It seems that WordPress can find all the trackback urls in the posts and trackback them automatically, but FancyBlog can’t. I tried googling something, and then find this by ijliao. Just now, I copied the trackback_url function from WP and modified it for FancyBlog. I don’t know whether FancyBlog works correctly or not, but let’s take a try… ^^a
WordPress 似乎有個功能是可以自動搜尋文章裡的 trackback url,然後自動幫你 trackback,不過因為圓夢的Blog系統似乎沒辦法被自動trackback,所以花了點時間找資料,結果找到 ijliao 的這篇,剛剛就很高興的把 WP 的 trackback_rdf() 偷過來改一下,不知道現在這樣圓夢Blog能不能自動被 trackback 到… 試一下看看好了… ^^a
Update: The auto-discovery mechanism in wordpress seems not to fit the spec.
Tags: WordPress, Trackback, Auto Discovery, 圓夢廣場