Working House Gadgets

生活工廠書架 生活工廠memo夾 生活工廠memo夾
生活工廠叉子 生活工廠名片夾 生活工廠手套 生活工廠VIP卡

Today is very cold. I think it is the coldest time since this winter begins. (It’s now 13 degrees centigrade outside, by the Forecastfox. o_O|||) When I went out for dinner, I felt my fingers numb with cold while riding my motorcycle. At that time, I decided to buy a pair of gloves at Working House.

The price tag shows $250, a little expensive for me. But when I went to the counter to pay, I saw a notice says, “If you buy more than $500, you can get a lifelong VIP card.” It attracted me a lot, and then I tried to find more things to reach a total of $500.

After searching for about 45 minutes, (I’m so hesitant in buying things… ^^a), I bought a pair of bookshelves, two memo pickers, a fork, a cards collector, and the original thing I need, a pair of gloves. And the VIP card. But it seems not the card I thought. Hmm… There is a feeling of being cheated… >_<



大概挑了45分鐘左右吧!(我買東西實在很龜毛… ^^a),結果我買了手套,兩個夾便條的,一支叉子,卡片夾,還有原本要買的手套。結果我也拿到VIP會員卡了,不過跟我原先想的好像不太一樣?!嗯… 怎麼有種被騙的感覺… >_<

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