台灣真機車 – 台北桃園

早上七點出發, 從百齡橋到三重, 不過找不到路到新莊, 又騎回來. =.= 後來從台北橋到三重, 再到新莊, 跑到輔大去逛逛, 校園裡沒什麼人, 也有不少地方在施工, (陽明也是 XD), 可能各級學校都要利用暑假加緊趕工吧! 走進最裡頭的醫學院, 沒有什麼特別的, 其實輔大感覺也不大啦~ 後來想在校園裡休息一會兒, 找了張樹蔭下的桌子, 拿出筆電, 搜尋一下無線網路, 發現還有不少, 只可惜好像都不能用, 不然就有趣了. Keep Reading

My New HP Compaq nc4200

I had been thinking of owning a laptop for a long time, and it came true today.

Today is the last day of Taipei Computer Exhibition 2005, and luckily, it doesn’t need a entrance ticket. (200 NTD is not a small amount for me.) I arrived at about 11 a.m.. There were many people already there.

I met the Asus’ stall first, but I thought their products do not fit my demands, and also a little bit expensive for me. Second, I met HP. A cheery female salespeople introduced a lot to me about their products, but the one I like most is out of stock. Although she said that she can supply the more high-level one for me with the same price, I also need to think about it more. And then, I went around watching the Toshiba, Acer, IBM (although it now should be called Lenovo). They are the 5 brands I previously considered. But I didn’t like the attitude of Toshiba’s salsemen.

Finally, it remained Acer and HP under consideration. The Acer one is wide-monitor and has more complete functions, but a little bit expensive. As I asked for the Acer one’s specification, the salesman compared it with the HP one. The company he belonged sells many brands, and he provided me with a nicer price of the HP one I previously wanted.

I was confused that why are there so many different prices, which depend on different stores?

At last, I chose the HP one mainly because of its price. It’s embarrassed for me to buy a expensive laptop, which is not for a essential use. In fact, I broke the rule I’d maintained for many years – earning my life on my own. After buying motorcycle, there are not enough money in my account to buy a laptop. But I think I won’t get a job of private teaching until I become a intern, when I’ll have salary. And during the period, I need a laptop more then my intern period. So I decided to borrow some from my mother. I’ll give it back more in the furure.

After buying that, I was so excited that I didn’t feel hungry at noon. In the afternoon and evening, I prepared the working environment of the laptop. I think it must be useful in August, when I’ll go around Taiwan and participate a Chinese orchestra practice.

Before the end, there are 2 pictures of my laptop, and the other is about my new camera stand. It helped me to take picture of them. (Because it’s not light enough, so that it needs a slower shutter.)

我的新玩具 - HP NC4200
▲【我的新玩具 – HP NC4200】



Wish me having a nice experience with it.

A Bad News About Turbo

On the way back home from Liu-Ying, I heard a bad news about my classmates turbo and pp. They separated while we were having the final exams.

I was so shocked as hearing this. They seemed very well in the school and I don’t even hear that they had any arguments. Although their parents don’t like each other, that’s a old news many years ago. I think they will finally overcome the problem all the time. At last, they still separated. ‘They are not match each other in many fields.’ said Chang-Guei (章桂). I don’t know the status of their interaction, so I can’t say anything. I’m a little sad hearing this.

But there are still something nice heard recently. Chang-Guei got in love with Yuan-Chun (遠均) also at the final-exam period. It is amazing for me. I don’t know that they do something together and don’t think they will be with each other. Anyway, bless them having a happy life. Jie-Yang (傑陽) is also be with a junior school syster. I am still confused about the reason of the separation of he and Shin Dung (董欣), but wish they both can find their own happiness. (Jie-Yang does, and Shin-Dung… Hehe, it is said that there are so many of my classmates are willing to do anything for her. :p)

During the Clerk training, I had heard so many interesting things I don’t know. Maybe living in the First Boy Dorm separates me from my classmates so much and so long. It may be the chief shortcoming of the First Boy Dorm.

