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閃靈王朝 – 搖滾夢?


這樣的書似乎本來就可以快速的翻閱,同樣是四月買的書,直到昨天才第一次打開它,而今天就看完了。當初會買下它的原因沒有第二,就只是因為閃靈。 Keep Reading

匠心獨具 – 名琴的迷思


小提琴是我第一個真心喜愛的樂器,自從聽過它的聲音,看過演奏家的優雅身段,內心就深受吸引,它也成為我第一個主動學習的樂器。上過幾堂課後,對這個樂器的構造只有一點概念,但慢慢可以欣賞背板虎紋、F 孔線條、琴頭螺旋彎曲之美,甚至曾幻想過做一把自己的琴,不過一切的欣賞基本上出於直覺,並沒有太多基礎知識在理頭。

前幾年就曾經看過書店裡有精美的小提琴書籍,包括名琴的歷史等等資料,但價格不菲,難以讓我像購買電子產品般豪邁的出手,而兩個月前逛誠品時,意外發現這本「匠心獨具-史特拉第瓦里與琴的傳奇故事」,雖然多是文字為主,但價格可以接受,當場便帶了回家。 Keep Reading

秦腔 – 我們的鄉土



二胡有一首曲子叫做「秦腔主題隨想曲」,記得是初三的時候老師叫我練的,其實我對秦腔這種音樂一點都不了解,當初也只是覺得「秦腔」很好聽,而在書店裡看到這兩個火紅的大字,不被吸引都難。 Keep Reading

A Lesson From PageOne

Original Author: Fishbowl@Flickr.
License: CC-by-nc-nd 2.0.

I went to Computex Taipei 2006 with rin1999 today, and before we went back to school, we went to PageOne and Eslite bookstores. I bought 3 books at PageOne, two are in Simplified Chinese, and the other is Harry Potter 6. The price of Harry Potter is 439 NTD, and the original price is 7.99 GBP. Because the currency conversion is favorable for me, I picked it up. But when I found the price at Eslite is 100+ NTD lower, I was about to be crazy. Why did I not check the price on the internet first? The excess money could bring me a delicious meal. Originally, I'd like to go back and exchange it with another book, but I was too tired to walk back. Fine, it did give me a lesson.

Harry Potter 4: Novel vs. Movie

I eventually had read through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (ISBN: 0747550999) a few days ago, (Hu… it took me about half of the winter vacation…), and on the same day, I also saw the movie. I remembered the story so clearly when I was seeing the movie. Although it may be a bit boring if I saw the movie just after reading through the novel, I can obviously find the deficiency in the movie. Keep Reading

回家 + 回台北

或許很多人會覺得很怪, 為什麼我挑在大年初二又跑回台北, 距上次回家到今天, 應該是五天吧~~ 嗯…算蠻久了, 好久沒有窩在自己的房間裡這麼久時間過…

回家之前, 先跑到圖書館借了幾本書, 以免家裡沒啥消遣, 回家的這幾天裡, 也很幸運了看完了八成, 剩下一些, 留著這幾天圖書館還沒開的日子裡,再來好好研究….(雖然說坐在書桌前看, 似乎沒什麼效率….) Keep Reading

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