


SV300013 SV300015

SV303015 SV303016



To Watch A Modern Dance Show


One day, when I walked through the CKS MRT station, I saw an advertisement of Compagnie Marie Chouinard. I've been thinking of watching a dance show for a long time, but the famous Cloud Gate doesn't have any show when I have free time. For another reason, the subject of this show is bODY_rEMIX/gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS. I guess they will use Bach's Goldberg Variation as the background music, which is more familiar than the dance itself to me. Maybe when I feel bored, I can just close my eyes and listen to the music. XD

Anyway, the date is just the next day I come back from Jia-Ming Lake. Hope I won't be too tired and enjoy my first watching of a dance show.



今天學校幫我們安排了近醫院前的體檢,等時間差不多到的時候,便把資料表填一填,帶著忐忑不安(?)的心前往體檢的地點,路上還遇到幾個班上同學,沒想到我算是動作慢的呢! Keep Reading

Health Examination

This afternoon, I had a health examination for the upcoming Clerk training. The whole process went smoothly, checking my height, weight, optometric assessment, and the blood pressure. My blood pressure seems not very well, 128/78, a little bit high. The heart rate is also a little high. Maybe it means I have to start exercising from now on, if I don't want to have cardiovascular diseases when I get older.

Then, I was asked to have my urine sample. Fortunately I didn't go to the toilet before the examination. It seemed that there were so many people did not have any desire to micturate and drank a lot of water outside the toilet. XD

After giving back the urine sample, I was asked to have a venous puncture. I've had few experience of venous puncturing. Every time I see a needle I feel scared. T_T

The interesting part is taking a chest X-ray. Because of the digital technology, I could see the result right after taking the picture. But I was a little stunned when seeing my CXR, I didn't know how to approach it. How can a 5-grade medical student be unable to interpret a ought-to-be normal CXR!! The technician and I discussed for a while and he pointed out some lesions (?) to me, one calcification in the left lower lung field and the other in the right lower lung field. And also, I have scoliosis.

Wow… I haven't ever expected that I have scoliosis. It was too astonishing. But my roommate said that there are too many things in the world out of your expectation. Hmm… Since it doesn't cause any symptom, all I can do is to accept it. =.=a

The Egg Rolls From Twelve

Egg Roll

Twelve is my partner of Academic Affairs. We take charge of Gy/Ob, Nuclear Medicine, and Hospital Management. Last week, when we were having the final exam of Hospital Management, she gave me this pack of egg rolls for thanking me helping her in the academic affairs. I felt very embarrassed and told her not to be so ceremonious. But it was ungracious not to accept her gift. ^^a

Anyway, thanks Twelve. They are very delicious and save me much time in buying several breakfasts and night snacks. :p


好久之前就約了這次的臨床導生聚,雖說之前和王老師的導生聚也是在法樂琪,(日記沒補… >_<),不過還是很期待今天跟顏V相約法樂琪。

不過一開始老柏、阿祖、宗杰和我有點緊張,因為沒有老師的聯絡方式,而且法樂琪沒有老師的定位紀錄,到時候要是等無人就哭了。幸好過了一陣子老師就出現了。 Keep Reading



今天是子鈞邀的音樂會,說是長笛的,原本以為可能像之前一樣是台灣音樂家自己辦的獨奏會,沒想到看到票以後才知道竟然是國際長笛藝術節的其中一場,而且還是來頭不小的艾特肯 (Aitken,雖然我之前沒聽過… :p),總之免費聽一場音樂會也是爽啦~反正暫時也沒有考試的壓力。 Keep Reading

Cannot Fly Into Your Sky (飛不到你的天)

The first time I heard this song was at the concert of Chubby. In fact, it didn't move me very much at that time. But after I suffered something recently, I do really think the lyrics are very beautiful. They fit with my mind. I also tried to play the guitar accompanying my singing, but I am not very well practiced so far. Maybe someday I can record it and put it on the podcast.

飛不到你的天 (Cannot Fly Into Your Sky)

作詞 (lyrics):陳灝 (Chen, Hao) 作曲 (Melody):陳灝 (Chen, Hao)

我們的路已走得好遠 再也看不見藍藍的天
We've had walked together so far, but cannot see the blue sky anymore.
你愛笑的臉從來不改變 忘了我們相識的從前
Your smiling face has naver changed, but forget the past we got known each other.
或許我們已沒有明天 或許你飄泊一如從前
Maybe we have no tomorrow. Maybe you drift as before.
我愛哭的臉是否能改變 當誓言又滑過我耳邊
Can my crying face be changed? When the promises glide through my ears.

風吹痛我為你流著淚的眼 是否它知我的心已倦
The wind blows, hurts my tearing eyes for you. Does it know that my heart is tired?
風吹過我沉默的眼底 輕輕訴說我們終究要分離
The wind blows through my silent eye ground, telling that we've had to leave each other after all.
如此愛你卻又飛不到你的天 當所有感覺都已走遠
I love you so much, but I cannot fly into your sky. When all the feelings have gone far away.
Wish I still can hold the spring time.

彈撥藝術節之二 琵琶大師喜相逢


不過我時間似乎有點估錯,快速的吃完晚餐,搭上捷運,趕到中山堂時剛好七點半,就在服務人員準備把大門關上的前一刻衝進場,也幸好趕上,不然錯過了劉德海的第一首曲子,應該會很怨歎吧!不過因為太晚入場的關係,前半場只好坐在後面,雖然說離我原先買的位置也沒差太遠啦!^^a Keep Reading