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Flickr API之旅

前幾天看到有人介紹了Flickr Photo Album for WordPress這個plugin,試用了一下覺得還不錯,也稍微幫它改掉一些不合規格的html語法,不過今天還是決定要徹底放棄,畢竟那種幾乎可以說把整個flickr都放一份到家裡的行為,遲早會出問題。

之前想個了方法,就是在每張上傳的照片上加上當天日期當做tag,這樣就可以用slideshow把當天的照片全都叫出來。不過今天試了一試忽然發現,原以為可以用tag把以前的照片都找出來,結果居然不行,喔喔…不過這也正常,沒付錢人家幹麼讓你用,看來得想個方法來解決這個問題。 Keep Reading

Firefox 2 Launch Party

接續昨天的HappyWeb聚會,今天又跑到誠品信義店來參加Firefox 2 Launch Party,除了我本身一直都在用,也一直跟好友們宣傳firefox的好用外,很大的原因是有機會可以拿到紀念t-shirt 啦~結果算是蠻幸運的,報名的序號是80,還在安全名單裡。

在離原本預計進場的時間約莫十分鐘前到,當時除了一些工作人員外還沒有很多參與的人,我趕緊排在隊伍裡,以免到時候領不到t-shirt會有點嘔。 Keep Reading

My Poor Computer

Last time, my computer suffered from RAM problem. I sent the broken RAM back to the retailer, but when it came back, it still couldn't pass the memory test and automatically reboot.

I sent it back again and got it now. But this time, I found the power supply seemed to get some problem. I couldn't power up if any hard drive was connecting. The maximum it could support is only a CD-ROM. How could I do anything with such a machine, and how unlucky I am to encounter such a situation?!

Oh… all my past data are still in that machine. I have to figure out how to save them.


雖然之前被人批評不適合參加什麼研討會什麼聚會之類的活動,不過我今天還是去報名參加了HappyWeb的聚會,主要是想去聽聽HemiDemi葛力演講,另外一個他們主打的asker, 講Gartner Symposium ITxpo 2006 的經驗,雖然我對這個東西可以說一點都不了解,不過還是抱著順便出去玩的心情去參加了。 Keep Reading

Think More Before Doing It

The article COSCUP 2006 made me into trouble. Many people criticized my attitude. I think it's not because there's criticism about some parts of the conference, but the words and sentences I used. I forgot to use euphemism and words in a more polite way. It means I didn't think much enough before saying something or posting something. I hope the misunderstanding won't last too long, and I hope next time, I can think more before doing it.

23, No Credits

In last year, 23 had a promotion that my account was upgraded to Pro and I could upload unlimitedly. But a few month ago, it showed that my account was temporarily offline for maintainance.” I waited a while and it didn't change. But during the period, I had a lot of photos to upload, so I tried to contact with them via email. There's no response no matter how many emails I sent them. I gave it up. Maybe someday, if I have a lot of photos to upload, I'll choose Flickr.

Is this company another Wretch ?!

BTW, the Group function of Flickr is fun, and the Organization function is so convenient. Let's start Flickring… :p

PS. My Flickr photos are here.

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今天到台大去參加COSCUP 2006, 之所以去參加除了對一些議程有點興趣外,其實最主要還是因為有吃吃喝喝。XD 於是看了看行事曆,沒有什麼衝突後,就直接報名了。


上午我選擇的場次是中文輸入工作坊,雖然我對輸入法完全沒有研究,不過聽得還是津津有味的,畢竟類似酷音這樣的斷詞,也有一點人工智慧的成份在裡面吧!原本就預期這個場子的聽眾會比較多,途中又有不少人陸續搬椅子進來坐,幸好早點來報到,不然沒椅子坐就懶得把電腦打開了。 Keep Reading

Fancy's Current Situation

Original Author: Martin Krzywinski@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc-nd 2.0.

I forgot which day last week, I suddenly found that I couldn't connect to Fancy in VGHTPE. Based on the past history, I guessed maybe a power failure turned the machine off. Because I had something to do that night, the reset was delayed one day. But when I checked it, it hung without reaction. I didn't know what's happened, and I reset it and waited until it returned to work.

Good times didn't last long. Before I went to bed, it crashed again. I thought there might be something wrong about the RAM. I delayed several days, and fortunately when I went to the room, I found the whole office was going to be moved. I moved the machine back to my room in a hurry. If I didn't did that, maybe there would be more days delay because I didn't have the key for the new room. Keep Reading