




SV300668 SV300669 SV300670


Backpack, Sleeping Bag, and Tent

SV300634 SV300636 SV300637 SV300638

SV300639 SV300640 SV300641 SV300643

After the stove, I bought some new equipments: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a tent, and a headlight. The sleeping pad is a bonus. I totally spent about 16,000 NTD on them. As my roommate heard this last night, he almostly dropped his jaw.

I went to Chong-Shan North Road to search these equipments yesterday afternoon. There are many stores, but I just compared the prices between two of them. The first was Shan-Shui (山水). The clerk introduced them in detail, but I was stunned by the sum. My budget is about 15,000 NTD. So I left the store with an excuse of taking my girlfriend home. :p

The second store was Den-Shan-Yo (登山友). They introduced these equipments of other brands. I felt very strange why the two stores sell goods almostly different with each other?! But the sum was a little lower here.

I had to decide which I should choose. They all offered what I liked more. For example, I liked the backpack of Den-Shan-Yo, but the tent of Shan-Shui. After thinking for a long, long time, I chose the second one, although they did not give me a premium in price. (But I still got a sleeping pad. Although it cost about 150 NTD only.)

My roommate said I was too impulsive, and maybe I should consider for longer before spending so much money. I can not oppose him entirely, but after I bought my laptop last August, I became more impulsive, didn't I?



今天除了天氣冷之外,還飄著一點小雨,走在路上撐傘不是被吹得開花,不撐又覺得被雨水噴到很難過,討人厭的爛天氣。有了昨天的經驗,今天快速的就找到服務台,昨天那個可愛的小妞今天好像沒上班,不過她旁邊倒是擺了一張桌子專門辦理學生異想卡專案的,我上前把學生證交給那先生,在本子上簽個名後就拿到屬於我的異想卡啦!不過我相信他的壽命應該不會超過一年就是了… ^^a Keep Reading



早上一起吃完早餐後便往台北車站出發,不過我們太早到了,捐血車要等到十一點才開始營業,我們只好先去其他地方逛逛,順便買買文具之類的,等時間差不多到了之後,回到捐血車旁,本來以為應該會有個人在外頭招呼,沒想到所有的告示,還有要填的資料全擺在外面自行取用,我們研究了好一會兒才把資料寫好拿上車。 Keep Reading

The Higher Level Tickets


Last time I got the tickets from Hi-Life and found the lower quality of the tickets. This time I decided to go farther to Fnac in Tian-Mu to get the tickets of other concerts. Do they look better? It is the original appearance they should be. Hmm… I do like this style much more. :)


The Guavas Were Frosbitten


Hmm… The picture was not taken very well. Maybe you cannot find what's the difference. (Not the hole on the surface… ^^a)

Today I took out the guava from the refrigerator and found they were frosbitten. There was even frost in the plastic bag. The temperature is too low, isn't it?! Fortunately, it tasted not very disgusting, just a little different from before. XD. I must eat the rest of them as quickly as I can.

2006.03.11 UPDATED

SV300618 SV300620

Let’s see what’s happened in the guavas. It begins to have liquifacation necrosis from the superficial layer. The margin is not well defined. It seems the lesion does not extend into the core, but we still have to confirm this with frozen section. Before the pathological report, we can not rule out the posibility of malignance. XD

Received The Book At Last


Today, I eventually received the book I ordered in the Spring Festival. Why was it delayed so long? (about ONE MONTH!!!) Let me tell you.

I noticed this book on the newspaper and decided to order it online, so I tried the service of Findbook.tw and found the price which Soidea supplies was the lowest, and the most important is, I don't need to pay the postage if I choose convenient-store-transportation. It's important for me, because if I order books from Eslite and want to save the postage, the bill needs to exceed 1,000 NTD. Therefore, I ordered it and wanted Soidea to send it to the FamilyMart in my school.

After I went back to school and several days passed, the status of the order was still ON TRANSPORTATION. And one day, it changed to CANCELLED. I didn't know what's happened and after a while, I received an email telling me that the order had been cancelled and they'll refund me the money. I thought maybe I forgot to take the good and the notification email was marked as spam. So, I ordered it again and decided to check the order everyday.



The status still was ON TRANSPORTATION several days later, and one day, it changed to CANCELLED again. I didn't receive any notification email or message as before. I got angry, because I didn't do anything wrong. I called the service and argued with them. It said maybe there’s something wrong between the transportation company and the FamilyMart in my school. I didn't think it is a good excuse, but I had no choice. Originally I'd like to buy it from another bookstore, but I found no one cheaper than Soidea. I ordered it for the third time, but this time, I changed the good-taking point to another convenient store.

Finally I received the notification message and took the book today. Although it seems that I have no time to read it now, I still feel happy for spending less money to buy it. However, is the time I totally spent worth nothing?

My Headphone Broke Off


Just now, my roommate came back. At that time, I was listening to music with my speakers. As he sat in front of his desk, I habitually turned them off and put on my headphone. At the moment, it BROKE OFF. Oh… Although it still sounds, it no longer fits the shape of my head, unless I try to stick the two parts together. Maybe I have to find a POWERFUL glue to fix it tomorrow.


2006.03.11 UPDATED: Haha… I bought a bottle of SUPER GLUE today, and just now, I stuck the two parts together. But I incautiously dropped some glue on my finger. Hope the skin will be ok, and also, hope the headphone will be firmer than before. (Because I smeared a lot of glue onto the junction. :p)

Get Tickets From Hi-Life


I decided to listen to a concert and ordered the tickets on the internet. There are many methods to get the tickets, including going to the wicket directly, sent by mail (but I have to pay the postage.), and the most convenient, getting from Hi-Life.

I went to the Hi-Life in VGHTPE at first, but unfortunately, the ticket machine seemed broken. (using M$'s sucking system…) So I went to another near the Holiday in Shipai.

The machine is user-friendly. I just pressed several keys and then got the tickets from the counter. The worst thing I thought was I had to enter my credit card's numbers. But I didn't feel satisfied with the quality of the tickets. The paper they use is some kind like the one a fax uses. The printing ink seems not having quality, hence the tickets seem unworthy of collecting.

Although it’s very convenient to get tickets from Hi-Life, I don't think I'll use the service in the future, because the quality of the ticket is more important, isn't it?

Handout of Hospital Management


I printed the handout of Hospital Management for the class, totally 108 copies. There are 73 pages per copy, and they were double-page printed. Therefore, totally there are 37 x 108 = 3996 sheets on my desk now!!! But it’s not the most miserable thing. I have to move them to the classroom in the rain in about 10 minutes later. Oh… Thanks to duckling for his promise of gaving me a HAND.