早上吃了飯店提供的早餐後, 還是冒著雨出發, 先到清大交大看看, 可惜雨下得大, 找不到什麼機會照相, 所以就沒有相片了, 不過其實也不急, 反正兩個禮拜後還會再過來新竹, 到時候再好好照就好了. :p
My New HP Compaq nc4200
I had been thinking of owning a laptop for a long time, and it came true today.
Today is the last day of Taipei Computer Exhibition 2005, and luckily, it doesn’t need a entrance ticket. (200 NTD is not a small amount for me.) I arrived at about 11 a.m.. There were many people already there.
I met the Asus’ stall first, but I thought their products do not fit my demands, and also a little bit expensive for me. Second, I met HP. A cheery female salespeople introduced a lot to me about their products, but the one I like most is out of stock. Although she said that she can supply the more high-level one for me with the same price, I also need to think about it more. And then, I went around watching the Toshiba, Acer, IBM (although it now should be called Lenovo). They are the 5 brands I previously considered. But I didn’t like the attitude of Toshiba’s salsemen.
Finally, it remained Acer and HP under consideration. The Acer one is wide-monitor and has more complete functions, but a little bit expensive. As I asked for the Acer one’s specification, the salesman compared it with the HP one. The company he belonged sells many brands, and he provided me with a nicer price of the HP one I previously wanted.
I was confused that why are there so many different prices, which depend on different stores?
At last, I chose the HP one mainly because of its price. It’s embarrassed for me to buy a expensive laptop, which is not for a essential use. In fact, I broke the rule I’d maintained for many years – earning my life on my own. After buying motorcycle, there are not enough money in my account to buy a laptop. But I think I won’t get a job of private teaching until I become a intern, when I’ll have salary. And during the period, I need a laptop more then my intern period. So I decided to borrow some from my mother. I’ll give it back more in the furure.
After buying that, I was so excited that I didn’t feel hungry at noon. In the afternoon and evening, I prepared the working environment of the laptop. I think it must be useful in August, when I’ll go around Taiwan and participate a Chinese orchestra practice.
Before the end, there are 2 pictures of my laptop, and the other is about my new camera stand. It helped me to take picture of them. (Because it’s not light enough, so that it needs a slower shutter.)
Wish me having a nice experience with it.
A Bad News About Turbo
On the way back home from Liu-Ying, I heard a bad news about my classmates turbo and pp. They separated while we were having the final exams.
I was so shocked as hearing this. They seemed very well in the school and I don’t even hear that they had any arguments. Although their parents don’t like each other, that’s a old news many years ago. I think they will finally overcome the problem all the time. At last, they still separated. ‘They are not match each other in many fields.’ said Chang-Guei (章桂). I don’t know the status of their interaction, so I can’t say anything. I’m a little sad hearing this.
But there are still something nice heard recently. Chang-Guei got in love with Yuan-Chun (遠均) also at the final-exam period. It is amazing for me. I don’t know that they do something together and don’t think they will be with each other. Anyway, bless them having a happy life. Jie-Yang (傑陽) is also be with a junior school syster. I am still confused about the reason of the separation of he and Shin Dung (董欣), but wish they both can find their own happiness. (Jie-Yang does, and Shin-Dung… Hehe, it is said that there are so many of my classmates are willing to do anything for her. :p)
During the Clerk training, I had heard so many interesting things I don’t know. Maybe living in the First Boy Dorm separates me from my classmates so much and so long. It may be the chief shortcoming of the First Boy Dorm.
In Chi-Mei Hospital
I came to Chi-Mei Hospital for clerk training last Tuesday, and we will finish at this Saturday with a Suture Training Camp. I’m now in the common room for doctors. This is the second time I come here, and I think this may be the last time, because we’ll go to Liu-Yin for 2 days.
In ER, we, all 9 people, seperated into 2 groups. One work during 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and the other during 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.. But this evening, the vice president invite all the interns and clerks to a dinner party, so there is no one can go working during the second period. We seperated the first period into two again, and after lunch, I can have a free afternoon. That is why I’m here.
It is very nice to study here. All the residents here took care of us very much. And the most important is that I see a new working attitude and team-working style that are different from VGHTPE. I realized the importance of outward intern training. It gives us chances to see outer world, and I will not restrict ourselves just in one place. And here, we have many chances to do some procedures. I really like here, and I must not forget the days here and take it in my mind for a long time.
The articles below are the diaries of these days: (they are in Chinese)
- 2005.07.19 The First Day In Chi-Mei
- 2005.07.20 The First Day In ER
- 2005.07.21 The Early Night Working
- 2005.07.22 Sonography
- 2005.07.25 Scaring Chest Tube
- 2005.07.26 Abdominal Tapping
- 2005.07.27 Dinner Party For Interns And Clerks
- 2005.07.28 Liu-Ying Chi-Mei Hospital, Part I
- 2005.07.29 Liu-Ying Chi-Mei Hospital, Part II