班遊我從來也沒參加過,最早開始經濟因素佔了一個部份,但另一個原因是覺得自己跟班上同學格格不入,沒有太大的交集,想像到這樣的出遊,真是一點也提不起興致,不過當魏子鈞問我時,我還是答應他要參加,可能最後一次也是個重要的因素吧!再不去真的就沒有機會了。 Keep Reading


其實昨天跑回家,今天再殺到高榮是有點拼的,為了能在早上九點前準時到達高榮,我得跳上早上五點五十六分的火車,意思是我五點初頭就得起床了… >_<就像是回到了以前國三坐校車的時候。不過出發時還是稍微拖了一下,媽媽開車載我到斗南火車站時,火車都快進站了,幸好最後有趕上。 這麼早的電車上沒有太多乘客,經過一些小站時會有一兩個趕著上學的高中生,他們還真是辛苦啊!一直到了嘉義乘客才慢慢變多,雖然前一天並沒有太早睡,不過在車上我還是盡量撐著不要睡著,畢竟難得可以搭上這種上課上班日的火車嘛!總要好好的體驗一下的。 Keep Reading



早上原本預計早起殺往台中,趁空閒時間先去把東海大學逛一圈,彌補先前環島過而不入的遺憾,不過沒有上課的壓力要起床還真是件困難事,結果還是比預計的時間晚了一個多小時才起來。趕緊收好行李到了國道轉運站,很幸運的是才剛買完票就有一班車開往台中,而且還可以直達中榮,運氣真不錯。 Keep Reading


跨年日早早上床睡了,新年的第一天也還蠻早起床的,不過打開電腦又發現圓夢掛了,有沒有搞錯啊!那有人過年在停電的,不過有了上次偷溜進去的經驗,這次倒是一點也不擔心,反正出去走走也不錯。 Keep Reading

The Last Day of 2005

This year will end in about 13 minutes, and I do want to blog something.

This year is the first year I touched the blogsphere. With blogging and reading others’ blogs, I changed a lot. The topic of my 2005 may be BLOG.

I don’t want to recall what I did this year now. Maybe I’ll write another diary about that. The reason why I don’t go to bed and blog now is, just now, I know that this year has a “leap second”. Wow… I hear this for the first time since I went to school. There are too many things about the nature I don’t know…


算一算,今年是第四年跟國樂社一起跨年了,大二看電影衝軍艦岩,大三在社辦放煙火「跨」年,大四去吃 happy house,大五則是在社辦煮羊肉爐。

雅惠、明勳、lingo和我下午四點先跑到北投的頂好去買了一些料回來,不過時間似乎比我們預定的早了一些,到了社辦還空無一人,等了一陣子人慢慢到齊後才開始洗菜準備等等的。 Keep Reading

The Last Co-note In The Student Period

I just finished my last co-note in my student period. In order to advance this day, I recommended myself for one of the Academic Affair Chiefs of the next semester. (Academic Affair Chiefs don’t have to edit the co-notes, in principle. :p)

But I nearly got carzy with the last one. In fact, I didn’t like the teacher and his teaching style. He spoke in a low pitch which couldn’t attract us, and he spent a lot of time in explaining some very very basic concepts. I thought he assumed we know nothing. The most important is that he didn’t care the students’ feelings. One of my classmates went to the platform and asked him a question in the break time, but he said that Chinese students are too shy to ask questions in class and this is a bad habit, and then asked my classmate to ask the question when the next class started. I don’t think it’s a good behavior a teacher shoud have. A compromise may be: he could answer the question at the moment and when the next class started, he could tell the class about the question and the answer. Because of this event, I submitted the evaluation form with the worst judgements.

Huuu… Although I don’t like the teacher and what he taught, I still finished my part of the co-note. When everybody reads that, hope they won’t be angry of the unorganized contents.