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辦完離職後, 打算利用下午和晚上把台南繞一繞, 無奈下午三點多卻下起大雨,我只好枯守在電腦前發呆, 一直等到五點多雨停了才搭上火車到台南. 先把弟弟找出來吃頓晚飯, 順便把他的筆電還給他, 最近用了他的筆電, 感覺實在是越來越想買, 太方便了. 吃完飯兼「教訓」他一頓後, (每次我遇到他都會一直說教… XD)借了車往安平的方向騎. Keep Reading

柳營 II

第二天的行程跟昨天差不多, 聽演講, 在急診討論室發呆, 不過今天的行程只到中午就結束了, 我們便搭火車回永康院區. 不過當車到了大橋車站後, 小羅, 土撥, 文修一起走, 文修出了車門後忽然發現自己的雨傘忘在車上, 便急急忙忙的衝上火車搶救, 當他準備要再衝下來時, 火車門就這麼硬生生的關了, 在一旁的兩人,看得都笑翻了, 只好一手捧著肚子, 一手跟趴在車窗上無辜的文修揮手說掰掰. XD Keep Reading


奇美醫院在去年成立了柳營分院, 因此也為我們安排了參觀行程, 除了第二天下午要回永康院區辦離職之外, 其他的時間都是待在柳營.

早上我們先在大橋車站集合, 一行二十來個 (加上慈濟的人馬) 浩浩蕩蕩的擠上上班尖峰時間的電聯車. 因為當天早上我和文修都差點睡過頭, 在車上幾乎都是在吃早餐, 很巧的是車開到新市時, 正巧遇到鄭傑陽要上車, 沒想到我們搭的是同一班車過去. Keep Reading

In Chi-Mei Hospital

I came to Chi-Mei Hospital for clerk training last Tuesday, and we will finish at this Saturday with a Suture Training Camp. I’m now in the common room for doctors. This is the second time I come here, and I think this may be the last time, because we’ll go to Liu-Yin for 2 days.

In ER, we, all 9 people, seperated into 2 groups. One work during 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and the other during 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.. But this evening, the vice president invite all the interns and clerks to a dinner party, so there is no one can go working during the second period. We seperated the first period into two again, and after lunch, I can have a free afternoon. That is why I’m here.

It is very nice to study here. All the residents here took care of us very much. And the most important is that I see a new working attitude and team-working style that are different from VGHTPE. I realized the importance of outward intern training. It gives us chances to see outer world, and I will not restrict ourselves just in one place. And here, we have many chances to do some procedures. I really like here, and I must not forget the days here and take it in my mind for a long time.

The articles below are the diaries of these days: (they are in Chinese)


因為今天晚上奇美副院長請全院的 intern, clerk 吃飯, 所以我們把急診白班切成兩段, 我排到的是早上到中午, 沒有什麼特別的 case, 下午就到第一天報到的電腦教室去上網, 吹著冷氣, 用著還算不錯的網路, (至少比宿舍的品質好很多…)感覺還蠻悠哉的.

晚上是在一家叫做滿粵的餐廳吃, 離奇美有一小段距離, 原本打算走路過去,後來剛好飛哥的車載得下, 便一起過去. 下午聽大家討論, 以為是吃合菜之類的餐廳, 心裡有點小失望, 進去後發現是 baffe, 真讓我開心, 看到章桂跟傑陽在一旁跟我招手, 便過去和他們一桌. Keep Reading

Abdominal Tapping

前幾天我和胡學長遇到一個腹脹的病人, 原本要幫他抽腹水, 不過 echo 掃一掃發現量不多, 最後就沒抽. 今天下午先是遇到我在奇美的導師許建清醫師, 後來他帶著我去幫一個病人抽腹水.

那位病人的肚子脹得真的很大, 上面的 vein 看得一清二楚, 老師先用 echo掃一掃, 果然看到厚厚的一層全都是腹水, 確定避開了 liver 後, 消毒, 然後拿了一根蠻粗的針頭, 趁病人深吸一口氣的瞬間, 快速的插進去, 把針頭拉開後, 果然微黃的腹水便汩汩流出. 接上真空的空瓶後, 用個塑膠蓋子罩住針頭, 便等著腹水慢慢流完. Keep Reading


早上剛到的時候, 正好看到醫師們在交班, 心想沒見過, 便跟去看看, 從樓上的觀察區逛到樓下, 好幾十床的病人也沒花多久時間就交完了, 真不知道他們怎麼能這麼快把所有病人的狀況搞清楚. 後來林主任看到我, 便叫我跟著他查房.

主任帶著我查的時候有時會跟我解釋, 也會提醒我可以去幫他們做些什麼檢查,不過當場做的只有一個 knocking pain, 敲完後是有點 positive 的感覺, 本來以為是病人情況改善所以比較做不出來, 沒想到主任卻說我敲得太幼秀了, 喔喔…他在我身上做示範連我自己也覺得有點痛痛的了… >_< Keep Reading