早上開始, 又是一整天的團練時間, 每天這樣操下來, 晚上還要叫我參加組練或是分校的練習, 實在是件痛苦事, 所以晚餐後我便跟子倫拿了寢室鑰匙, 抱著筆電到圖書館去報到了.
To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
Last night, I came back from my around-island travel, and my mobile phone got broken while in the trip because of typhoon. It’s very inconvenient for me to call someone or recieve a phone call. Although it made me not bothered by some little things, I needed to pay more on the telephone cards. As I came back to my dorm, I decided to buy some SkypeOut to save my money.
In July, there were several Free SkypeOut Days, and I tried to use them several times. The quality of communication is good enough for me. (Better then MSN Messenger talking). And the most important is the global rate of SkypeOut in Taiwan is cheaper then cross-county phone call. (But still more expensive then mobile phone call. >_< ).
After login to their web page, I needed to comfirm some of my personal information. Then, I chose Paypal as the way buying SkypeOut. It’s also the first time I use Paypal. They are very effective to deal with my order, and in about 30 minutes, I could start to use.
Of course, the first phone call was to Kilo, and last night I called my home and my brother, too. Totally, I spent about 2 Euro. Oh… if I will spend 10 Euro (about 400 NTD) in about one week, it
won’t save me money!
Hope I get my new mobile phone quickly.
早上起床後, 把昨天原本預定要當晚餐的曾記麻薯吃了當早餐, 收拾好行李準備出發時, 已經九點多了. 因為昨天晚上沒有買到紅粟米麻薯, 有點不甘心, 早上先沿著海邊, 走到阿美的總公司去.
那也是家蠻大的店, 看起來有點像休息站, 外頭還停了很多遊覽車. 進去後我先上到二樓參觀工廠製作過程還有牆上的圖文解說, 順便還蓋了一堆章, 就像小朋友那樣… :p 樓下是販賣部門, 不過我想找的只有紅粟米麻薯而已, 一直走到櫃檯前, 有幾個工作人員正在包裝手工麻薯, 看起來跟曾記的差不多, 問了一下才發現, 原來紅粟米的沒有在現作, 最後我只好買了兩合包裝好的, 一盒給彥超, 一盒自己留著吃. 還買了一個麻薯冰淇淋, 和幾個手工麻薯, 準備中午帶上太魯閣吃.