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自架 Misskey instance 拿回資料自主權

最近 Elon Musk 把 Twitter 買下來後,好像亂搞了一陣,隨意大砍員工亂關門之類的,Twitter 上一片風聲鶴唳,覺得遲早會被他玩到倒掉,掀起最新一波逃難潮,至於逃到哪呢?最知名的就是 Mastodon 這種聯邦式的 microblog 服務。

早在幾年前就已經有註冊過 這個 g0v 台灣人社群自架、感覺相對有規模和保障的的帳號,最近也開始比較活躍地使用。不過只要是資料在人手裡,總是沒辦法確保站點會不會倒掉,多年經營付諸流水。就像 blog 要自架一樣,認真考慮起自架一個 microblog 服務。

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經營一個醫學影像資訊網站這樣的念頭其實放在心裡也一年多了,當初買下 這個 domain 時,一直想拿它來做一些事,但因為開始接總醫師工作,事情一多一雜,就這麼一直擱著,直到前一陣子又收到 domain 的續繳通知,才又想起這件事,趁著現在剛考完專科,換工作前比較有空檔,就開始試試看吧!

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再開 VPS 生活 – 搬家到 Linode

除了幾年前在當 intern 時,因為沒有環境可以架站,所以用了幾年的 virtual private server (VPS),後來開始工作,家裡有網路後,又在家裡弄了台主機。

前幾年去參加 MOPCON 時,知道了雲高這個機房在高雄的公司,雖然很想支持台灣在地企業,但自己用不到那個量,價格也稍高了些(300 NTD/month)。後來 Amazon 推出 Lightsail 攪亂一池 VPS 春水後,又再度升起想搬家的念頭,而臨門一腳的是看到一位醫學資料處理高手 Gbanyan 的轉 GCP 心得,便開始 survey 一些可行的方案。

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要突破這些限制最簡單的方式就是 — 付錢,但以目前的付費 VIP,即使最便宜(仍然有不少限制)的 $499/year,依舊超乎預算。

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冼鏡光老師部落格的 Feed

有在看攝影 blog 的人可能會知道一個人 – 冼鏡光,他在 DCView 有個 blog,裡頭介紹了許多老相機、老鏡頭,還有攝影相關的知識、常識,要定期的 follow 它最簡單的方式就是透過 feed,但無奈的是 DCView 提供的 feed 卻有個怪問題:一直在更改文章的 url,這樣會導致 google reader 一直認為有新文章,所以用 Y! Pipes 改寫了一下。

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紀念 – 上 Flickr Blog

今天意外的在 Flickr Blog 中文版上看到自己的照片,主題是一個多禮拜前的春吶,雖然跟上了 Explore 還差很遠,但照片被挑出來也是件令人興奮的事!



讓 Blog 圖片等比例縮小

一直都有在看一個攝影家的 blog — 大喇叭沒誠意的馬後砲,裡面會有一些 demo 的照片可供參考,不過有個問題是該作者很喜歡用大圖片來展示,我可以了解在大螢幕上看大圖的爽度,但對我們這種小螢幕的使用者來說就不是這麼舒服。

版面為了維持 100% 的寬度,(也就是說螢幕解析度是 1024px 寬,版面就是 1024px,螢幕 1440px,版面就 1440px),所以在大螢幕上可以完全容納的大圖,在小螢幕上,圖片就會被縮小。 Keep Reading

Permalink 真難搞

最近 wordpress 改版讓我又搞電腦搞了好一陣子,每大升級一次就要陣痛一次,不過不升級似乎也不太行,這是用軟體一件很無奈的事。

WordPress 2.5 改變很大的部份是後台,這個我沒什麼特別感想,一開始會覺得過一陣子後應該就會慢慢適應吧!影響最大的是連對 permalink 的處理都改了! Keep Reading

Use UrMap API in YMChmusic’s Blog

UrMap Logo
Using With Permission From UrMap.
Copyrighted by UrMap.

UrMap is a web service which is just alike Google Maps and can show the map online. Besides these, it’s featured in the detailed street information and high-resolution satellite images of Taiwan, where I live. The API had been released for several days, but at first, I wasn’t very interested in it. After reading this post, I thought it may be fun to use the API displaying the address of some activities. Therefore, I tried it in the YMChmusic’s Blog.

But, WordPress has a feature that will add paragraph tags automatically to the content. When I tried to use javascript in the content, it didn’t work. The auto-paragraph mechanism is activated in the core of WordPress, and I couldn’t find any option to deactivate it. So, I gave it up.

Today, during the rest at noon, I tried again to search the documents of WordPress and found how to use javascript in the content. I had to install a plugin called Text Control, which can control the formatting behavior for a single post or globally. And then, I inserted the code into the post I’d like to show a map. Wow, I succeeded. Thanks, Jeff.

The second problem was that I had to find out the longitude and latitude of the place I wanted to display. The problem was resolved by a greasemonkey script called UrMap Plus 2.0. It can hybridize UrMap with Google Maps, and the most important is, the longitude and latitude information will be displayed. Thanks, CK.

With these two tools, I can show the map. But because the place I marked is a little remote, Map Mode doesn’t indicate it, although it’s very clear in the satellite image. Therefore, I’d like to change the default mode to Hybrid Mode, but there’s no documentation about this. The final method is to hack the source code, and fortunately I found a function called setMapType which is what I wanted. Thanks, myself. XD

Ok, this is the first time I use APIs. Maybe someday when I have more free time, I can investigate other APIs, such as Flickr’s and Google’s. It may be more fun. ^^

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