婦科 – 瘋狂上刀中
離開超悠閒的核醫,又回到臨床的婦產科,心中有些惶恐,深怕自己已經忘記怎麼接病人,怎麼與病人互動。因為是下半月才過去,沒參加到 orientation,找了阿祖幫我簡介一番,但心中還是不免緊張。
One Year Had Passed
Its hard for me to recall that the day, March 29th, one year ago, I was trying to deny, to escape, to hold my tears. Something affecting me so much had just happened to me. I held my little bedquilt covering my face, trying to wipe and hide tears on my face, trying to concentrate on the co-notes which were the content of tomorrows exam. But I couldnt, really…
BBS 與 Blog 何者勝出?
前一陣子看了一些討論 BBS 與 Blog 關聯性的文章,雖然自己沒辦法發表什麼有建設性的看法,但的確勾起了自己一些回憶,或許好好整理一下自己的思緒也不錯。