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Start Watching "The White Tower"

Thanks Alcoholic for lending me the DVD.

Although I got this nearly a month ago, I still couldn’t get interest in watching it on weekdays. But after the Keroro episodes had been all watched, I have to switch to this more valuable TV drama, The White Tower.

The story is about a university hospital and the intrigue between several doctors. One of the leading actor, Goro Zaizen (ja), who is a young surgery, sly and he always does things unscrupulously to reach his goals. Another leading actor, Shuji Satomi (ja), who is a physician, has ideals about the relationship between the doctors and the patients. He is a good man, but seems not match to the environment. (Huuu…. It’s so hard for me to describe someone in English… >_<)

Sometimes there are scenes of operation rooms. Maybe because I’m a medical student, I felt it goes into my mind so deeply, especially after the experimental surgery courses (zh-TW) last month. I’ve just watched two episodes. Maybe during the period I watch through all 21 episodes, I’ll be moved by some stories of the drama.

Tags: Diary, Drama

Congratulations, Kilo!

Yesterday, Kilo and her family went southly to Changhua for her application of the first-year resident of the ophthalmology department in Changhua Christian Hospital. The interview is today, and I got her call nearly at noon. She said she’s enrolled, 2 out of 8, but they asked her to sign a contract to ensure that she won’t cheat them.

I thought she’ll be enrolled before she went, but after hearing about this, I still felt so happy. Some for her and some for myself. For her, at least, she won’t get unemployed from now on. For me, If she needs to work there, I’ll have no trouble back at home. I can choose VGHTC, or even VGHKS for my intern training.

Hmmm… Maybe today is a turning point for both of our lives.



把機車停在系辦前,其實還蠻擔心會被開單的,所以快速的檢視了一下一樓的大門,當然是鎖著,後來想說之前好像曾經從二樓溜進去護理館過,於是從旁邊的樓梯往上爬,想找到半掩的大門,不過一直找到四樓,大門總是深鎖。繞過四樓的出入口,當然也是鎖著的,本來已經打算放棄了,不過從另一側繞下去時不小心看到一個小門,呼… 裡頭似乎有人在做實驗之類的,因為我帶有點偷雞摸狗的心態,(還穿著拖鞋),所以在門外遲疑了一陣,也看到一兩個人在走動。 Keep Reading



正好可以討論一下醫學快紀的事,更增加了此行的意義。不過前一晚不知道是咖啡還是茶的效果,一直到很晚都睡不著,結果今天中午睡到十二點才起床,沒想到最後居然得遲到了。 Keep Reading


可能是下午睡太多, 再加上晚餐喝了一杯咖啡, 現在一點睡意也沒, 就來打個日記好了.

下午睡醒了之後, 也差不多是要去參加加袍典禮的時間了, 走到上面的全家買個麵包, 便直接走下去活動中心, 坐在一旁把麵包解決, 慢慢的找到崩黑和藍彣烜,最後等大一學弟先到他另外一個家族去回來後, 我們才進入會場, 因為之前的公告是如果要參加抽獎, 要先全員到櫃檯報到, 我們也去報到了, 抱著一點點小希望可以吃到一頓大餐… ^^a Keep Reading

Intern Training in Kaohsiung VGH

Tonight, we had a instruction meeting about the difference of intern training between three veteran general hospitals. When I was younger, I preferred VGHTPE than the others, but after seeing Kilo‘s intern training in VGHTPE this year, I may changed my mind.

VGHTPE is a good teaching hospital, having good teachers and the environment is more familiar for us. But the biggest problem is, you may be abused, doing something trifling, and then you’ll have no time to attend any teaching course.

After the meeting, I like VGHKS most. I don’t dislike VGHTC, but I think it’s too near to my home. :p And compare Taichung with Kaohsiung, Taichung is more familiar for me and I like to experience a more different life, especially after living in Taipei for more than 5 years.

But the chief consideration for me is where Kilo will work. She won’t apply any hospital in Kaohsiung. The farthest place from Taipei she can accept is Changhua, the Changhua Christian Hospital. If I choose VGHKS. It almostly can be said that we’ll be separated for more than one year. I don’t know what will happen if I do so.

There are still several months that I can think about this. I don’t know which is my final decision. (Maybe I’ll be unlucky that I have no choice!!!) But as time goes by, the problem will be bigger and bigger in my mind.

實驗外科 – 小豬小腸切除與吻合

早上一樣八點出頭到了實驗室, 不過由於昨天跟色仔來選豬時, 聽從了老師的建議沒有選, 以為等到今天早上選就來得及, 沒想到所有的豬都被選走了, 一開始我們還以為是不是有的組別拿錯了豬, 後來經過老師協調, 找到一隻昨天才進來的大公豬, 一量體重, 居然有 25 kg, 簡直比我們前一隻重上了一倍. 當然最後的下場是, 為了讓他手術可以安份一點, 也加了超多的麻藥… Keep Reading

Working House Gadgets

生活工廠書架 生活工廠memo夾 生活工廠memo夾
生活工廠叉子 生活工廠名片夾 生活工廠手套 生活工廠VIP卡

Today is very cold. I think it is the coldest time since this winter begins. (It’s now 13 degrees centigrade outside, by the Forecastfox. o_O|||) When I went out for dinner, I felt my fingers numb with cold while riding my motorcycle. At that time, I decided to buy a pair of gloves at Working House.

The price tag shows $250, a little expensive for me. But when I went to the counter to pay, I saw a notice says, “If you buy more than $500, you can get a lifelong VIP card.” It attracted me a lot, and then I tried to find more things to reach a total of $500.

After searching for about 45 minutes, (I’m so hesitant in buying things… ^^a), I bought a pair of bookshelves, two memo pickers, a fork, a cards collector, and the original thing I need, a pair of gloves. And the VIP card. But it seems not the card I thought. Hmm… There is a feeling of being cheated… >_<



大概挑了45分鐘左右吧!(我買東西實在很龜毛… ^^a),結果我買了手套,兩個夾便條的,一支叉子,卡片夾,還有原本要買的手套。結果我也拿到VIP會員卡了,不過跟我原先想的好像不太一樣?!嗯… 怎麼有種被騙的感覺… >_<



其實今天剛好是縣市長三合一選舉,雖然上個禮拜已經回家過了,不過還是有在考慮是不是要再回去一趟,順便投個票,不過後來昀毅說他也會去出遊,所以我還是決定去了。可惜葆如最近處於瘋狂 apply 和值班,就沒辦法跟大家一起出遊了。 Keep Reading

實驗外科 – 小豬營養補充 & 傷口清創縫合

前幾天看到同學們紛紛在討論自己組上的小豬傷口繃開, 讓我也為自己的小豬擔心了一下, 不過礙於時間的緣故, 沒有辦法來檢查, 不過只記得每天來打抗生素和餵食的時候倒是沒有明顯發現傷口的問題, 這裡倒是扯到另一個令我們擔心的問題, 自從禮拜二開完脾臟後, 小豬就開始不吃飼料, 只喝水, 第一天還喝到猛吐胃酸, 第二天, 到今天是第三天似乎都是這樣, 瘦到只剩下皮包骨, 不過詭異的是它倒還蠻有活力的, 尤其很喜歡把裝水或是裝飼料的盒子打翻, 不知道在爽什麼?! Keep Reading